Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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310 RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER on Now Receive Broadcast Short Waves The Aero International Broadcast reception on short waves is remarkably clear and free from static. Programs are brought in from greater distances with the utmost simplicity of control. You can easily assemble the Aero International. This remarkable set if built around the new Aero L.W.T. Coils — the acknowledged leaders in the short wave field. The foundation unit for this receiver comes with holes already drilled, assuring ease of construction and proper placement'of all parts. As an aid to home builders. Aero Kits include both large schematics and actual size pictorial wiring diagram. Ask your dealer for a complete Kit of all parts for the Aero International. If he can't supply you, write us, giving his name. Uses Aero Coil L.W.T. 10 Kit If you wish to purchase only the Aero Coils for this short wave receiver, order the L.W.T. 10 Kit. The price is $10.50. These coils are designed to be used with our foundation unit. If you prefer to furnish your own foundation unit, order the L.W.T. II Kit, price $1 1.50. This Kit includes mounting base. The New Aero L. W. T. 12 Coils Here are the newest Aero Coils — the L.W.T. 12 Kit. These coils are small in diameter, providing a much smaller external field, and improved efficiency. Order this Kit if you want the very maximum results from your short wave receiver. Consists of three Aero Interchangeable and base mounting with Primary Price, $12.50. Coils Coil. / \ Convert Your Present D • , Build the Aero Short Wave AcCcll/cr Converter and receiver short wave programs on your present set. No extra tubes needed. Just plug into detector socket of your set. Ask your dealer for complete Kit of parts or write us. We have complete Kits for shielded grid, A. C. or D. C. lgl& INCORPORATED Dept. 109 4611 Ravenswood Ave. Chicago, 111. Letters from Readers (Continued from page 308) re-rechecking diagrams and copy, we can only make a prayer to the gods of radio and wait for the letters to come in. As a Listener See It THE editorial department, "The March of Radio," has never been guilty of "kid-glove" tactics in dealing with the politico-radio situation in these parts. Although this policy may have added a few sore heads to our list of readers, we feel that the vast majority agree with us that adverse criticisms in this department are made for the benefit of the broadcast listener. It is, therefore, particularly pleasing to quote a comment from a Southern reader on an editorial attack on a Southern broadcast station. The editorial deplored the fact that the only Southern station to ask for increased power was kwkh, which had in the past consistently ignored the orders of the Federal Commission and employed its facilities for the vilification of that body. To the Editor: 1 have had occasion heretofore to express my appreciation of your editorial policy and am writing again for that purpose. Your comment in the June issue [Page 69] relative to conditions in the South and particularly your reference to station kwkh, Shreveport, has our hearty approval. In the July issue your frankness and fearlessness in stating the case against the Radio Commission deserve our best thanks. These things, in a periodical of such high standing, and so completely expressive of radio listener sentiment, are bound to have their effect eventually. E. W. Matthews, Augusta, Ga. Improved Reception Marvelous tone quality from the lowest to the highest note when your Power Amplifier is equipped with a Potter Condenser Block. No. T2900 $20.00 Highly Efficient — Long Life The Choice of Leading Radio Engineers Ask your dealer for full information POTTER MFG. CO. North Chicago, Illinois Build a Daven Television Receiver Complete Essential Kit, $60.00 THE first complete Kit. Furnished with cither T-14, T-36 or T-48 Scanning Disk, Motor, Bushing, Rheostat, Daven Television Tube, 3 Complete Stages of Daven Television Amplification and Instructions for Building. Daven Television Receiver, Complete, including Television Tube — $100.00 (Less amplifier Tubes.) DAVEN TELEVISION APPARATUS Daven Television Scanning Disks 14 apertures (T-24) 36 apertures (T-36) 48 apertures (T-48) Daven Special Television Amplifier (3-T) Daven Special Television Amplifier (4-T) for Two Hi-Mu tubes and two power tubes (171, 110 or 150 types) 17-50 Daven Television Tubes — 10 to 80 milliamperes — Striking voltage 150. Plate \% 11% 11.50 Daven Television Motor 15.00 Daven Bushing tofitX, ^ands/sio-ch motor shafts 1.00 For 48 aperture disk 3-50 Daven Rheostat 3-50 Daven Television Photo Electric Cell ij<-inch bulb. . 10.00 Daven Television Photo Electric Cell 3-inch bulb. . . . 37-50 Daven Resisto Couplers: 1st stage No. 411X D-411XI xnd stage No. 411X D-411XX 3rd stage No. 413X D-413XX x Glastors are used for resistance 1.15 xx Super Davohms in Plate and Glastors in Grid . . 4.65 Daven Mu-10 Tubes for Amplifier Stages 1.15 Daven AC-71 for output tubes in scries with television lamps 3-5° Daven AC-10 (brighter illumination). 9.00 Write for Television Booklet THE DAVEN CORPORATION Amplification Specialists 175 Summit Street Newark, N. J. Parts lor New Radio Broadcast Circuits We supply all parts for the leading circuits radio published here and elsewhere. Send us your orders for quick service. New Fall Radio Guide The big Barawik Radio Guide boob is used by hundreds of thousands of radio enthusiasts. It's the handiest and most reliable radio reference guide, and a big money-saver. Keep up to date by utilizing Barawik service. It shows pages replete with reliable information about the newest and most advanced ideas in A-C radio development, describes and illustrates the latest improvements. It will beep you posted on what's up to date. Standard Discounts to Dealers, Set Builders, Agents. It will pay you to get our prices for complete parts for the popular circuits featured in radio magazines. Whenever a new circuit appears for which you want complete" parts, write or wire us and they'll be on their way to you quicbly. We bnow what parts to send you. Simply give name of circuit and we'll take care of the rest. We guarantee you a big saving on every order. Send Cor Free Copy Now! Get our new radio catalog to-day before you spend another cent. Mail the coupon and free copy will be sent you. 129 Canai Sta. Chicago, U S. A. Mail This Coupon Now! For Free Copy