Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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142 RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER Com pen fsat AUDIO TRANSFORMER Brings Out the LOST NOTES In Any Receiver Any radio set can be improved from 25 to 100% in tone range. That is a flat, simple, direct statement from Remler — a firm famous for ten years of radio reliability. The new Compensating Transformer, No. 905, replaces the first audio transformer in your receiver. This easy change is quickly made — and results are amazing. Especially when used with a dynamic speaker, the new Compensating Transformer proves tts worth by delivering energy over the complete range of the speaker. Use it to get the most out of your Dynamic Cone. Not an experiment — proved and tested in every popular set and circuit. A special pressed-steel demonstrating base makes it easy for the dealer or set-builder to demonstrate the difference to clients. Sign the coupon for full details. Remler Division, Gray 8C Danielson Mfg. Co. 260 First Street, San Francisco, California. Gentlemen: Please send me complete information on □ New Compensating Transformer. □ Demonstrating Base. Name Address City State R.B.12 The only tubes with the exclusive Televocal Support which eliminates microphonic noises. Made in all standard types. Ask for them at your dealers. Televocal Corporation Televocal Building Dept. B-5, 588 12th Street West New York, N. J. Quality Tubes Potter Condensers Quality Long Life Uniformity Economy Leading manufacturers have selected Potter Condensers for the finest radio sets. Why not follow their good judgment. Insure the operation of your radio set and power amplifier with the use of this high grade product. Potter T-2900 Condenser Block for the single 250 type tube amplifier— $20.00. Potter T-2950 Condenser Block for the pushpull 250 type tube amplifier — $22.50. Potter By-Pass and Filter Condensers are available in all capacities and working voltages. POTTER Interference Eliminator Your radio broadcast programs need no longer be spoiled by interference from oil burners, ice machine motors, vacuum cleaners, violet rays, etc. The remedy is to connect a Potter Interference Eliminator to the interfering device. Potter Manufacturing Co. North Chicago, Ul. A National Organisation at Your Service SC"">00 Insures H jLLm YourACTubes The Vitrohm 507-109 Unit costs $2.00. Installed on your radio set, it lengthens a. c. tube life by automatically lowering filament voltage. Attached in a moment — Nothing combustible — Nothing to wear out — Does not get excessively hot. It consists of a Vitrohm Resistor mounted within a perforated metal cage, a plug, and a receptacle. Write for free information on this and other Ward Leonard Radio Products. WARD LEONARD ELECTRIC CO. Write for this Discount Card NOW! MOUNT VERNON NEW YORK It will enable you to purchase the New and Improved KNAP? "A" POWER KIT at a liberal discount The new Knapp "A" is the finest and most complete kit ever offered. It is the only "A" Power adaptable to Short Wave — Super Heterodyne and Television reception. Take advantage of the wonderful offer today — write David W. Knapp, Pres. Knapp Electric, Inc. Division of P. R. Mallory & Co., Inc. Room 414, 350 Madison Ave., N. Y. City M EWS to Set Builders Barawik offers set builders bigger] bargains — bigger opportunities to make I money this season. New sets, new kit I ideas, all the leading parts, dynamic speakers, supplies, etc. Lowest rockbottom prices. Bigger stocks, quicker service. Send for Big Bargain Book todayfree. Canal Sta. CHICAGO, U. S. A. BARAWIK CO., ROBERT S. KRUSE Consultant and Technical Writer 103 Meadowbrook Road, West Hartford, Conn. Telephone Hartford 4b327