Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 309 Thousands use Televocal Quality Tubes . . . there must be a difference ! All standard types. Ask for them at dealers. Televocal Corporation Televocal Building Dept. B-2, 588 12th Street West New York, N. J. evocal Quality Tubes RADIO DEALERS Send for our catalog illustrating the products of over 100 radio manufacturers. WHOLESALE ONLY! F. D. PITTS COMPANY 219-223 Columbus Ave. BOSTON, MASS., U. S. A. Established 1919 Increased Amplification Improved Quality with this new valve Full size illustration of the DA 2 amplifying valve. Price S3. 00 each. Harold P. Donle's Latest Achievement The inventor of the famous Sodion Detector valve brings out this DA2 6-volt amplifying valve which can be used in any type D. C. set with no changes. Amplification for both audio and radio frequency are greatly increased, and the quality of your set vastly improved. Those that have tried these valves are enthusiastic about them. Here is what some of them say: "We seem to obtain far greater volume and clarity." "Really, it is the most marvelous valve I have ever come in contact with." "I have tried two of these tubes in my regular tuned radio frequency broadcast receiver, and I am delighted with the increase in volume and distance obtained." "Received the four tubes ordered, to-day. Must say that they even exceed all my expectations." "It is a pleasure to report that the three tubes I received from you Saturday have increased the sensitivity of my Hammarlund-Roberts Hi-Q to a considerable degree. I also tried one in the R. F. stage of a Browning-Drake and there too, the gain was considerable." "Excellent for low wave sets" If your dealer has not yet received his stock, mail orders will be promptly filled upon receipt of check. The Donle Electrical Products Corporation MERIDEN, CONNECTICUT