Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

Record Details:

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.RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER. Improving the Radio Dealer's Service to the Public ♦ ♦ ♦ BY MAKING available for public use (usually in. advance of other tube manufacturers) each new development in the tube industry, CeCo has won the hearty endorsement of thousands of radio pioneers. This carries with it a great responsibility. For this reason — the public looks for more than the usual from CeCo. A superior performance is expected — demanded. Accordingly, each CeCo tube MUST be as painstakingly fashioned, tested and re-tested as though it were the sole output of the factory. We pledge our continued support to this policy, as well as to the policy of experimentation and research to improve constantly the performance of radio tubes. Write today for the interesting CeCo story. Don't miss the CeCo Couriers entertaining program every Monday evening at 8:30 Easterntime (7:30 Central time) over the Columbia Broadcasting System. (E>© Manufacturing Co*, Inc. Providence Rhode Island Radio Tubes are used bu millions. • march, 1929 . . . page 341 •