Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 813 PF-250 Power Transformer for UX 250 Power Tubes A husky transformer built for doing the job, not for looks. The PF-250 is rated at 1200-600 volts plate, IVs, volts power tube, 7^ volts rectifier tube filament. Center taps are provided on each of the filament windings. Continuous rated capacity of plate windings, 160 MA., continuous rated capacity of each 7'2 volt winding, 3 Amperes. DC plate output with two UX 281's full wave, up to 450 volts with sufficient excess for "C" Bias. Ask for Bulletin No. 1033 describing fully the PF-250. Price, each — #30.00 Slightly higher West of Rocky Mountains American Transformer Co. f Transformer Builders for more than 2S Ye \ 281 Emmet St., Newark, N. J. ATTENTION! B Eliminator Constructors Owners Solve all B eliminator problems. Stop motor boating. Improve your B eliminator. Learn how to adapt your B eliminator to various receivers. Learn how to calculate B eliminator resistances. Get the most out of your B power unit. JOHN F. RIDER'S "Laboratory Treatise on B Eliminator Design and Construction" is the most modern and up-to-date book on B battery eliminators — written expressly for the B eliminator constructor and owner. 88 pages 85 x 11, 71 illustrations. Every phase of B eliminator operation is considered. Every B eliminator constructor and owner should have one— Price $1.00. This booh will save yoti money! RADIO TREATISE CO. 270 Madison Ave. New York City ■■ MAIL THIS COUPON Here is my SI. 00 for the "B Eliminator Treatise" to be mailed postpaid to Name Address City State. QUALITY PRODUCTS Loud Speaker Filter — a new Dongan Product No. E-104 Loud Speaker Filter a specially designed Choke Coil and Condenser Assembly. Designed to cut off at 5000 cycles. Orders filled now — write or wire. $3.00 Specially Designed Choke Coil and Condenser Assembly Filtering out those high notes, which merely spoil otherwise good reception, the new Dongan Speaker Filter adds greatly to the volume of the proper tones and at the same time prevents overloading of the loud speaker. By adding the ingenious Speaker Filter to your Receiver you instantly improve the quality of the reception. Set Manufacturers and Custom Set Builders Your problems in regard to any phase of transformer or condenser design or operation can be solved quickly in our laboratories. Dongan Approved Parts include all the latest features of the season. Arrange now for deliveries as you require them. Send for re-print of interesting article on No. 250 power amplifier unit. No. 7568 Designed for full wave rectification using two UX281 or similar rectifier tubes to supply B. and C. power to receiver and power for two UX 250 tubes. Use one No. 6551 double choke in filter circuit. $13.50 FILTER CONDENSERS 9 types of Filter Condensers. Built in all capacities for use with filter circuits and power amplifiers. Exceptionally high insulation and permanent stability. For either gaseous or filament type rectifier tube. $1.50 to $7.00 Also By-Pass Condensers and Condenser Blocks. No. 1177 A splendid straight power amplifier output transformer designed for use with UX 250 P. A. Tube. One of several power supply and output transformers $12.00 DONGAN ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING CO. 2991-3001 Franklin Street Detroit Audio Frequency Transformers and Chokes There is a Ferranti for every audio requirement. Each unit is built to the highest standards and tested to 1,000 volts throughout. The 1928 Ferranti Year Book contains 60 pages of helpful information, with instructions for building receivers, power amplifiers, etc. Mailed anywhere for 15c in coin, stamps not accepted. FERRANTI, INC. 130 W. 42nd St. New York, N. Y. BROWNING -DRAKE Plans for the coming season are now ready for dealers. A wonderful new line of re ceivers, loud speakers and kit parts has just started Browning-Drake on its greatest year. BROWNING-DRAKE CORP. CAMBRIDGE, MASS.