Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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218 RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER CARBORUNDUM DETECTOR A turn of the pressure screw gives you perfect tone balance. . Then, position is fixed by adjusting lock nut, so that pressure remains permanently sensitive. QJust another improvement to further insure the Perfect Tone Quality you always get with the Carborundum Detector — and tone quality is everything. (\ Recommended by noted radio-circuit designers. DEALER OR DIRECT — $1.50 IN U. S. A. Send for Free Book "Carborundum in Radio" D -2 The Carborundum Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Canadian Carborundum Co., Ltd., Niagara Falls, Ont. Carborundum in the Registered Trade Me Carborundum Company for its Silicon Carbide and is its exclusive property c irk \ its ] "J / Write for this Discount Card NOW! It will enable you to purchase the New and Improved KNAPP "A" POWER KIT at a liberal discount The new Knapp "A" is the finest and most complete kit ever offered. It is the only "A" Power adaptable to Short Wave — Super Heterodyne and Television reception. Take advantage of the wonderful offer today — write David W. Knapp, Pres. Knapp Electric, Inc. Division of P. R. Mallory & Co., Inc. Room 4<4 A, 350 Madison Ave., N. T. City Send for WESTERN RADIO 9W& DEALERS AND SET BUILDERS The NEW 1929 catalog is crammed full of the FINEST, NEWEST, Nationally known A. C. sets, consoles, cabinets, dynamic speakers, kits, eliminators and accessories at LOWEST PRICES. Largest stock of radio parts, Prompt delivery. No delay. Write for our FREE catalog WESTERN RADIO MANUFACTURING CO. 19ft W T.nk f St 7><>r>f. RB-2 Chicae Big Friendly Radio House latest W THE BARAWIK CO. has, all these years, been famous for its variety of radio supplies, which it offers at moneysaving prices. Newest dynamic speakers, "B" eliminators, socket power equipment, A-C harness, fine cabinets and furniture, amplifiers, latest amateur equipment, tubes, batteries; in fact, anything you can ask for is here, ready to ship, at a saving in price. Quality merchandise, selected goods by reliable makers — just what you want— at big discounts. Your Savings are Tremendous Ask any of the quarter million Barawik customers why they trade here, and they'll tell you that, quality considered, our prices can't be beat. That's something to think about! Quality comes first — new, fresh, good reliable merchandise, but the price always means a tremendous saving, neverthe less. Get our catalog and prove _ EftEE this to yourself. Don't spend a ^^^^JtICEE nickel until you see our offerings first. You need this great radio bargain bool{ as never before— Mail the coupon now —TODAY. Rara wik Co 122 B Canal Staoardwut k,u. CHICAC0> u. s. A. Mail this coupon for FREE Bargain Book. ^Jame , Address , HELP! To help our Research Division in an important survey of the radio field, please check below the classification to which you belong, and mail at your earliest convenience to RADIO BROADCAST Garden City, N. Y. Check the classification to which you belong with an X. Manufacturer Technician Radio Dealer Service Man Engineer Set Builder (Other Occupation) Name . . Address. City. . . . Slate.