Radio Broadcast (May 1927-Apr 1928)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 237 cNow AC Electric Radio v To owners of a "B" eliminator: Balkite "A" is like Balkite "AB" but for the "A" circuit only. It enables you to make an electric installation at very low cost. # 3 5 . Balkite "B" The accepted, tried and proved light socket " B " supply. One of the longest lived devices in radio. Three models, #22.50, £35, #42.50. Balkite Chargers Standard for "A" batteries. Noiseless. Can be used during reception. High rate or trickle. Three models, #17.50, #9.50, #7.50. There are special models for 2540 cycle current at slightly higher prices. Prices are higher West of the Rockies and in Canada. Without the uncertainty of untried apparatus And without any sacrifice in quality of reception Of course you want an AC electric receiver. For its convenience. Now you can have it, without the uncertainty of untried apparatus and without sacrificing quality of reception. Simply by adding Balkite Electric "AB" to your present radio set. Balkite Electric "AB" replaces both "A" and "B" batteries and supplies radio power from the light socket. It contains no battery in any form. It operates only during reception. It makes any receiver an electric set. This method makes possible the use in electric reception of standard sets and standard type tubes. Both are tried and proved, and give by far Chicago Civic Opera on the air Thursday Evenings, 10 o'clock Eastern time. Over stations WJZ, WBZ A, WBZ, KDK A, KYW, WGN, WMAQ, WBAL, WHAM, WJR, WLW, WENR. 10:30 Eastern time: WEBH, KSD, WOC, WOW, WCCO, WHO.WDAF. BALKITE HOUR Balki the clearest and truest reproduction. With this method there is no waiting for tubes to warm up. No difficulty in controlling volume. No noise. No AC hum. No crackling or fading of power. Instead the same high standard of reception to which you are accustomed. In this method there is nothing experimental, nothing untried. It consists of two of the most dependable products in radio — a standard set and Balkite. And if you should already own a radio set, the cost of equipping it with Balkite is only a fraction of the cost of a new receiver. By all means go to AC reception. Its convenience is the greatest improvement in radio. But be as critical of an AC receiver as you would of any other. That your AC receiver be a standard set equipped with Balkite Electric "AB." Then it will be as clear and faithful in reproduction as any receiver you can buy. Two models, #64.50 and #74.50. Ask your dealer. Fansteel Products Co . , Inc., North Chicago, Illinois. A ite Electric AB. ^[contains no battery1^