Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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The Only Service Instrument That Will Make All These Tests It has the only tube tester giving oscillation tests from raw A. C, or from radio sockets. Tests all tubes If to 15 volts, including screen grid and heater types. Reads direct output of rectifier tubes. Permits complete and comprehensive analyzing from radio socket of all type A. C. or D. C. radios with Master plunger selector system. Voltage readings with and without load. Gives in dependent cathode readings. The modulated tube radiator takes place of broadcast stations for testing — is a driver for neutralizing and oscillator for synchronizing, giving meter dip and speaker click at resonance. Has heavy duty rejuvenator. Bridges open states of audio — alters outputs — tests fixed condensers and contains stage of audio — fixed capacities — 500,000 ohm variable resistance and 30-ohm rheostat. Besides regular tests, all apparatus is accessible through pin jacks. Instrument lifts out of case. Absolute Accuracy Assured Three Weston meters and SUPREME engineering, combined with the finest of materials and workmanship, insure absolute accuracy. A Voltmeter of three scales 0/10/100/600, 1000 ohms per volt; a Milliammeter of 125 mils and 2| amps: and an A. C. Voltmeter, three large scales of 0/3/15/150, are built into the SUPREME test panel and are housed in Bakelite cases. All instruments are manufactured for 110 volts and 50-60 cycles. Instruments other frequencies can be furnished special at slight increase in price. World's Leading Radio Engineers Praise The Supreme Diagnometer £T*HE SUPREME Diagnometer is recognized JL as the outstanding service instrument in radio. In one gigantic forward stride this marvelous instrument changed the standards of radio service. It filled the long-felt need of radiotricians for a single, compact, portable instrument that would not only make all tests upon which they had previously been forced to rely, but would also provide those necessary tests and analyses which had previously been restricted to the most complete and expensively equipped radio laboratories. A Real Profit Maker With the SUPREME Diagnometer the radiotrician is mechanically equipped to solve any radio problem that may come before him. He is prepared 6 Day Trial Date SUPREME INSTRUMENTS CORPORATION 321 Supreme Building Greenwood, Miss. Please ship me one Model 400A SUPREME Diagnometer. Upon delivery of the instrument, I will deposit with the express agent either the cash price of $1'24.65 or $38.50 cash and 10 trade acceptances (instalment notes) for $10 each, due monthly, at my option, subject to the following conditions: It is agreed that the deposit made with the express agent shall be retained by him for six days. If within that time, after testing the instrument I am not entirely satisfied, I have the privilege of retu ning the instrument to the express agent in good condition, with the seal unbroken (see note below) and adapters and parts intact. Upon such return and upon the prepayment of return express charges, the deposit I have made with the express agent will be promptly returned to me. Signed Firm name . . . . Address City State Please send three or more trade references, including at least one bank, with this coupon. NOTE:— The seal on the panel of the instrument covers the master screw in the assembly. It is never necessary to disturb this, and it does not in any way prevent or restrict the use of the instrument. Factory guarantee ceases with disturbance of seal. to handle intricate and technical tasks in a way that will earn the enthusiastic satisfaction of his patrons and enable him to command the highest fees. Yet the SUPREME is amazingly simple to understand and operate. Its compact portable carrying case weighs only 25 pounds and measures 18 x 10| x 7 inches. The case is ingenious and convenient in design, providing handy compartments for carrying all necessary tools, adapters, and accessories, including a swinging tube shelf which affords complete protection to extra tube. SUPREME Service League members everywhere are securing greater increases in business and earn Look for the Sign of Efficient Radio Service Radio Owners: Look for this emblem in your radio shop or on the button worn or card carried by your serv'ce man. It is your guarantee of dependable service. ings. Those who sell radios report that the reputation they have gained for dependable and scientific service has increased their receiver sales as well as their service profits. Radio owners have learned and are telling each other that SUPREME Service is the most dependable and thorough to be had. Order a SUPREME Diagnometer on our six-day trial plan. See for yourself what this amazing instrument will do for you. Send No Money Thousands of owners attest to the superiority of the SUPREME. PROVE its value to you by using it six days in actual service work. We let you be the sole judge. Sign and fill in the six-day trial request and mail today. Prices and Terms Under our time payment plan, the Model 400A SUPREME Diagnometer can be bought for $38.50 cash and 10 trade acceptances (installment notes) for $10.00 each, due monthly. Cash price, if preferred, $124.65. All prices net; no dealers' discounts. SUPREME Radio Diagnometer cuncewalxte Makes every A test on any Radio Set Radio Broadcast. April, 1929 Published monthly Vol. XIV No. 6. Published at Garden City, N. Y. Subscription price $4.00 a year. Entered at the post office at Garden City, N. Y., as second class mail matter. Doubleday. Doran & Company, Inc., Garden City, N. Y.