Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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316 RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER Replace Your Old Radio! Your radio may seem to be pretty good — but you will not be satisfied when you hear the new, improved, full-toned Crosley sets. Few radios at any price combine ALL the following features which are so necessary to the fine radio reception you may have today. Crosley gives you them ALL at the world's lowest prices. New AC eledric receivers repl Hie Crotlry Radio Corpora Hon AMPLIFICATION ■NeutrodyneMMO'lO'lflOO Other systems 5 "5 *5=125 CroslcyMios tune efficiently Crosley Radios tune efficiently The Crosley neutrodyne circuit is sharp, sensitive and selective. Farms and homes remote from broadcasting stations will welcome the great number of stations avai able with these new sets. Crosley Radios are shielded Each element is shielded from each other. This improves the efficiency of the set. Stations close together are easily separated. This feature is featured in the most expensive radio. Crosley Radios are selective. In the lower end of the dial where stations are crowded together you will appreciate the selective qualities of Crosley radio. You only listen to ONE station at a time with Crosley. _j — — j I Crosley Radios have volume The volume of Crosley Radios is phenomenal for the slight amount of battery or AC current consumed. The volume may be increased tremendously without distortion. Crosley Radios can be softened to a whisper The volume control of Crosley sets is so positive that the operator may cut any broadcast program down to faint and scarcely audible reception. *0 a„5 ,r'c ft . ''Hilt °!*">*ble Crosley Radios fit any kind of furniture Outside cases of Crosley radios are easily removed for installation into any type of console cabinet. Such installations are quickly made. Any one the least bit handy with tools can make them. Genuine 6 lube Neulrodyng Crosley GEMBOX j Self-contained AC electric receiver. Utilizes two radio, detector, two power and a rectifier tube (171 power output tube). Operates from 110-volt 60 cycle AC home lighting current. Try this amazing set. Prove to yourself on a 5-DAY FREE TRIAL IN YOUR OWN HOME that no radio that approximates Crosley price can compare in performance. Why pay higher price? This wonderful little Gembox designed to use the new and tounding dynamic DYNACONE the Crosley power speaker, which is radio's greatest development this year. A genuine dynamic speaker selling for $25 equals ANY in pure realistic tone — unmatchable in price. 5 lube dry cell operated BANDBOX Jr. $35. Uses 199 tubes with 120 power output tube. Drain on No. G dry cells economical. Ideal set where recharging of storage battery is inconve n i e n t . Uses type D Musicone for speaker « fowel Crosley, Jr p " Crosley radio ^ "* P"Ce*do B«'ncl„de tubes RADIO no. 1 cannot Joc^., "range for FREE f fr?,8'^ ^aler PI» home of the r . DAVTRIAI i~ P,ease Gembox f , ,°S,ey Radiol^"" ^yow" Showbox fj R:wsibox.f.i Bandbox [ "sicone f J 'ave checked. Bandbox Jr. [ I