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SUPREME in musical performance, the i new Thordarson R-300 Audio Transformer brings a greater realism to radio reproduction. Introducing a new core material, "DX-Metal" (a product of the Thordarson Laboratory), the amplification range has been extended still further into the lower register, so that even the deepest tones now may be reproduced with amazing fidelity.
The amplification curve of this transformer is practically a straight line from 30 cycles to 8,000 cycles. A high frequency cut-off is provided at 8,000 cycles to confine the amplification to useful frequencies only, and to eliminate undesirable scratch that may reach the audio transformer.
When you hear the R-300 you will appreciate the popularity of Thordarson transformers among the leading receiving set manufacturers. The R-300 retails for $8.00.
Transformer Specialists Since 1895 WORLD'S OLDEST AND LARGEST EXCLUSIVE TRANSFORMER MAKERS <r7iuron and Kingsbury Streets — Chicago.Ill.USA,
Power Supply Transformers
These transformers supply full wave rectifiers using two UX-281 tubes, for power amplifiers using either 210 or 250 types power amplifying tubes as follows: T-2098 for two 210 power tubes, $20.00; T-2900 for single 250 power tube, $20.00; T-2950 for two 250 tubes, $29.50.
Double Choke Units
Consist of two 30 henry chokes in one case. T-2099 for use with power supply transformer T-2098, $14; T-3099 for use with transformer T-2900, $16; T-3100 for use with transformer T-2950, $18.
Power Compacts
A very efficient and compact form of power supply unit. Power transformer and filter chokes all in one case. Type R-171 for Raytheon rectifier and 171 type power tube, $15.00; Type R-210 for UX-281 rectifier and 210 power tube, $20.00; Type R-280 for UX-280 rectifier and 171 power tube, $17.00.
Speaker Coupling Transformers
A complete line of transformers to couple either single or push-pull 171, 210 or 250 power tubes into either high impedance or dynamic speakers. Prices from $6.00 to $12.00.
Screen Grid Audio Coupler
The Thordarson Z-Coupler T-2909 is a special impedance unit designed to couple a screen grid tube in the audio amplifier into a power tube. Produces excellent base note reproduction and amplification vastly in excess of ordinary systems. Price, $12.00.
500 W. Huron St., Chicago, III. 3583-j
Gentlemen: Please send me your constructional booklets on your power amplifiers. I am especially interested in amplifiers using tubes.
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