Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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386 RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER /A REMLER 20 f . ■ Y Easy to build . . unequalled performance . . at a price you will he glad to pay Marvelously Realistic Reproduction . . . Remler Audio System . . . Perfect Control of Volume from Maximum to a Whisper. Simple to Operate . . . Expert Results for Every Member of the Family. All the Selectivity that Could be Desired . . . Clean-Cut Separation of Stations on Adjacent Channels. Superheterodyne Sensitivity . . . ShieldGrid Amplification. Stable Operation . . . Completely Shielded Throughout. Easy to build . . . Can be Assembled, Wired and Put into Operation in One Evening. No Special Knowledge or Experience Necessary. Most of the Wiring Completed and the Circuits Balanced at the Factory . . . Only a Few Wires to be Installed by the Builder in Accordance with Color Code. Eliminator or Battery Operated. Combined Power Amplifier and Plate Supply . . . CX 350 (UX 250) Power Tube . . . Full Wave Rectification . . . B Voltage Regulation Provided for. Steel Chassis Amplifier Construction . . . Compact and Rigid. Power Transformer Primary Tapped for Different Line Voltages. REMLER POWER AMPLIFIER The story of the "29, " what it is and what it does, is complete in Bulletin No. 17. Sign the coupon for your free copy. Remler Division. Gray & Danielson Mfg. Co. 260 First Street, San Francisco, California. Gentlemen: Please send me: □ All the "dope" on the ''29". □ Bulletin service for professional set builders. Name Address City State. Do you build and sell sets? |II 1 :ir II' .ir -Illr .11.11 irlral: .1:1 1 'II Letters from Readers The Last Word \ A / HAT appears to be the final answer to " * the questions that arose over the meaning of Greenwich Mean and Greenwich Civil Time, as used in the list of short-wave stations in the May issue, has come from Captain C. S. Freeman, U. S. N., Superintendent of the U. S. Naval Observatory. The necessary corrections for the errors which occurred in the original list appeared in this column in the August issue, but we appended a request for information as to whether there was any recognized system of time computation which used a day starting at noon. Captain Freeman answers: To the Editor: There is no longer any time in use by which the day is reckoned as beginning at noon. That kind of day was called the astronomical day, and was used principally by astronomers, navigators, and persons engaged in longitude determinations. In making their computations, the above mentioned persons used data from the national ephemerides (astronomical ephemerides). Beginning in 1925, all the national ephemerides discontinued the use of the astronomical day, and all users of these publications changed accordingly. It would have been better probably if the term "Mean Time" had not been continued in use in referring to the day beginning at midnight. However, its use has not been due to confusion in the minds of the users, since among them are the astronomers and time authorities of Europe, who undoubtedly understand the significance of the terms involved. The matter may be summed up as follows: Greenwich Mean Time (G. M. T.) and Greenwich Civil Time (G. C. T.) refer to the same system of time computation, the first being the European designation and the second the American designation. This system of computation begins its day at midnight (o hours) in the longitude of Greenwich, England. No system in use to-day begins the day at noon. Volunteer Proof Readers IT SEEMS that our embarrassment in the Sep*■ tember issue over the presence of errors in these pages has inspired several readers, ambitious for the position of million-dollar proof reader, to point out several other mistakes in the September number. However, since each of the two correspondents quoted below points out only one error, and fails to find the error noted by the other, the lucrative position in the proof room remains vacant, and the firm is still holding on to the million dollars. To the Editor: After reading the article in the September Radio Broadcast on page 308 in regard to mistakes, I hardly have the heart to write you about a glaring error on page 253 of the same number. But really, your contributors, compositors and proof readers should know the difference between "flaunting" and "flouting." It seems rather strange, but almost every time I have seen the word "flaunting" used recently, especially in the daily press, the writer has actually meant "flouting." "Flaunting the constitution, (or the 1 8th amendment)" seems to be a favorite phrase with the newspaper writers. I would suggest to the editor of every newspaper and magazine that a little notice be put up in the office to the effect that the words "flaunting" and "flouting" had better not be used at all. Then there will be no confusion between them. B. R. White, New York City (Continued on page 388) Specially Designed for A. C. Detector Tubes Spring supported, shock absorbing. The tube holding element "floats" on perfectly balanced springs. Reduces microphonic disturbances, tends to lengthen life of tube and lessens the possibility of shortcircuiting closely spaced tube elements. Y-Type, Green Top, for 5 Prong A C Tubes: for mounting on top of panel, Sl.OO; for direct attachment to panel, 75c. Red Top, for Standard UX Type Tubes: For mounting on top of panel, 75c.; for direct attachment to panel, 50c. Shelf Supporting Brackets A decided advantage for the neat and substantial construction of the set. Use when panel and subpanel are assembled to make one complete removable unit. The Adjustable Brackets permit panels to be mounted vertically or at any desired angle. No. 8629 — Rigid — 70c. per pair No. 9029— Adjustable— $1.25 per pair At all Radio and Electrical Dealers and Jobbers Benjamin Electric Mfg. Co. 120-128 S. Sangamon Street Chicago New York San Francisco 247 W. 17th St. 448 Bryant St.