Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 181 SM Leadership means 'actio N four short years Silver-Marshall, Inc. has forged up from obscurity to the position of dominant leadership in the radio parts and kit field — interesting, you say, but just what does that mean to you? S-M leadership means just one thing — better radio for less money. Ask any one of the thousands upon thousands who enjoy radio to the full thru S-M kits and circuits. Ask the multitude of experimenters who have literally used and recommended S-M into first place; who two years ago swept S-M audio transformers into unquestioned leadership thru a veritable avalanche of approving purchases and who have held S-M audios at the top ever since. Ask the thousand odd Authorized S-M Service Stations who have built a profitable business and satisfied customers on S-M stability and worth. Or ask the dealers and jobbers who have seen S-M rapidly crowd competitors from their shelves, to become in four seasons the largest selling, most profitable parts line. They'll all tell you that S-M leadership means better radio at less cost. And S-M will lead again in 1928 and 1929 by giving you new developments that enable made-to-order or home-built radio sets to equal in external finish the finest factory productions, parts that place the performance of such sets utterly beyond competition, and, thru knock-down kits, radio receivers that will consistently and positively outperform all ready-made sets at anywhere near their amazingly low prices. New S-M Offerings The 720 Screen Grid Six, a six-tube dual control screen grid receiver kit at $69.75 complete with all-metal assembly, individual stage shielding, and averaging 10 KC selectivity against powerful locals — a will help you to set that brings in forty to a hundred stations in one evening. This set onland two JTif' can be had for A.C. operation at $74.00 for 171, 210or 250 power tubes. And at $49.75 S-M offers the 740 "Coast to Coast" Screen Grid Four a kit that is a revelation in four-tube results. Type 700 metal shieldoTtiuTfirt Pl™hF?0ckTrptbu" in8 cabinet as illustrated is but $8.50 additional, for either set, finished address amplifier available for in attractive duo tone brown. It gives to each a new standard of style home construction, and the insidei and distinction. th^sCeofTh?nZ CllugTltdt Th; Sargent-Rayment Screen Grid Six, type 710, is the wonder system, with all curves. set ot the season, and 5>-M oners, exclusively, the approved kit at THE RADIOBUILDER is $120.00. It is complete with aluminum shielding cabinet and will newsy, and timely, and, above all, bring in 100 stations on any average evening. it is the condensed, month!, key The S.M «Round the World" Short Wave sets are the trimmest, to all the detailed constructional . . , . , A^ data you desire, for in it are listed most efficient short wave sets yet, priced from $36.00 to $51.00 comand previewed all new S M plete with shielding cabinet. New S-M condensers are marvels of DA\A u"?^ fach °t Vhicil rigidity and flexibility in Universal single, and triple types. The 685 can be had for a two cent stamp. „&, tt • ,i r n 1.1 , t.A Public Address Unipac — the first really high-powered amplifier yet offered — is priced at only $160 wired, or $124 for the kit. It will turn out music or voice that can be heard by 1000 to 10,000 people. Of course, the most startling audio development of the last two years would logically come from S-M laboratories, as it did two years ago. The new Clough audio transformers have been deservedly the sensation of the June radio trade show. In open ■ ■ 1 comparative tests S-M 255 and 256, $6.00 transformers have I excelled the performance of all competitive types tested, g regardless of cost. The 225 and 226 transformers at $9.00 ■ each simply leave the most skeptical marveling. I These and many other startling new S-M parts leave 0 small wonder at S-M leadership. They prove that you can ■ get the best radio for the least cost from S-M. Are you receiving THE RADIOBUILDER regularly? This little house magazine is printed occa* sionally to provide you with new and advance information on forthcoming S-M developments; and to pass along operating hints and kinks that will hel, get the most out Issues, numbers one and two, pictured above are good examples of what THE RADIOBUILDER Fill out the coupon below if you'd like to keep abreast of new radio developments. If you want a veritable mine of Hadio information, fill out the coupon and it's yours! Silver-Marshall, Inc. 838 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III. Enclosed find in stamps for which please send me (50c) next 12 issues of THE RADIOBUILDER, or (1.00) next 25 issues of THE RADIOBUILDER Please send me the following S-M DATA SHEETS, at 2c each: No. 1— 670B — 670ABC RESERVOIR POWER UNITS No. 2—685 PUBLIC ADDRESS UNIPAC No. 3—730, 731, 732 "ROUND THE WORLD" SHORT WAVE SETS No. 4 — HOOKUPS FOR 223, 225, 226, 255, and 256 AUDIO TRANSFORMERS. I am a professional setbuilder. I am interested in your Authorised Service Station plan. SILVER MARSHALL, Inc. 838 -W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III. Radio Broadcast. August, 1928. Published monthly. Vol. XIII, No. 5. Published at Garden City. N. Y. Subscription price $4.00 a year. Entered at the post office at Garden City. N. Y., as second class mail matt.r. Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc., Garden City, N. Y.