Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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~~Z . RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER. "I Found the Short Cut to Success in Radio through this amazing home laboratory method!" The only radio training sponsored by FREE 50-page book tells all about it. Mail Coupon. By Frank Halloran I GOT hungry to get into Radio when I learned about the big money it was bringing my next door neighbor. He was only twenty-eight years old, but his income was over four times as much as I was getting. He owned a fine car, dressed in expensive clothes, took weekends off to go hunting and fishing, and was one of the most popular fellows in town. "Charlie," I asked him one day, "how did you become a radio expert?" "A cinch," he smiled. "I took it up in my spare time at home." "What?" I asked in surprise, "you actually took a radio course by mail?" "No," he shot back. "Not just a mail order course, but the only technical homelaboratory training conducted under the auspices of the Radio Corporation of America! Believe me, this 'big-league' organization not only knows what's what in radio, but it knows how to teach it!" A Great Piece of Luck Taking Charlie's advice was the luckiest thing I've ever done. It's bringing me more money in a week than I've often earned in a month! I never dreamed that learning radio at home was so easy and so fascinating. From the very first lesson to the last I was thrilled! Each subject was explained in simple word and picture form . . . and written in such an interesting style that I was carried along like a novel ! I didn't know the first thing about radio when I started, yet before many months were over I was able to solve many of the problems which now help me command big money. The lessons took me step by step through trouble-finding and repairing . . . through ship and shore and broadcasting apparatus operation and construction . . . through photoradiograms, television and beam transmission . . . through radio salesmanship, store operation and executive work. Success — In Spare Time! I didn't have to give up my regular job. I learned at home during my spare time. And I actually learned by doing! With the course, I received an outlay of the finest standard apparatus with which I was able to build radio circuits and sets of almost every description . . . yet this expensive apparatus cost me absolutely nothing extra ! Even before I had completed the course I was able to earn good money doing odd radio jobs. And it wasn't long after that I was able to give up my regular work and branch out for myself as a full-fledged expert in work that is fun and extremely profitable! Today, my income is more than doubled . . . and I've only just started! I'm certainly happy that I found this short cut to Read This Thrilling FREE Book Frank Halloran's wonderful success is just another typical example of the success which the Radio Institute is bringing to hundreds of men everywhere through its wonderful Home-laboratory training . . . the only official radio training based on the inside knowledge of radio developed in the great experimental laboratories of the Radio Corporation of America! There is an amazing opportunity for you in Radio. Manufacturers, dealers, broadcasting stations, ships . . . all are calling for trained radio experts. The pay is big — the opportunities are limitless — the work is thrilling! Find out all about it. The Institute has prepared an interesting, illustrated booklet telling rou all you want to know about this vast industry and about the remarkable home study-course that can fit you for a brilliant radio career. Just mail the coupon below and claim your copy of this valuable booklet . . . it's absolutely free! Radio Institute of America, Dept. R. B. 3, 326 Broadway, New York Mail this coupon Radio Institute of America Dept. R. B. 3, 326 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Gentlemen: Please send me your FREE 50-page book which tells all about the great opportunities in Radio and about your famous home-laboratory method of guaranteed radio instruction sponsored by the Radio Corporation of America. Name Address • march, 1929 page 285 •