Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 297 Take the Advice of Leading Radio Service Organizations ...Play Safe with par volts! IF you want the real truth about condensers go to an organization that builds, services and repairs every type of radio receiver and power supply unit. Such an organization is Rossiter, Tyler & McDonell. These engineers have had actual experience in every branch of radio. Mr. Frank McDonell says: "We think so well of Acme Parvolt Condensers that we have samples constantly on display for all clients to see. Those of our customers who know radio also know that Parvolts are thoroughly reliable. We like our clients to realize that we use the best in radio. " Mr. McDonell says that his firm has used many Acme Parvolts in both experimental and practical work and fy has never known one to break down under proper load. Absolute safety is vital with a firm doing a large volume of service work. Should a condenser blow out, many dollars would be lost in ruined tubes, transformers, chokes and other parts. The experience of the nationally known house of Rossiter, Tyler & McDonell should be a good guide for other builders and service men follow. Don't take chances with condenser break down. Play safe with Acme Parvolts. Made by THE ACME WIRE CO., New Haven, Conn., manufacturers of magnet and eni ameled wire, varnished insula| tions, coil windings, insulated tubing and radio cables. Mr. McDonell says: Our PARVOLT display board is very useful, for vje frequently have occasion to show our clients how these condensers are made. T* ACME PARVOLT FILTER CONDENSERS — Supplied in all standard mfd. capacities for 200, 400, 600, 800, 100 0. and 1500 Volt D. C. requirements. Uniform height and width for easy stacking. Supplied singly or in complete housed blocks for the important power supply units such as Thordarson, Samson, and others. ACME PARVOLT BY-PAS3 CONDENSERS are supplied in all standard mfd. capacities and for all required working voltages. Acme Parvolt Condensers Made by the Manufacturers of Acme Gelatsite Hook-up Wire ENAMELED AERIAL WIRE 'Enameled copper wire in both stranded and solid types. Also Acme Lead-ins, Battery Cables^ Indoor and Loop Aerial Wire, celatsite FLEXIBLE and SOLID For all types of radio wiring. High insulation value; non-inflammable, to colors. ACME spaghetti A superior cambric tubing for all practical radio and other electrical requirements. Supplied in IO colors.