Radio Broadcast (May 1927-Apr 1928)

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250 RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER No. 531. KOLSTER, 8A, 8B, AND 8C Eight tubes; 4 t. r. f. (01-A). detector (01-A), 3 audio (two 01-A and one 12). One control. Volume control: rheostat on r. f. Shielded. Battery cable. C-battery connections. Model 8A uses 50 to 75 foot antenna; model 8B contains output device and uses antenna or detachable loop; Model 8C contains output device and uses antenna or built-in loop. Prices: 8A, $185; 8B, $235; 8C, $375. NO. 532. KOLSTER, 6D, 6G, AND 6H Six tubes; 3 t. r. f. (01-A), detector (01-A), 2 audio (01-A and 12). One control. Volume control: rheostat on r. f. C-battery connections. Battery cable. Antenna: 50 to 75 feet. Model 6G contains output device and built-in loud speaker; Model (>H contains built-in B power unit and loud speaker. Prices: Model 6D, $80; Model 6G, $165; Model 6H, $265. NO. 533. SIMPLEX, SR 9 AND SR 10 Five tubes; 2 t. r. f. (01-A), detector (00-A), 2 audio (01-A and 12). SR 9. three controls; SR 10, two controls. Volume control; rheostat. C-battery connections. Battery cable. Headphone connection. Prices: SR 9, table, $65; consolette. $95; console, $145. SR 10, table $70; consolette, $95; console, $145. NO. 534. SIMPLEX, SR 11 Six tubes; 3 t. r. f. (01-A), detector (00-A), 2 audio (01-A and 12). One control. Volume control: rheostat. C-battery connections. Battery cable. Antenna: 100 feet. Prices; table, $70; consolette, $95; console, $145. NO. 535. STANDARDYNE, MODEL X 27 Six tubes; 2 t. r. f. (01-A), detector (01-A), 2 audio power tubes), one control. Volume control: rheostat on r. f. C-battery connections. Binding posts. Antenna: 75 feet. Cabinet size: 9 x 9 x 19J inches. Prices: S 27, $49.50; S 950, console, with built-in loud speaker, $99.50; S 600, console with built-in loud speaker, $104.50. NO. 481. PFANSTIEHL 32 AND 322 Seven tubes: 3 t. r. f. (01-A), detector (01-A), 3 audio (01-A and 71). One dial. Plate current: 23 to 32 mA. Volume control: resistance in r. f. plate. Shielded Battery cable. C-battery connections. Output device. Antenna: outside. Panel: 17j x 8j inches. Prices: No. 32 cabinet, $145; No. 322 console, $245 including loud speaker. NO. 433. ARBORPHONE Five tubes; 2 t. r. f., detector, 2 transformer audio. All 01-A tubes. Two dials. Plate current: 16mA. Volume control: rheostat in r. f. and resistance in r. f. plate. C-battery connections. Binding posts. Antenna: taps for various lengths. Cabinet size: 24 x 9 x 10; inches. Price: $65. NO. 431. AUDIOLA 6 Six tubes; 3 t. r. f. (01-A), detector (00-A), 2 transformer audio (01-A and 71). Drum control. Plate current: 20mA. Volume control: resistance in r. f. plate Stage shielding. Battery cable. C-battery connection. Antenna: 50 to 100 feet. Cabinet size: 28| x 11 x 14J inches. Price not established. NO. 432. AUDIOLA 8 Eight tubes; 4 t. r. f. (01-A), detector (00-A), 1 transformer audio (01-A), push-pull audio (12 or 71). Bridge balanced t. r. f. Drum control. Volume control: resistance in r. f. plate. Stage shielding. Battery cable. Cbattery connections. Antenna: 10 to 100 feet. Cabinet size: 28J x 11 x 14J inches. Price not established. NO. 542 RADIOLA 16 Six tubes; 3 t. r. f. (01-A), detector (01 A), 2 transformer audio (01-A and 112). One control. C-battery connections. Battery cable. Antenna: outside. Cabinet size: 16 x8jx 7i inches. Price: $69.50 without accessories. NO. 456. RADIOLA 20 Five tubes; 2 t. r. f. (99), detector (99), 2 transformer audio (99 and 20). Balanced t. r. f. and regenerative detector. Two dials. Volume control: regenerative. Shielded. C-battery connections. Headphone connections. Antenna: 75 to 150 feet. Cabinet size: 19| x Hi x 16 inches. Price $115 including all tubes. NO. 457. RADIOLA 25 Six tubes; five type 99 and one type 20. Drum control. Super-heterodyne circuit. C-battery connections. Battery cable. Headphone connections. Antenna: loop. Set may be operated from batteries or from power mains when used with model 104 loud speaker. Price; $165 with tubes, for battery operation. Apparatus for operation of set from the power mains can be purchased separately. NO. 493. SONORA F Seven tubes; 4. t. r. f. (01-A), detector (00-A), 2 transformer audio (01-A and 71). Special balanced t. r. f. Two dials. Plate current: 45mA. Volume control: rheostat in r. f. Shielded. Battery cable. C-battery connections. Output device. Antenna: loop. Console size: 32 x 45j x 17 inches. Prices range from $350 to $450 including loop and loud speaker. NO. 494. SONORA E Six tubes; 3 t. r. f. (01-A), detector (00-A), 2 transformer audio (01-A and 71). Special balanced t. r. f. Two dials. Plate current: 35 to 40mA. Volume control: rheostat on r. f. Shielded Battery cable. C-battery connections. Antenna: outside. Cabinet size: varies, Prices: table $110; semi-console, $140; console, $240 including loud speaker. NO. 530. KOLSTER, 7A AND 7B Seven tubes; 4 t. r. f. (01-A), detector (01-A), 2 audio (01-A and 12). One control. Volume control: rheostat on r. f. Shielded. Battery cable. C-battery connections. Antenna: 50 to 75 feet. Prices: Model 7A, $125; Model 7B, with built-in loud speaker, $140. NO. 495. SONORA D Same as No. 494 except arrangement of tubes; 2 t. r. f„ detector, 3 audio. Prices: table, $125; standard console, $185; "DeLuxe" console, $225. NO. 482. STEWART-WARNER 705 AND 710 Six tubes; 3 t. r. f., detector, 2 transformer audio. All 01-A tubes. Balanced t. r. f. Two dials. Plate current: 10 to 25mA. Volume control: resistance in r. f. plate. Shielded. Battery cable. C-battery connections. Antenna: 80 feet. Cabinet sizes: No. 705 table, 26i x 11 i x 1315 inches; No. 710 console, 29f x 42 x 17i inches. Tentative prices: No. 705, $115; No. 710, $265 including loud speaker. NO. 483. STEWART-WARNER 525 AND 520 Same as No. 482 except no shielding. Cabinet sizes: No. 525 table, 19| x 10 x 11 J inches; No. 520 console, 22 J x 40 x 14U inches. Tentative prices: No. 525, $75; No. 520, $117.50 including loud speaker. NO. 459. STROMBERG-CARLSON 501 AND 502 Five tubes; 2 t. r. f. (01-A), detector (00-A), 2 transformer audio (01-A and 71). Neutrodyne. Two dials. Plate current: 25 to 35mA. Volume control: Rheostat on 1st r. f. Shielded Battery cable. C-battery connections. Headphone connections. Output device. Panel voltmeter. Antenna: 60 to 100 feet. Cabinet sizes: No. 501, 25i x 13 x 14 incnes; No. 502, 28; | x 50,75 x 16| inches. Prices: No. 501, $180; No. 502, $290. NO. 460. STROMBERG-CARLSON 601 AND 602 Six tubes. Same as No. 549 except for extra t. r. f. stage. Cabinet sizes: No. 601, 27,°T x 16| x 14,",, inches; No. 602, 28} x 51| x 19| inches. Prices: No. 601, $225; No. 602, $330. NO. 472. VOLOTONE VIII Six tubes. Same as No. 471 with following exceptions; 2 t. r. f. stages. Three dials. Plate current: 2-mA. Cabinet size: 26| x 8 x 12 inches. Price $140. NO. 546. PARAGON "CONGRESS" Six tubes; 2 t. r. f. (01-A), detector (01-A), 3 impedance-coupled audio (two 01-A and 12 or 71). One main control and three auxiliary adjustments. Volume control: resistance in r. f. plate circuit. Plate current: 40 mA. C-battery connections. Tuned double-impedance audio amplifier. Output device. R. F. coils are shielded. Cable or binding posts. Cabinet size: 7 x 18 xl9 inches. Price $90.00; without cabinet, $80.00. New Formica Kit Panels J^ECENT additions to the list of handsomely decorated panels for famous kits include the Madison Moore International One Spot (A. C.) E. T. Flewellings Super Eight, and the new B*T Power Six Electric Kit. There are also front and sub panels for Karas (two dial) World's Record Super Ten; Camfield Nine; Tyrman; Magnaformer, H. F. L. Victoreen and many others. These panels are sold by all leading jobbers THE FORMICA INSULATION COMPANY 46 1 8 Spring Grove Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio Any jobber or dealer can get Formica panels for you ORMlcX Made from Anhydrous Bakelite Resins SHEETS TUBES RODS Formica has a Complete Insulating Service for manufacturers. B ELIMINATOR VOLTMETER Made for hard service but always accurate and sensitive Resistance, 1000 ohms per volt, — for Radio service men, dealers and manufacturers. Precision d'Arsonval movement, 3lA inch scale, hand-calibrated. The damping is very fine. Polished base. Ranges, 0-100 0-500 volts Price #28.00 Write for booklet "Hoyt Meters for Radio." BURTON-ROGERS CO. Boston Sole Selling Agents Mass.