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Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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314 RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 720 "Screen Grid Six" Kits 710 "Sargent-Rayment Seven" 740 and 740-A. C. "Coast-to-Coast A LL of them are winners! We have one of the largest stocks in the world of S-M kits and parts — as well as of all other lines known to the set building trade. Send for our free catalog showing wholesale prices on all the latest parts, kits and A C sets. Allied Radio Corporation is the headquarters for 1929 Laboratory Super Parts. Ask us for data sheets on "Round the World" short wave kits, S-M Unipacs and other popular circuits in which S-M quality parts are specified. ALLIED RADIO CORPORATION * 711 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. 720 "Screened Grid Six" Complete parts for the famous 720 "Screened Grid Six" receiver now in stock. Get our special prices to Professional Set Builders and Dealers. TELEVISION! Write for our very latest literature on TELEV I SI ON. The newest developments as shown in our catalog will surprise you. Our 1929 Catalog! All the latest developments including Television, described in our NEW FREE 1929 Catalog, just completed. Lowest prices on all new kits, sets, accessories, cabinets, etc. Get the BEST in RADIO—AT THE BIGGEST SAVING. Complete stock carried. No delays. Write for catalog TO-DAY. Walter Rowan Co. Dept. RB-9 833 Washington Blvd. Chicago, 111. Order your copy of Radio Broadcast from your news dealer or radio store. Make sure that he reserves a copy for you each month. If your favorite radio store does not stock the magazine write us giving name of radio dealer and address. FOR SALE Western Electric Tyre one naught six, a one thousand Watt Transmitter complete, wi th remote control, studio and speech inputs. Antenna system with eighty foot towers. Spare parts, etc. Less than year old. Inventory upon request. Box 2, Radio Broadcast, Garden City, L. I. The New S-M720 All Silver-Marshall Kits and Parts in Stock S-M 710 Sargent-Rayment Seven 1929 Screen Grid Laboratory Model Receiver All other Standard Kits and Parts Write us today for complete information on any hits or parts in which you are interested. Full discounts allowed. RADIO SERVICE COMPANY Distributors of the Best in Nationally Advertised Kits, Parts and Accessories Department R P. O. Box 34 Knoxville, Iowa RADIO PANELS BAKELITE— HARD RUBBER Cut, drilled and engraved to order. Send rough sketch for estimate. Our complete Catalog on Panels. Tubes and Rods — all of genuine Bakelite or Hard Rubber — mailed on request. STARRETT MFG. CO. 521 S. Green Street Chicago, 111. This is a good time to subscribe for RADIO BROADCAST Through your dealer or direct, by the year only $4.00 DOUBLEDAY, DORAN & CO., INC. GARDEN CITY, N. Y0 S-M 720 Screen Grid Six We are one of Silver-Marshall's oldest and largest distributors. Let us tell you about the new S-M 720 Screen Grid Six and other S-M kits and parts. Our large and complete stocks insure immediate shipment — service that is the life saver of the custom-builder. DEALERS and SET BUILDERS: Write for our catalog, and for information on our full line of up-to-theminute kits, parts, and accessories. Maximum discounts allowed. Get acquainted with real service. CLARK & TILSON INC. Specialists in High Quality Parts 122 Chambers St., New York, N. Y. Let yourself in for the funniest of novels. Write for a list of the works of P. G. WODEHOUSE DOUBLEDAY DORAN ROBERT S. KRUSE Consultant and Technical Writer 103 Meadowbrook Road, West Hartford, Conn. Telephone Hartford 4S32T