Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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324 RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER THE MIRACLE OF THE RADIO WORLD! -for performance GRAYMORE for Service ! 720 SCREEN GRID SIX Here is a set which, in appearance alone, is worthy to stand with factory products selling at several times the price. But look further into the Screen Grid Six — examine the four tuned circuits — the new highselectivity S-M 140 antenna coil — the rigid diecast gang condenser — the screen grid r. f. stages individually shielded in neat copper cans — and finally the marvelous new audio transformers. Then you will have some idea of the 720's overwhelming superiority in actual reception. When we get hold of a set carrying the S-M guarantee, and are able to offer it at a list price of only $72.50 for the complete kit (the 700 cabinet is $9.25 extra) — or the entire set custom-built in this cabinet and tested in the S-M laboratories at $102.00 — then we say it's a bargain. Order yours now ! 710 SARGENT-RAYMENT SEVEN A station tuned in for every ten kilocycles — a hundred stations heard in one evening — that is the performance record of the 710 Sargent-Kayment Seven — latest masterpiece of the inventors of the "■Infradyne." The 710 is a precision laboratory instrument for the veteran fan. The thick aluminum shielding and chassis give beauty of a strikingly appropriate type. Other features responsible for this unusual performance include five sharply tuned circuits in a fourstage screen grid r. f. amplifier, all tuned by a single illuminated drum, and provided with individual verniers. Each circuit is individually shielded, bypassed, and isolated from all others. New S-M transformers insure unbeatable tone quality. The approved 710 Sargent-Rayment kit is priced at $130.00; with cabinet wired complete, §175.00 GRAYMORE ships promptly, from slock, not only the 720 and 710 kits or wired sets above described, but all other S-M products — including the 730 "Round-the-World" ShortWave Four; the 740 "Coast-to-Coast" Four for either DC or AC tubes; the Unipac Power Amplifiers including the new 685 Public Address Unipac; Medium and High Voltage Power Supplies; the new Clough System Audio Transformers, and many others. Send for our catalog showing S-M and other prominent lines of high-grade radio products. Discounts to Dealers. r GRAYMORE RADIO CORPORATION 142 Liberty Street, New York City I Please send your catalog and best trade discounts on S-M and other leading | lines of radio merchandise. I I L. GRAYMORE RADIO CORPORATION 142 Liberty Street New York City Newest Guaranteed 7 -Tube 1-Dial Console Set— Worth $200 BUY DIRECT VALUE COMES COMPLETE ALL ELECTRIC RADIO 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL! A Wonder in! Buy direct from factory $200 VALUE Outperforms sets selling at 2 and 3 times our low price. Includes console shown, made of combination walnut; A. C. electric set, all tubes, built-in magnetic speaker and aerial equipment, COMPLETE Nothing Else to Buy Powerful Reception— Amazing Tone! Remember — 30 days free trial. You be the judge! Worth S200 and looks it! Only one dial to tune — illuminated! Marvelous mellow tone. Selective and gets distance easily. The radio sensation for quality, price and performance. Mail coupon today for our big, money-saving Free Catalog, before you buy any radio or accessories! Battery Sets Our low factory ■prices on the complete line of Diamond Electric and battery operated radios shown in catalog will amaze you! Our New FREE Catalog — Just Published — Shows You How To SAVE HALF! Diamond Radio Company Dept. 220 820 S. Clinton St., Chicago, III. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! Diamond Radio Company, Dept. 220 820 S. Clinton St., Chicago, III. Please send me your Free Cataloe of Diamond radios and details of your 30 Day FREE Trial offer Name . City. ELECTRIC PICKUP Here is an improved type of Electric Pickup for electrically reproducing music from phonograph records through radio sets or power ampli6ers. Fits A.C. or D.C. sets with UX or UV sockets. Comes complete ready to work and is sold with a money back guarantee. Na-AId also makes a complete line of sockets, adapters and power amplifiers. Write for complete catalog. Alden Manufacturing Company Brockton Massachusetts AT LAST! JEEMS SUPER TROUBLE SHOOTER the easy method for locating trouble in your superheterodyne. This handy chart, comprising 16 symptoms, 130 possible causes, is highly recommended by professional set builders as a valuable asset in the work shop. ACCURATE, SURE, COMPLETE, PRACTICAL. By mail 50c. ROBERTS RADIO SERVICE CAXTON BLDG. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. 'Round the World With New Karas Short Wave Receiver Enjoy the thrills of hearing stations thousands of miles away. Karas engineers have developed short wave equipment to highest point. Easy to build. Easy to tune with Karas Micrometric dials. 63 to 1 ratio. Uses Karas condensers built like a fine watch. Karas coils and audios — standard of the world. Send to-day for complete information and construction blue print. Free. KARAS ELECTRIC COMPANY 4033K1 N. Rockwell Street, Chicago Name St. and No City and State 4033K1 Aerovox Condensers and Resistors .have been firmly, esiab^ lished as The Specified Products ■ -hy>N-: the "more discriminating manufacturers. ' Write for the Research Worker, a free monthly publication thai will keep you abreast of. Radio's . latest developments. W 1 *jK*m^m "" "Bmll Better" atUogton Sc* Brooklyn, N. Y.