Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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ONLY 99 for this PACKARD SUPER 8$250 A.C. ELECTRIC RADIO SET $ Direct From Our Factory $5000.00 CASH BOND to Back Our GUARANTEE Today's greatest radio! A truly sensational offer! The Eight-tube Packard A. C. Electric Radio — a regular $250 set — shipped to any home in the U. S. at direct from factory price of only $99. And to prove our claims we will ship this set to your home on fliP The PACKARD Engineers have invented this most unusual, powerful SUPEREight Tube Radio. Astonishing volume and tone quality. Remarkable selectivity and long-distance reception. Leading radio engineers unanimously agree that there is no better radio made — regardless of price. Let us prove this by shipping a set to your home on 30 days' trial. Examine the set from A to Z. Let the most exacting critics pass on its merits. And if, after the 30 day trial period, you are convinced that the Packard Eight-tube Electric is fully the equal of any console radio set selling up to $250 — then, and only then, need you decide to keep it at our factory price of only $99 — otherwise, return it. This marvelous set combines every new scientific development in receiving sets — possessing beauty, refinement, durability. Gets everything on the air from coast to coast — from Mexico into Canada, loudly, clearly, and distinctly. Only one dial to tune in all stations. You Save the Jobbers', Dealers1 and Salesmen's Profits The PACKARD Radio is shipped direct from our factory. All the in-between profits are deducted from the price of the set and instead of paying $2 50 you pay only $99. Quantity production, economy in selling, and only a small profit for the manufacturer makes this astounding offer possible.. MAIL COUPON NOW FOR 30 days9 free trial offer Don't miss this opportunity. Mail coupon at once for complete information about the PACKARD A. C. — 8 TUBE ELECTRIC RADIO and our liberal 30 days' free trial offer. No obligation on your part. Our $5,000.00 cash bond backs up our guarantee. PACKARD RADIO CO. 2323 Milwaukee Ave. Dept. 530 Chicago, III. Packard Radios are also made for BATTERY OPERATION PRICED AS LOW AS $53 go 311 a Packard Radio Company ■ 2323 Milwaukee Ave., Dept. 530 Chicago, III. -| I am interested in Packard Radios and your $5,000.00 H Bonded 30 days' free trial offer and guarantee. Send ■ full details. HI | ■ Name Address. City State.