Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 177 'fiMPEJVTE Ulalch Dog Of tjOU lib. Never Wears Out Your first cost is the only cost. Then why not enjoy p permanently the bet ter tube performance and prolonged tube life alone offered by 7he "SELF-ADJUSTING" Rheaftat Keeps filament voltage constant despite "A" battery variations. Simplifies wiring, panel design, tube control, tuning. Insist on AMPERITE. Nothing else can possibly perform as well. Unconditionally guaranteed. Price S1.10 withMount* ing, (in U. S. A.) For sai e by all dealers. RADIALL CO. 50FranklinSt.JJ.Y. FREE "Amperite Book" of latest circuits and construction data* 'Write Department R.B. -7 Audio Frequency Transformers and Chokes There is a Ferranti for every audio requirement. Each unit is built to the highest standards and tested to 1,000 volts throughout. The 1928 Ferranti Year Book contains 60 pages of helpful information, with instructions for building, receivers, power amplifiers, etc. M ailed anywhere for ijc in coin, stamps not accepted. FERRANTI, Inc. 130 W. 42nd St. New York, N. Y. de Wireless or Morse — at home with the Teleplex Automatic Code Instructor. \'o better method for self-instruction exists. Quick — Easy — Thorough. Endorsed by U. S. Navy. The only instrument that Reproduces nelnal sending — message?, kadiogiams, etc. Any speed. Complete Course (6 tapes) FREE. Thirty times as many words as any other instrument. Avail yourselt of the Teleplex for a quick mastery of the code, write for booklet BR. TELEPLEX CO., 76 Cortlaudt St., New York. BROADCASTING From The INSIDE ETERY month in RADIO BROADCAST appears the departments "As the Broadcaster Sees It.*' written by Carl Dreher. one of the best known broadcast engineers finTthe country. Alive with humor, news, apt and searching comment. Mr. Dreher's writings have become one of the most popular features of radio writing anywhere. Are you reading it? Subscribe by the year and make sure of not missing a single issue. Mail your check for S4.00 to Subscription Department. Doubleday. Doran & Co.. Inc.. Garden City. N. Y. BROWNING -DRAKE Plans for the coming season are now ready for dealers. A wonderful new line of receivers, loud speakers and kit parts has just started Brown' ing-Drake on its greatest year. BROWNING-DRAKE CORP. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. SIMPLIFIED A SUPPLY ANY GOOD 2 AMR CHARGER RECTIFIER TO HOUSE SUPPLY _B VOLTMETER HERE An A FILTER consisting of a new and different DRY condenser of 7600 Mfd. with two especially designed choke coils of proper size combined in one unit to supply HUMLESS A CURRENT to any radio set. This new filter can be attached to any good two-ampere charger as shown, for completely eliminating the A Battery. Without a charger, only a rectifier and step down transformer are needed to assemble this eliminator in a few moments as the principal wiring is done inside of the TOBE A FILTER. TOBE A CONDENSER is also sold separately. TOBE-A-FILTER $18.00. TOBE-A-CONDENSER $6.00 For sale by all the better dealers. TOBE DEUTSCHMANN COMPANY 11 WINDSOR ST., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Please send me Pamphlet B-l on your new A FILTER and A CONDENSER. Name Address : POWER and QUALITY Type 441 Push-Pull Amplifier A PUSH-PULL amplifier in the last stage provides the speaker with ample power to sustain a high volume level without tube overloading, transmitting the full effects of large swings in intensity common in orchestra music. TYPE 441 AMPLIFIER For use with UX 226, CX 326, UX 171, CX 371, VX 210 or CX 310 tubes Input inductance 30 henries Input turns ratio 1:2.25 Output impedance ratio 10:1 (whole primary to secondary) Price, completely wired ---- $20.00 Licensed by the Radio Corporation of America for radio, amateur, experimental and broadcast reception only, and under the terms of the R. C. A. license the unit may be sold only with tubes. General Radio Company We Welcome your correspondence in regards to technical problems. Bulletin No, 929 describing our complete line of radio parts will be sent on request. 30 State St., Cambridge, Mass. 274 Brannan St., San Francisco, Cal.