Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 315 SM ) Official Wholesale Distributors QUICK Get your Silver-Marshall Parts from W. C. Braun Company We are wholesale distributors for all Silver-Marshall products, shown and catalogued on the four pages in the Silver-Marshall section of this issue of Radio Broadcast. Also complete parts for set builders of the 720 Screen Grid Six Receiver. A complete stock of parts is on hand for immediate shipments to fill dealers' requirements anywhere. Everything in Radio We carry the largest and most carefully selected line of radio goods in the country — the lines of the leading manufacturers of sets, parts, kits and accessories. Mail orders given special attention. We are fully equipped to serve dealers on mail orders promptly and efficiently. Our new dealers' catalog lists over 4000 items in radio, electrical goods, sporting goods, auto supplies and allied lines that keep the dealers' business humming twelve months of the year. Write for free copy of this catalog on your letterhead and learn about our successful dealer plan. 581 W. Randolph St. ILLINOIS The New S-M 720 OUR stock is complete — we have all of the new S-M kits and parts as well as practically every other part and accessory on the market. And, we make immediate shipment — 24 hour service. Send us your orders for the Fastest Service West of the Rockies — you'll be a regular customer from then on. Get acquainted with "The Radio Parts Jobbers" of the Northwest. SET BUILDERS: Write for our catalog and discount sheets. Maximum discounts to all dealers. WEDEL COMPANY Established 1888 520 Second Avenue Seattle, Washington Get the Thrill of Real DX : REPRODUCES actual sanding of expert operators. Sends messages, radiograms etc. — regular code traffic at any speed . You "listen and learn. " No experience necessary. Endorsed by U.S. Navy and leading Schools. Complete set of Record-Tapes rWireless or Morsei Piwnograph furnished with the Teleplex. Remen " Motor only the code brings you the thrill of real DX. Write for booklet B. R. TELEPLEX CD., 7G Cortland St., N. T. C. ANNOUNCING Mail Order Service From the Best Known Radio House in New York All Popular Kits Immediate Shipment S-M 720 Screen Grid Six S-M 740 Coast to Coast Four S-M 710 Sargent-Rayment Seven S-M 730 Round the World Four All Other S-M Kits and Parts We are pleased to announce the addition of a complete mail order department, to better serve the interests of the dealers and set-builders of the entire United States and Canada, to whom quick and reliable service is a dire necessity. Our large buying resources and a complete up-to-date stock, allow immediate shipment of all S-M kits and parts and other popular kits. Send for our free mail order catalog at once, and become acquainted with the excellent service we can give you. ROYAL-EASTERN ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO. 16 West 22nd Street New York, N. Y. Improves any set. Easy to install. pi. Neat, compact, durable. Moderate in price. "The Perfect Contact Radio Ground" Patent Applied For PER-CON MFG. CO. Richmond, Indiana