Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 73 You Can Forget the Condensers — If They Are DUBILIERS Your radio receiver needs a high grade aerial system if you want consistently good reception. The Beldenamel Aerial Kit contains all the parts of a fine antenna system— each part matched for perfect results. Replace your old aerial with a Beldenamel Aerial Kit. Your antenna system will then be permanent— it cannot corrode! See your dealer, now. Bare Copper Beldenamel Aerial Aerial Wire J^s=5~^^&J>V'>'e is protected Corrodes /ff against cor Rapidly Other Belden Radio Products Indoor Aerial Kits, Colorubber Hookup Wire, Aerial Accessories, Battery Cords, Extension Cords and a dozen other items are included in the Belden Line. Ask your dealer to show you the newBeldenLoudspeakerExtension Cord that is flat and lies under the rug. No unsightly wiring around the room. Does not wear the rug. Belden Manufacturing Co. 231 2A S. Western Ave. Chicago Type PL 1120 especially designed for the Thordarson types R-480 and R-280 Power Compacts, used with 171 type tubes and the 280 type tube Rectifier or the Elkon E-80 metallic Rectifier. Price §15.50 There is No Substitute for Quality No amount of lurid claims by nimble-penned advertising writers "will take the place of quality in the final analysis — the operation in your power supply. Ever since the advent of Radio, Dubilier has been the manufacturers' standard — and the setbuilders' stand-by. Built in every Dubilier Condenser is a factor of safety which is your safeguard for years of service without failure. Dubilier Light Socket Aerial — "A Moulded Bakelite Product" Bring in programs with a minimum of interference. Do away with the unsightly and trouble causing outside aerial and lightning larrestor. Simply attach to the set and plug into the nearest light socket. Uses no current. Sold by all good dealers on a 5 day, money-back basis. Price $1.50. Write to Dept. 30 for free catalog Dubilier CONDENSER CORPORATION 10 East 43rd Street Devices New York City Reg. u.S PatOff Fahnestock Clips RADIO'S GREATEST CONVENIENCE Used by Manufacturers of Standard Sets and Parts — and by Manufacturers of High Grade Wet and Dry Batteries. ALL GENUINE FAHNESTOCK CLIPS bear our imprint on the thumb piece of the dip. WORLD S LARGEST MAKER OF CLIP TERMINALS 48 different sizes and styles to meet all requirements. ■ Send for Catalog and Samples FAHNESTOCK ELECTRIC CO. L. I. City New York NaalD NO. 502 ELECTRIC PICK-UP Fits A. C. or D. C. Sets PRICE $5.00 The Na-Ald Electric Pickup fits any radio set and will electrically amplify music from any phonograph. Can also be attached to any power amplifier. It is the lowest priced pickup on the market and is sold on a five-day money back guarantee. Get one from your dealer or write direct. ALDEN MANUFACTURING CO. Dept. RB 4 Brockton, Mass. No. 502— Price $5.00