Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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"Z. RADIO BROADCAST No. 19 Radio Broadcast's Set Data Sheets THE MAJESTIC MODEL 701 5 RECEIVER March, 1929 This seven-tube Majestic receiver consists of a three-stage tuned radio two 171 A-type tubes. The power unit supplies A, B, and C potentials frequency amplifier, a detector and a two-stage transformer-coupled to the set and also provides field current, for a Majestic model G-2 audio-frequency amplifier, the output circuit of which is push-pull using dynamic loud speaker. Grid Resistance 50-100 ohms 226 BalCond. 226 2 ™f; 000025 mid. THE FEDERAL TYPE D (60 CYCLE) RECEIVER This interesting receiver manufactured by the Federal Radio Cor rectifier. It should be noted that the filament circuits of the r.f. amporation uses four 201 a and one 17lA-type tubes in a series filament plifier tubes contain r.f. choke coils to prevent common coupling circuit, the necessary current being furnished by a Raytheon BA-type in the filament supply. 5 Volt h Ampere Power Tube 5 Volts A.C. (Not used on Type "D"> 777,777 Metal Case 0.1 mfd.TL The data which was given in the description of the receiver in previous "Set Data Sheets9' has been lettered on the above diagram. 1 — * out • march. 1929 page 327 •