Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 149 "How I Laughed Myself Into Success in Radio" by Howard Clarke "I'm sitting on top of the world! My bank account is growing fatter every day . . . my home is all paid for . . . I've just ordered a new car . . . and my wife andl can at last enjoy life in real style. It sure feels great to be earning big money. And to think how it all came about!" IT happened on a rainy Monday night. I was reading a magazine while Mary was clearing away the supper dishes. Suddenly a funny cartoon caught my eye . . . and 1 laughed out loud. "Jim, you make me sick!" she cried. "How can you laughwhile I'm nearly dying of weariness!" "But Mary dear — " "Don't dear me, you idiot!" I was alarmed. "Great heavens, what' wrong?" "Wrong?" she screamed,"here I drudge all day, do my own housework, wash all the clothes, take care of the baby, and worry about your meals. I never get a moment of freedom . . . and haven't a decent thing to wear even to church . . .yet you never seem to care!" I was ashamed! A feeling of shame swept over me. So that was why she seemed so "moody" the last few days! Like a good sport she had suffered in silence until she couldn't keep it in any longer. Poor kid ! For hours after Mary had gone to bed that night I kept staring into space. What a mess I had made of our lives . . . What a slave I had made of her Listlessly I kept thumbing the pages of the magazine . . . thinking . . . thinking. Was there no way out of it? Then suddenly ... as if by some kind act of Providence .... I stopped before a story. It told of a fellow who had made quite a fortune in an uncrowded profession. Fascinated, I read on. It told of the brilliant opportunities in the radio industry — of the big incomes fellows like myself were earning . . . and of the ease with which expert radio training could be acquired. But what impressed me most was the fact that success was practically assured by means of a new home-study laboratory method sponsored by three of America's great corporations. With gigantic enterprises like these behind a school I needed no greater guarantee .... so without a second's further hesitation I tore the coupon and mailed it. A lucky event that changed my life It sure was my lucky day, when the first lessons came in. I never dreamed that learning radio was so easy. I didn't know the first thing about it when I started. Yet before many months were over I was able to solve many of the problems which command big pay. Each subject was explained in simple word and picture form. It carried me along like a novel. From magnetism and electricity the lessons took me step by step through trouble-finding and repairing—through ship and shore andbroadcasting apparatus operation and construction — through photoradiograms, television and beam transmission. I didn't have to give up my regular job. I 6tayed right at home and learned during^my spare time. I actually learned by doing. With the lessons I received a complete, expensive storehouse of apparatus with which I was able to build radio circuits and sets of almost every description. Yet it cost me absolutely nothing extra. As a result of this practical, technical working out of big radio problems with a fine homelaboratory, I was able to earn good money even before I had completed my course! And it wasn't long before I was able to quit my regular work entirely. . . and branch out for myself in big paying radio jo"bs. Today, I have .more work than I can take care of. And I often make more money in a day than I used to earn in a week. Read this thrilling Free Book Howard Clark's story is typical of the success which scores of ther men have achieved . . . through the "big-league" training given by the home-study course of the Radio Institute of America ... the only school in America sponsored by RCA, General Electric and Westinghouse. Radio needs you. Manufacturers, dealers, broadcasting stations, ships ... all need trained radio experts. The pay is big. The opportunities are limitless . . . The work is thrilling! Find out all about it. The Institute has prepared an interesting, illustrated booklet telling you all you want to know about this vast industry and about the remarkable home -study course that can fit you for a brilliant radio career. Just mail the coupon below . . . the booklet is absolutely free. Radio Institute of America, 326 Broadway, New York. Mail this coupon Radio Institute of America Dept.RB 1,326 Broadway, New York Gentlemen: Please send me your big FREE 50-page book which tellsabout the great opportunities in Radio and about your famous laboratory-method of radio instruction at home. Name . . . Address .