Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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236 RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER Replace your old radio/ <StMimul a hit milium s* " lQ28 Features Few radios AT ANT PRICE combine ALL of these features which are essential to today's new radio reception. The Crosley Radio Corporation AMPLIFICATION I Neutrodynel0xl040=l,000 Other systems 5*5*5 =125 Crosley Radios tune efficiently Crosley Neutrodyne circuit is sharp, sensitive and selective. Distant stations are easily found. Local stations tune without Crosley Radios are shielded Each element shielded from each other provides maximum selectivity and is featured in the most expensively made sets Crosley Radios are very selective In crowded d;stricts where many local stations fill the air you find in Crosley radio a means of listening to ONE at a time. Crosley Radios Have great volume Volume may be increased to tremendous proportions without distortion. This provides plenty of volume for power speakers. Crosley Radios can be softened to a whisper A positive volume control enables operator to cut any program down to faint and scarcely audible reception. V Crosley Radios fit any kind of furniture Outside cases are easily removable and chassis are quickly fitted into any type of shape console cabinet. Crosley Radios have illuminated dials The modern way enables you to see. clearly in the dusk or in shadowy, corners. New Dynamic v/ jDYNACONE *»^J Amazint] Speaker 6 tube GEMBOX AC ELECTRIC 65 FIVE DAYS FREE TRIAL IN YOUR OWN HOME Crosley originated the idea of a national policy of home demonstration. Home is the place to buy a radio set. Compare a Crosley radio set with any other that you are contemplating buying and you will choose the Crosley. If you have electric current in your home, your set should be a modern, AC electric receiver. A converted battery set is out of date. If you pay more than $65.00 for a radio set, it should have two 171 output tubes, push-pull instead of one, eight tubes instead of seven. To be upto-date, your new radio set should be designed to take and supply the current for a power or dynamic type of speaker. Crosley sets are so designed. Other sets designed for power speaker use are much more costly. You should demand the tone quality and the performance resulting from high power output coupled with dynamic speaker. Your set should be completely shielded and incorporate the highly sensitive, genuine, neutrodyne circuit. It should have a modem illuminated dial. An examination of Crosley radio sets will show you many other modern exclusive features. $25.00 NEW DYNAMIC DYNACONE AMAZING SPEAKER! The Dynacone is a new revolutionary speaker at a price less than many good magnetic speakers. The first minute you hear this new reproducer, it will thrill you to a new conception of what radio broadcast reception should be. Crosley manufacturing speed and straight line methods permit the extremely low price. WHY PAY MORE THAN CROSLEY PRICES? We urge you to listen to a Crosley radio set, try it, put it to any test you can think of. No sets that approximate Crosley prices can compare in performance. Why pay a high price for a set that can compare favorably with Crosley? SIX TUBE GEMBOX AC ELECTRIC, $65.00 Self-contained AC electric receiver. It utilizes two radio, detector, two audio and a rectifier tube — 171 power output tube. Designed for use with the new Crosley Dynamic power speaker. Operates from 110 volts 60 cycle AC house lighting current. l928's greatest radio 8 tube SHOWBOX $80 Genuine Neutrodyne, 3 stages radio amplification, detector. 3 stages audio (last two being 171 push-pull power tubes) and 280 rectifier tube. Newly perfected audio frequency system creates marvelous tone quality. Modern illuminated dial. 8tubeJEWELB0X$95 Genuine Neutrodyne 3 stages radio amplification— 227 detector tul>e, 3 stages audio frequency, and 280 rectifier. Shielded coils, modern illuminated dials, highly selective and powerful. 6 tube BANDBOX $55 An improved model of the 1927 receiver that led the world to better radio. Genuine Neutrodyne — every modern fitting and refinement, including illuminated dial. The set you can safely buy where AC current is not available— selective, sensitive, powerful! 5 tube BANDBOX Jr.$35 Operates entirely from dry cells and is especially designed where no electric current is available either for AC radio or recharging storage batteries. Modern radio with all the features of good reception Crosley engineers have developed. Improved MUSICONE $15 The outstanding Magnetic type speaker available, still maintaining its leadership, today, as from its inception in 1925. Improved, it is without question the greatest speaker value vou can find. When the pennant winners meet. Crosley Radio Corporation Powel Crosley, JrJfe. Cincinnati .Ohio. , , CvtffrMd, Nw'Meme slightly Mgfw: Yew name.. Address.. Pldast .let me try, receiver .Did proper speaker, 1 have checked , in toy owr? home v/ithout obligation for 5 days. Mail this coupon to the factory. Nearest dealer will bring yoU -cceLver checked. JEWELBOX GEMBOX SHOWBOX : BANDBOX , BANDBOX JR