Radio Broadcast (May 1929-Apr 1930)

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RADIO BROADCAST learning how to stress it? Radio has developed fast but it is by no means an "old story." The romance of it is still there. Are you so completely scientific that you can talk only in terms of "selectivity," "distance," "elimination of static," "one-dial control," and so on? Are you so completely practical with respect to price, durability, current consumption, and such things that you can't encourage the very practical sales art of sympathizing with the romance that is in the soul of the set buyer just as the romance of lakes and mountains is in the soul of the trans-continental traveller? Promoting Your Business Ah, i am really afraid that you have a superiority complex. L I come to you about something you know much more about than I do. I show my respect for your knowledge, then you feel that you must be an oracle and in your kindly but positive way talk down to me. You can still show your knowledge, but, if in addition to your superiority in knowledge you have the art of sympathizing with me as a real or possible radio nut, you can make more money out of me. Really, aren't you the least bit inclined to "high-hat" me because I am an ignorant dub about hook-ups and such things in which you are wise? Can't you realize that if I just have a radio set in the house because every one does, and that I have brought it to you for repair because my daughter said I must, it might pay you to get a bit of enthusiasm pumped into me about radio and the fun I can have with it myself? If you succeed in that I am not going to be satisfied with this old set that needs repair every few months. You must be a salesman to get the most out of your business, and salesmanship is largely a matter of understanding the customer. Promotion of your business is what I am talking about. If you can in the course of time get fifty of your customers to realize that you are interested in the quality of broadcasting, the fun of Kstening in, and selectivity with reference to programs, then you may make more sales than you now expect to. To you the important thing is the quality and price of instruments, to me the really important thing is radio programs. If you jump that gap yourself and get on my side of the ditch your influence with me will double. I'll still know and admire your scientific qualities and your technical skill. Yes, even more than ever because you sense my need and I recognize that you are a broad man. A dealer is rather bound by the established routine of buying and selling. Sometimes that is rather drab and uninteresting. Selling easily gets into a stupid rut. Sometimes a single dealer and sometimes a group of dealers make a plunge into a profitable cultivation of the spirit of romance — that imperishable spark which lives in us all, even in this sophisticated age. Romance in Other Industries « £i ay it with flowers." A great industry has united to spread ^ this romantic touch, and it has done so with enormous profit. Even the old substantial Western Union has branched out into romance, and, strange as it may seem, has made a Cupid out of the messenger boy who delivers thousands of love notes sent by wire. Greeting cards, particularly at Christmas, have offered incense on the altar of romance, good 134 • • JULY -192 9 •