Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 239 720 Screen Grid Six The Ifears biggest Value! OF ALL the radio sets the S-M Laboratories have ever tested, of all the sets that have borne the S-M endorsement in the last four years — yes, of all these and more — we believe the new 720 Screen Grid Six to be the finest all-around set of them all. That's a man-sized recommendation. And you can bet it's some set when S-M gets squarely behind it and tells you that you'll find the biggest radio value today in this new Screen Grid Six. This is as it should be, for the new receiver is a simplified and improved design of the Shielded Grid Six that took the country by storm this past winter and spring — the only receiver that anyone ever dared to offer with an unqualified guarantee of absolute satisfaction or your money back! And now S-M tells you that the new Screen-Grid Six is an even better set! It's the kind of a set you can build in an evening, with its pierced metal chassis and positive fitting assembly. And the thrills begin when you put it on the air. Station after station will come in with local volume, you'll really find positive 10 K.C. selectivity; and tone — well, like those who have tested it already, you just won't be able to help sitting back and telling the world "Baby, that's a radio set." Three stages of tuned, shielded screen-grid R.F. amplification, a detector, and two stages of the new S-M audio transformers that took the RMA Trade Show by storm— two vernier drum dials in a beautiful antique brass control escutcheon, individually copper-shielded R.F. circuits, a rigid die-cast gang condenser — look these features over and you'll realize why the 720 cuts through Chicago regularly to New York, California, Canada and Texas stations, why it gives 10 K.C, selectivity and almost unbeatable DX. Remember that S-M backs the 720 to the limit — assures you that you can't get more actual radio at twice the cost. And — S-M passes on to you right now the production savings of a big season, and prices the 720 kit at only $72.50 complete, or $102.00 custombuilt with cabinet. For the kit, the new metal shielding cabinet is $9.25 additional. Better get your order in now — 720's will be scarce as hen's teeth pretty soon, judging from present demand. Did you ever see as much actual screen grid radio value for only $72.50? Tune Over the "Thrill Band" with an S-M Short Wave Set HAVE you had your taste of the "thrill band" — the wavelength band from 17 to 200 meters? Down on these low waves are the foreign broadcasters — English 5SW with Colonial programs — Dutch, French, German and other rebroadcast programs. Down there you can hear KDKA, WGY, and WLW programs when static blankets out their regular waves. And television — the low wave band is its busy nursery. You can hear amateurs in almost every country, all in an evening — i/you have an S-M "Round-theWorld" short wave set. S-M "Round-the-World" kits build up into such neat, trim, snappy receivers — with screen grid R.F. amplification, and one dial tuning — that you just can't help getting the thrill of your life as you tune one. The "Round-the-World Four" is a complete four-tube regenerative (non-radiating) short wave receiver kit with aluminum shielding cabinet. It has one screen grid R.F. stage, a regenerative, non-radiating detector, and two high-gain Clough audio stages. It tunes from 17.4 to 204 meters with four plug-in coils, and has brought in five continents in an evening. The kit is $51.00, complete with cabinet, coils, and full instructions — ready for immediate shipment. The 731 "Round-the-World" Adapter is the two-tube, R.F. amplifier and detector, less the two stage A.F. amplifier of the above set. With an adapter plug, it converts any set to long-distance short wave reception. Price, complete with cabinet and four coils (17.4 to 204 meters) $36.00. The 732 "Round the World" Essential Kit contains the two tuning and tickler condensers, the four plug-in coils, coil socket, and three R.F. chokes, with full instructions for building a one, two, three or four tube short wave set. It costs but $16.50 complete. Choose any one of the three kits you prefer, and step out into the "thrill band"! Here are the trimmest short wave sets ever —•the new "Round'the-World" kits. New 5-prong plug-in coils, for short and broadcast w a v e s. Wound on forms of threaded, moulded bakelite. Fill in the coupon on first page of this advertisement, and mail it now. It will bring a big free catalog telling about these and other S-M circuits and parts. SILVER-MARSHALL, INC., 838 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111