Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 317 The Lincoln 8-80 Steps Out the Year Round /■SCREEN [I GRID TTUBES TUNABLE I.F STAGES Selectivity Plus Marvelous Tone Quality High Amplification Without Distortion JUST another super? Decidedly not! The Lincoln 8-80 is Iutionary Clough System to the fullest extent, gives it infinitely not even similar to any super heretofore offered. We chal better tone, far more volume and less distortion than any other lenge the whole world of radio engineers to point out any type of transformer can possibly provide. The effective transone receiver incorporating the many advantages and new prin formation ratio per stage — exclusive of tube gain — averages 4.4 ciples unique to the 8-80. IT IS NEW and different from the to 1, 50% greater than that of any other and more expensive antenna binding post to the loudspeaker tip jacks — a new screen transformers, and with all this — true reproduction, fidelity of grid first detector, a radically different three-stage, screen-grid tone, and positively uncanny realism. intermediate-frequency amplifier and a revolutionary audio Even in appearance, the 8-80 is far ahead of any factorysystem. \et it is remarkably simple, more beautiful and goes built receiver at anywhere near its price. The beautiful Lincoln together easier than any other set you've ever seen. It stands 112 two-tone metal shielding cabinet ($9.25 additional) houses alone, a radically new triumph of engineering based on sound the completed receiver and at the same time provides 100% common sense. perfect shielding. The remarkable new Lincoln screen-grid, intermediate-fre It is ALL of these features that make the 8-80 the sweetest quency amplifier is the secret of the astonishing performance super you've ever tuned. And that is positively what it is! In of the 8-80. Gone are the well-meant but clumsy methods of the Lincoln offices in a reinforced steel and concrete building — the past — complicated shielding "laboratory matched" trans the most difficult type for radio reception — the 8-80 consistently formers that are never matched when the set is finished, brings in stations 2000 miles distant at night, and 400 miles in matched sets of tubes, and all of the heretofore "necessary daylight! And this is done in Chicago, through a barrage of evils" from which you tried in vain to obtain real reception. thirty or more high-power local stations and with only a 15 Lincoln has substituted in their place tunable I. F. stages, foot inside antenna. Nashville, Pittsburgh, Shreveport. Atlantic screen-grid tubes, and a minimum of scientifically designed City, Dallas, New York City, all come like locals, and most of shielding that is a component of the parts, far more effective yet them with no antenna at all — only a ground connection. Sta scarcely noticed. tions from all points of the compass will fill your log night After you have built the Lincoln 8-80 you turn four little after night, knobs on the intermediate transformers, just as you would Xhe price of the compiete kit for the 8_80 is §92.65. And the tune an ordinary T. K. F. set and in a few seconds you have set you bu;id from it WJJ1 give these same results, for every set overcome the greatest fault in super construction. You actu built tunes easily and positively to peak efficiency, thanks to ally peak the transformers yourself to the point where they the new principie of William H. Hollister— an old-timer in the operate at greatest efficiency for you, not m a laboratory test game who demonstrated "wireless" to college professors before outfit, but right in your own set you compensate entirely tor Marconi first bridged the Atlantic. And all his experience, every difference in wiring and tube characteristics— impossible ranging over a quarter of a century, has gone into the 8-80. with other transformers. Though perfectly matched, the shield jt OUGHT to be some set AND IT IS! ing is so well designed that with correct voltage the 8-80 cannot oscillate and will not squeal or howl— perfectly stable oper LINCOLN GUARANTEES THAT THE 8-80 WILL GIVE ation. All this means that now for the first time, you can BETTER RESULTS THAN ANY OTHER EIGHT-TUBE SUPER build a receiver that will start right out bringing in distant YOU CAN BUILD, stations, one after another, 10 K.C. apart, with no squeals and no interference and yet retain all of the side bands for perfect If you want an evening full of straight-from-the-shoulder tone quality. super-heterodyne dope written by an engineer who has played Not only in selectivity and quiet operation is the Lincoln with every super going in the last few years, send 25 cents for 8-80 supreme. Its new audio transformer, utilizing the revo William H. Hollister's "Secret of the Super" using coupon below. Have you seen the new Lincoln power supplies? There are two: one for B voltage only and one for A, B, and C voltage for AC tubes. Each one comes in a beautiful brown crystalline steel shielding case. B current of 50 to 60 m.a. — plenty for any ten-tube set — at 180 to 200 volts, with 22h. 90 and 135 available—also 22-90 variable, Type HOB lists at $43.50. type 110ABC at $46.00. They're fully guaranteed, and are described in detail in the big catalog which the coupon below will bring you. LINCOLN ENGINEERING SERVICE ON STANDARD KITS you can buy the really finer standard kits — those that have come up to the rigid stand ^ T7"i*.T ^-vxirr ards of performance set by the Lincoln Laboratories at standard prices, and at standard J m^^^. I JVlNC J Vf discounts if you are a professional setbuilder or dealer? The Lincoln Engineering Ser T~ii~V ■ B fl vice means a lot — you are assured not only of same-day shipment, but you have the *-F\-F H ■ I I r 1 1TJ A r 1 1 double assurance of factory inspection, plus Lincoln inspection — and Lincoln offers you JL X r A only complete kits that exhaustive tests have proved to be right — and then fully guaran tees each to you. Order to-day for immediate shipment any of the following Lincoln-Guaranteed complete kits: Sargent-Ray men t Seven (S-M 710) kit . . $120.00 Tyrman 80 — super — less power pack $134.50 S-M 720 Screen Grid Six 72.50 Tyrman 72 receiver kit . *98.50 _ _ , _ „ , lyrman 72AC, with power pack 153.50 S-M 720 Screen Grid Six— factory wired . 102.00 Scott World's Record 9-tube S. G. super . .138.10 1929 Laboratory Superheterodyne 95.70 H. F. L. Isotone 10tube super 195.00 LINCOLN RADIO CORPORATION 329 SOUTH WOOD ST. — CHICAGO ILLINOIS. Setbuilder agents are wanted in every community, We have a most interesting plan which you will find highly profitable. Write for complete details, or use the coupon. LINCOLN RADIO CORP., 329 South Wood St., Chicago, 111. Send me your big free catalog, listing a complete line of 1929 kits for custom building-. Let me have details of your agency plan. Enclose find 25c, for which send me William H. Hollister's new book, "The Secret of the Super." Name Authorized Distributors for Lincoln 8-80 WESTERN RADIO MFG. CO. 128 W. Lake St. Chicago, Illinois W. C. BR A UN COMPANY 564 W. Randolph St. Chicago, Illinois WALTER ROWAN COMPANY 833 W. Washington St. Chicago, Illinois