Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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.RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER. -X" ^THr i llino Qon e Purity We have now been using Thordarson transformers for some four years, which should be proof conclusive that •we think them capable of maintaining the high quality of Sparton Radio Receivers, ■which we so jealously President-General Manager The Sparhs-Witkington Company [THE manufacturers of the world's " finest receivers realize the important relationship between the choice of transformers (power supply and audio) and the performance of their instruments. Almost universally they have turned to Thordarson as the source of their transformers. In Thordarson Power Supply Transformers they have found an efficiency of design, an abundance of power and a constancy of performance that makes their power unit free from service calls; and in Thordarson Audio Transformers a fidelity of reproduction that renders their receivers musical instruments of the highest caliber. The purchaser and builder of radio receivers who seeks the ultimate in performance will insist on Thordarson Radio Transformers. THORDARSON ELECTRIC MFG. CO Transformer Specialists Since 1895 Huron, Kingsbury and Larrabee Streets Chicago, Illinois THORDARSON TFtANSFOR,M EFtS Supreme in Musical Performance *t>8i ■as* Isn H it about time, Dad, you eliminated the adenoids ANY set with inferior transformers has adenoids. Why k. not have your set give you what it is capable of — its a mighty simple thing to eliminate the adenoids from your set ■ — ■ and to substitute true tones as given by AmerTran radio products. No matter what your set is you have yet to hear the music as it is broadcast from the studio with all of the overtones and shadings from the lowest stop on the organ to the piercing note of the piccolo. AmerTran audio systems will give you every tone broadcast. — just as it is broadcast from the studio. A pair of DeLuxe transformers, or the superb power amplifier (push-pull for 210 tubes) and the ABC Hi-Power Box. No matter what AmerTran audio system you choose, your set will be free from adenoids. See your dealer or write to us. AmerTran ABC Hi-Power Box — 500 voks DC plate voltage, current up to 110 ma; AC filament current for all tubes for any set. Adjustable bias voltages for all tubes. Price, east of Rockies — less tubes— $95.00 Complete 2 stage audio amplifier. First stage AmerTran DeLuxe for UX 227 AC and second stage AmerTran Push-Pull for two 171 or two 210 Power Tubes. Price, east of Rockies — less tubes —$60.00. AmerTran AMERICAN TRANSFORMER COMPANY Builders of Transformers for more than 29 years 71 Emmet St. Newark, N.J. riT'T'T'yr'T'T'T'T'T'T'T'T'T'T'T'T'T'T'y'T'T'T'T'y'T'T'T'T'T'T ' T ' T ' T ■ T'T'TH • february, 1929 . . . page 275 0