Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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74 RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER Positive Line Voltage Control Safe PROTECT your A.C. tubes from excessive filament voltage and insure maximum efficiency from your new A.C. receiver, which is designed to operate at a certain specified line voltage. To be safe, you must have some means of controlling the voltage from the light socket, which varies in different localities and during certain times of the day. 26 Keefe Avenue PRICE $3.00 The Centralab Radio Control Box is the most advanced form of voltage regulator. It is so designed that it will provide absolute positive and safe control of line voltage. A simple manual control is the only adjustment. No meters or technical knowledge required to operate, although meter can be attached at little extra cost if desired. Milwaukee, Wisconsin CENTRAL RADIO LABORATORIES $ At only one dollar a year, there is not a woman in your neighborhood who would be without THE AMERICAN HOME. A practical home-making service that she can actually use and adapt to her own home, she will want to buy this magazine on sight — and can afford to. Why not build up a profitable little business of your own? With this new magazine you will find sales easy and quick — and your profits worth-while. Let us write you full details of this dignified way to earn income. Agency Division, THE AMERICAN HOME, Garden City, N. Y. DEALERS AND SET BUILDERS The NEW 1929 catalog is crammed full of the FINEST, NEWEST, Nationally known A. C. sets, consoles, cabinets, dynamic speakers, kits, eliminators and accessories at LOWEST PRICES. Largest stock of radio parts Prompt delivery. No delay. Write for our FREE catalog WESTERN RADIO MANUFACTURING CO. T>n W r >U>,t llvnt RH-II Chicas 'yfcBigFriendlyRadioHouse End Radio Bothers DO YOU KNOW what's wrong when your radio set isn't working right? Ten to one, you don't. Twenty to one, you would if you had a copy of HofC's Radio Trouble Finder Ever hear of M. M. Hoft', radiotrician, of Philadelphia? He was one of the very first "radio bugs" and has been building and studying sets ever since. And now, out of his broad experience, this man has written a book to tell radio owners how to keep their sets working right. He tells in plain words and illustrations how a set is made, what the parts are called, what are the few usual troubles and how to fix them. Then he lists 103 troubles that sometimes happen and tells how to detect and fix each one. The book is a regular cyclopedia of radio information — only it's in a language anyone can understand. Read it five minutes and you'll know more about radio than you ever dreamed of. It will save you many a repair man. It will save you hours of guessing and fussing and fuming. It will help you to keep the tone of your set always sweet and strong. It will keep you from losing many programs. And, best of all — IT WILL MAKE YOU STOP SWEARING — MUCH TO THE SURPRISE OF YOUR FAMILY — because radio repairs are expensive. Why hire them done when you can easily learn how to keep your set from needing them? All It Costs Is $1.00 Send cash with your order and you get also a Dictionary of Radio Terms and the latest list of Radio Broadcasting Stations with call letters and the new Federal Radio Commission wave lengths. Send your dollar today while the copies last. Six copies for $4.00. CHICAGO BARGAIN STORES 4*6 Quincy Bldg. Desk Bt Chicago, 111* NOW READY! A New Practical Radio Book RADIO BROADCAST'S DATA SHEETS Containing 72 Pages of Useful Technical Data on VACUUM TUBES POWER SUPPLY DEVICES SPEAKERS AUDIO SYSTEMS RECEIVERS CIRCUITS and a hundred other radio subjects of interest to all radio engineers, set builders, service men, home constructors and amateur operators. Send one dollar now for a copy of Radio Broadcast's Data Sheets. We will send book by return mail. If you are not satisfied you can return book within ten days and we will refund dollar immediately. Use coupon below DOUBLEDAY, DORAN & CO. INC Garden City, N. Y. (R. B. D. S.) Gent lemen: Enclosed is a dollar for a copy of Radio Broadcast's Data Sheets. If I am not satisfied I will return book in ten days and you are to return my dollar. Name Address.