Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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148 RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER SHORT WAVE RECEIVERS and CONVERTERS The Aero "International" Short Wave Receiver is the first receiver designed exclusively for short wave broadcast reception. Only one tuning control. Non-radiating. Extremely simple to operate and certain to give excellent results. The finest short wave receiver obtainable at any price. Complete kit includes everything necessary to put the set together without spending another cent. Aero Kit No. 8. Price $55.30 The Aero "Standard" Three-Tube Short Wave Receiver for either A.C. or D.C. tubes utilizes a regenerative circuit which has been proven by years of excellent results in the hands of amateur operators. The same special audio amplifier is supplied as is used in the DeLuxe Aero Seven-twentynine and other Aero high grade broadcast receivers, so that excellent quality can be assured when receiving far-distant stations. Kit is complete with nothing else to purchase. Aero Kit No. 10 for A. C. Tubes Price $49.95 Aero Kit No. II lor D. C. Tubes Price $49.95 Unless you are receiving the programs that are broadcast on short waves, you are missing the most interesting part of radio. Broadcast reception on short waves is remarkably clear and free from static. Programs come in from far greater distances with the utmost simplicity of control. Besides, a short time spent in learning the code will place the whole world at your finger tips. TransAtlantic reception is now a common reality in the world of short wave. Assemble an Aero Short Wave Receiver and enjoy the real romance of radio. Kits are complete to the last detail, including even wire, soldering lugs and every nut and screw needed to put the set together. Panels are drilled and full size pictorial wiring diagrams eliminate mistakes in wiring. Add Thousands of Miles to Your Receiver's Range You can receive short wave programs on your present broadcast receiver by simply connecting it to an Aero Short Wave Converter. This does not in any way interfere with the regular operation of your set and no changes in wiring are necessary. You merely plug the converter into the detector socket of your receiver and you are ready to receive short wave programs and code from all over the world. An Aero Short Wave Converter is extremely easy to assemble. All parts are included, the wiring is complete except for four or five connections, and it takes but a few minutes to make the converter ready for use. Most good dealers have Aero Kits. If yours is not supplied, write direct to us. ■ A postcard request brings two valuable booklets — introducing the new 19S89 line of Aero Kits and describing the , Gi-page Aero Green Book for 1929. Send to The Aero "Standard" Short Wave Converter for A.C. or D.C. receivers can be assembled in a few minutes. All the parts are mounted on the foundation unit which is completely wired and tested. It is only necessary to connect four or five wires to make this converter ready for use. It can be plugged into the detector or sometimes the first R.F. socket of any receiver, utilizing the same tube which has been removed from the socket in which the converter is plugged. This is the simplest converter to build and is adapted to any receiver, regardless of type. Kit No. 12 for D. C. Tubes. Price $32.00 Kit No. 14 for A. C. Tubes. Price 32.00 Dept. 298 4611 E. Ravenswood Ave. RD PPDOUCTS INCORPORATED *'^gP Chicago, III. The Aero "International" Converter for D.C. receivers embodies one stage of radio frequency amplification utilizing a shield grid tube and a regenerative detector. Only one tuning control, one volume control, and a filament rheostat. A wonderful little unit, only 7 in. x 10 in. x 6 in. which will give your broadcast set a range of thousands of miles. Kit is complete. Nothing more need be purchased. Aero Kit No. 9. Price $38.90