Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 14o TELE VISION simplified! pONTROLLING the receiver scanning disk— that's the big problem in television. Yet there is nothing to it when you have the SPEED CONTROL REG. U. S. You can bring the scanning disk to speed and hold the image on the screen as easily as you steer your car. A handsome and useful device, this SPEED CONTROL CLAROSTAT. Controls any variable speed motor of | h.p. or less, from standstill to practically full speed in several turns of knob. Push button for quick starts and for momentary acceleration. Heavy metal case. Properly ventilated. Protected screw terminals. 25 to 500 ohm resistance range. 80-watt rating. Readily mounted. Convenient. And it sells for $5.00. Ideal for television. But that's only half the story The SPEED CONTROL CLAROSTAT has no end of applications in radio and electrical work where a variable or fixed heavy-duty resistance is required. WRITE for literature regarding the SPEED CONTROL CLAROSTAT as well as other Clarostats for every radio purpose. Better still, send 25c for "The Gateway to Better Radio" — the best investment you ever made in radio. CLAROSTAT MFG. CO., Inc. 285 N. 6th Street, BROOKLYN, N. Y. FERRANTI Audio Frequency Transformers are specified for the SKYSCRAPER A remarkable radio receiver using two 222 type tubes in the radio stages. A real engineering job with unusuallyhigh gain and selectivity. Tone quality unsurpassed. Complete instructions for building the Skyscraper will be sent for $1.00 net. Send 15c in coin for copy of the 1929 Ferranti Year Book FERRANTI, INC. 130 W. 42nd St. New York, N. Y. FERRANTI, Ltd. Hollinwood England FERRANTI ELECTRIC, Ltd. Toronto, Canada Operates on 105 to 120 volts, 50 to 60 iV cycles. The only rrA 99 Power Suitable for all Sets -oodC^fiasep7e^C0ver — Irrespective of number of tubes — including SuperHets, Short Wave and Television receivers THE newKnapp "A" Power is designed for the most exacting service ■ — super-hets, short wave and television receivers included. I knew that if it would perform satisfactorily with these receivers that there could be no question as to its efficiency on ordinary broadcast signals. The three Elkon dry condensers, the improved choke coils and the special Elkon dry rectifier make the difference between ordinary and Knapp performance. No Change in Price Even with these wonderful and costly improvements, there has been no advance in price — due to the tremendous volume going thru my plant. Remember that the Knapp is the fastest selling "A" Power on the market. KNAPP ELECTRIC, Inc. —Division of P. R. ~Si.allory & Co., Inc. — 350 Madison Ave., New York City See your dealer today Go to your dealer today. Most of the good ones carry the Knapp in stock. Do not accept a substitute — because only in the Knapp will you get full satisfaction as typified by the famous Knapp "A" Power. If your dealer cannot supply you send the coupon. David W. Knapp, Pres. 4* ^ ***** W-r *.*> .BP'