Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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.RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER. STEEL BANK BUILDING 10 FT. ANTENNA WITH * TREMENDOUS VOLUME! INCOLN That's the performance of the Lincoln 8-80 in the heart of Chicago SET BUILDERS REPORT Telegram Nov. 28th— "JAPANESE STATIONS RECEIVED ON LINCOLN SUPER JOAK, JOIK, JOBK." TOKYO, JAPAN; SAPPORO, JAPAN; OSAKA, JAPAN; BROUGHT IN THROUGH THE MANY STATIONS AROUND 300 METERS. "SIX PACIFIC COAST STATIONS WITHOUT ANTENNA OR GROUND." — From Illinois. " After using it several days I can truthfully say that it is the first set that I ever heard or owned that performs as per the advertisements of the manufacturers, in fact, if possible, it is a little better than advertised." "Being an ardent DX fan and having constructed and used practically all of the standard supers and tuned radio frequency outfits and having personally constructed and experimented with intermediate super transformers and equipment, I find the Lincoln 8-80 the best answer to all DX requirements. Only an experienced set builder can fully appreciate what it means to have solved for him such problems as having a proper means of matching an intermediate transformer to any tube's individual characteristics. Tone quality, simplicity of operation, the ease with which outside stations can be brought in and the fact that the price is within range of all, make this the first set that I feel I could conscientiously recommend to everybody." "75 stations logged before the new allocation of stations from a Chicago Hotel where 75 other receivers could not get out." Practically every Lincoln 8-80 owner reports this wonderful reception. NOT A SINGLE BUILDER HAS ASKED FOR HIS MONEY BACK OR WISHED TO RETURN HIS LINCOLN 8-80. A WORD TO THE CUSTOM SET BUILDERS You can out-demonstrate, out-perform any competitive equipment in your territory. You can pull in station after station in every degree of the dial with perfect tone quality of your local station. All this without a squeal, and only using a small part of your available power, and at a price without competition. You can convince your customer in one short demonstration. The price of complete kit for the Lincoln 8-80 is $92,65. Due to the new principles involved every 8-80 works exactly alike., and you can get the same results as our finest laboratory model. If you want an evening full of straight-from-the-shoulder super-heterodyne dope written by an engineer who has played with every super going in the last few years, send 25 cents for William H. Hollister's "Secret of the Super*'' using the coupon below. LINCOLN ENGINEERING SERVICE ON STANDARD KITS Order to-day for immediate shipment any of the following Lincoln-Guaranteed complete kits: Sargent-Ray ment Seven (S-M 710) kit . . $120.00 Tyrman 80-super — less power pack $134.50 S-M 720 Screen Grid Six 72.50 Tyrman 72 receiver kit 98.50 S-M 720 Screen Grid Six— factory wired . . 102.00 Tyrman 72AC, with power pack 153.50 1929 Laboratory Superheterodyne 95.70 H. F. L. Isotone 10-tube super 195.00 LINCOLN RADIO CORPORATION 329 SOUTH WOOD ST. — CHICAGO ILLINOIS. Authorized Distributors for Lincoln 8-80 WESTERN RADIO MFG. CO. 128 W. Lake St., Chicago WALTER ROWAN CO. 833 Washington St., Chicago ELECTRIC & RADIO SUPPLY 22 N. Franklin St., Chicago RADIO SUPPLY COMPANY 912 Rroadway, Los Angeles LINCOLN RADIO CORP., Dept. B 329 South Wood St., Chicago, III. Send me your big free catalog, listing a complete line of 1929 kits for custom building. Enclosed find 25c, for which send me William H. Hollister's new book, "The Secret of the Super." Authorized Distributors for Lincoln 8-80 KLADAG RADIO LABORATORIES Kline Bldg., Kent, Ohio WHOLESALE RADIO SERVICE 6 Church St., New York City CHICAGO RADIO APPARATUS 415 S. Dearborn St., Chicago HORACE HILLS 200 Davis St., San Francisco, Calif. • february, 1929 page 225 •