Radio Broadcast (May 1928-Apr 1929)

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RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER THE NEW C R O S L E Y GEMCHEST Chinese Chippendale Cabinet design in three colors. Mandarin Red, Manchu Black and Nanking Green. Contains seven-tube Gembox shielded receiver (three tubes radio amplification, detector, two audio tubes and rectifier) and the dynamic Crosley Dynacone power speaker (built on a different principle of armature actuation.) Without tubes $94. THE CROSLEY RADIO CORP. POWEI CROSLEY JR., Pres. CINCINNATI, 0. Owners ofWLW, the NatioiVs Station West of Rockies Prices Slightly Higher Always keep a spare tube with your E. T. CUNNINGHAM, Inc. New York Chicago San Francisco Power is Music to Radio Engineers f HlHE radio listening public is entitled to powerful volume plus undistorted quality output. Radio engineers and radio set manufacturers have worked steadily toward this result, constantly endeavoring to simplify radio construction. Simplicity without the loss of effectiveness is the keynote of engineering progress. Now Arcturus announces two new tubes that definitely improve both volume and tone quality. They add new [Engineering Facts Have a Utility power to any A-C set, yet keep the reproduction clear and undistorted. These two tubes are the No. 122 Shield Grid Tube and the No. 145 Power Tube. Both operate from a 2.5 volt a. c. filament heater potential. A specially prepared technical bulletin on these new tubes will be sent on request. Significance to the Broadcast Listener] ARCTURU BLUE Iong-uff: TUBES ARCTURUS RADIO TUBE COMPANY ~ Newark, N. J. For The Service Laboratory To the service man who prides himself on thoroughness a portable source of radio-frequency signals is indispensable. The aligning of tandem controlled condensers, the neutralizing of receiver or the timing of the intermediate-frequency amplifier in a superheterodyne receiver all require a dependable test signal. The Type 320 Test Oscillator supplies a modulated signal at 1,400 and 640 kilocycles in the broadcast band and at 180 kilocycles for testing of an intermediate-frequency amplifier. Licensed under U. S. Patent 1,113,149 Bulletin T Describes It GENERAL RADIO COMPANY 30 State Street 274 Brannan Street Cambridge, Massachusetts San Francisco, California & april. 1929 . . . page 409 •