Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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M here Radio Progress Begins These views in the laboratory of the Arcturus Radio Company give a graphic picture of the organized experimentation that goes on before a technical advance is announced to the radio public. At the top is the testing room, where every characteristic of a radio receiver or vacuum tube may be accurately measured. Precision condensers, oscillators, resistance and inductance standards, and gain measuring equipment fill this experimenters' paradise. The circle inset shows a corner of the chemical laboratory, where experiments are carried on with the gases and metals that make up a vacuum tube. At the bottom is a complete tube factory in miniature, where the engineers can build any tube they want at a moment's notice. The man at the left is bending over a vacuum tube pump for exhausting experimental tubes. At the extreme left are racks in which tubes are given life tests. Such scenes as this may be duplicated in the laboratory of any wide-awake radio manufacturer. 330