Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER 203 /^W what BIG money these fellows have made in the RADIO BUSINESS $375 One Month Spare Time "Recently I made $375 in one month in my spare time installing, servicing, selling Radio sets. And,' not so long ago, I earned enough in one week to pay for my course." EARLE CUMMINGS, 18 Webster St., Haverhill, Mass. SIS97 In Five Months "The N. R. I. is the best Radio school in the U. S. A. I have made $1597 in five months. I shall always tell my friends that I owe my success to you." HENRY J. NICKS, Jb., 302 Safford Ave., Tarpon Springs, Fla. $1X64 Spare Time Profits " Look at what I have made since I enrolled, $1,164 — money I would not have had otherwise. I am certainly glad I took up Radio with N. R. I. I am more than satisfied." HENRY R. HE1KKINEN, 123 W. Erie St., Chicago, 111. Over SIOOO In Four Months "My opinion of the N. R. I. course is that it is the best to be had at any price. When I enrolled I didn't know a condenser from a j? transformer, but from December to April I made a „ " well over 81000 and I only ^vi:^ worked in the mornings." VIlpSA AL. JOHNSON. ^ 1409 Shelby St., Sandusky, Ohio. Jhow to start a spate time of full time Radio Business oT Voui» Own ^ without cafiitaC Radio's amazing growth is making many big jobs. The worldwide use of receiving sets and the lack of trained men to sell, install and service them has opened many splendid chances for spare time and full time businesses. Ever so often a new business is started in this country. We' have seen how the growth of the automobile industry, electricity and othifif 9 made men rich. Now Radio is doing the same thing. Its growth has already made many men rich and will make more wealthy in the future Surely you are not going to pass up this wonderful chance for" success More Trained Radio Men Needed A famous Radio expert says there are four good jobs for every man trained to hold them. Radio has grown, so fast that it simply has not got the number of trained men it needs. Every year there are hundreds of fine jobs among its. many branches such as broad* casting stations, Radio factories, jobbers, dealers, on board, ship, commercial land stations, and many others. Many of the six to ten million receiving sets now in use are only 25% to 40% efficient. This has made your big chance for . a spare time or full time business of .your own selling, installing, repairing sets. So Many Opportunities Ton Can Make Extra Money While Learning Many of our students make $10, $20, $30 a week extra while learning. I'll' show you the plans and ideas that have proved successful for them — show you how to begin making extra money shortly after you enroll. G. W. Page, 1807-21st Ave., S., Nashville, Tenn., made $935 in his spare time while taking my course. I Give Ton Practical Radio Experience With My Course My course is not just theory. My method gives you practical Radio experience — you learn the "how" and "why" . of practically every type of Radio set made. This gives you confidence to tackle any Radio problems a nd shows up in your pay envelope too. J his Book, hfiiUdottt What I Will Train Ton At Home In Tour Spare Time . [ bring my training to you. Hold youf job. Give me only part of your spare time. You don't have to be a college or high school graduate.. Many of my graduates now making big money in Radio didn't even finish the grades. Boys 14, 15 years old and men up to 60 have finished my course successfully. Ton Must Be Satisfied I will give you a written, agreement the day you enroll to refund your money if you are not satisfied with the lessons and instruction service when you complete the course. You are the only judge. The resourcesof the N. R. I. Pioneer and Largest Home-Study Radio school in the world stand back of this agreement. Get My Book Find but what Radio offers you. My 64-page book, " Rich Rewards in Radio " points out the money making opportunities the growth of Radio has made, for you. Clip the coupon. Send it to me. You won't be obligated in the least. You can build 100 circuits with the Six Big Outfits of Radio parts I give you. The pictures here show only three of them. My book explains tny method of giving prac« tical training at home. Get your copy ! Address J. E. Smith* Pres. Dept. 9 M 82 rational Radio Institute Washington* D. C. J. E. Smith, President. Dept., 9 M 82 National Radio Institute, Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Smith: Send me your book. I want to know more about the opportunities in Radio and your practical method of teaching' at home in spare time. . This request, does not obligate me to enroll and I understand no agent will call on me.. Name..., Age. Address City, State. ung loes. and I A