Radio daily (Feb-Mar 1937)

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2 RADIO DAILY Thursday, February 18. 1937 Vol. 1, No. 8 Thurs., Feb. 18. 1937 Price 5 Cts. JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher DON CARLE GILLETTE : Editor MARVIN KIRSCH : : Business Manager Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Radio Daily Corp. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Treasurer and General Manager; Chester B. Bahn, Vice-President; Charles A. Alicoate, Secretary; M. H. Shapiro, Associate Editor; John B. English, Advertising Manager. Terms (Post free) United States outside of Greater New York, one year, $5 ; six months, $3 ; three months, $2; foreign, year, $10. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to RADIO DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Wisconsin 7-6336, 7-6337, 7-6338, 7-6339. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, Calif— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. Copyright, 1937, by Radio Daily Corp. All rights reserved. Earnshaw Sets 2 Programs Earnshaw Radio Productions of Hollywood, which recently opened a New York office with Charles Michelson in charge, has placed its "Chandu the Magician" in two more spots, one at WGY, Schenectady, and the other at WWSW, Pittsburgh. "Big Brother" Plugs Film The "Big Brother" program, broadcast over a coast-to-coast Mutual hookup, wil present on three successive Sundays starting Feb. 21 dramatic excerpts from the Warner film, "Penrod and Sam." The program is broadcast at 11 a. m. under the supervision of "Big Brother" Bob Emery. Duncan Sisters to New York Chicago — Vivian and Rosetta Duncan wind up stage engagements after current week here to return to New York to devote full time to a new NBC radio show being prepared for them. FINANCIAL (.Wednesday, Feb. 17) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET High Low Close Am. Tel. & Tel 180 178'/2 179 Crosley Radio 26% 263/8 2638 Gen. Electric 60% 60'/4 60'/4 North American 31% 3034 303/4 RCA Common 12% 11 '/2 12 RCA 1st Preferred 78'4 77% 78 RCA $5 Preferred B (102% Bid) Stewart Warner 19% 19% 19'/4 Zenith Radio 40'/4 39 39% NEW YORK CURB MARKET Hazeltine Corp 17% 175/8 17% Majestic R. & T 5'/8 4% 5 Nat. Union Radio 3% 3% 3% OVER THE COUNTER Bid CBS A 4934 CBS B 493/8 Stromberg-Carlson 19% Net Chg. — 1% % — % + % Asked 51% 51% 20% Police© to Award a Weekly Trailer Lehn & Fink. Corp. (Pebeco Toothpaste), will offer one trailer a week until further notice for the best letter of not more than 25 words on "Why I want a frailer." Included in the contest is a stipulation to offer a name for the mythical trailer currently being used in the script of the show. Program, "The Gumps," now being aired five times weekly, 12-12:15 p.m.. over the CBS network. Lennen & Mitchell is the agency. This is the first trailer award on a national network. Easter Egg Campaign Philco-RCA Suit Argued Set for 37 Stations In Wilmington Court Fred Fear & Co., Brooklyn (egg coloring) , will launch its annual Easter egg coloring radio campaign on March 18 over 37 stations from Boston to Honolulu. Sponsor will use one-minute live announcements, once daily, for approximately four days. Schedule includes WMCA, WLS, WJR, WFIL, WNAC, WHK, WWL, WIRE, KOA, WHAS, KFI, KGO, WSB, WBAL, WKBW, WSOC, WDOD, WCKY, KRLD. KFPW. KTRH, KMBC. WMC. KSTP, WNEW, WKY, WOW, WJAS, KOIN, WHAM, KDYL, KJR, KSD, WFLA, WOL, KFH, KGU. Menken Advertising, Inc., New York, placed the account. Sues Owner of WJBW New Orleans — Southern Broadcasting Co., lessors of WJBW, yesterday filed suit for $12,000 damages and restraining orders in the Civil District court against Charles C. Carlson, owner of WJBW. The plaintiff charges Carlson with a list of alleged interferences which it is claimed seriously injured the station. The defendant denied all charges and said there was no ground for suit and claimed that Southern's president was actually his employee. In a four-page bill of complaint, Southern Broadcasting Co. contends that Carlson, whom it claims to have paid $200 plus royalties for the uninterrupted use of his, station, forcibly took possession of the transmitter and ran the station to suit himself. Complaint also stated that defendant interferred with Southern's control men and announcers. Hollinshead in New Post K. J. Hollinshead, formerly assistant sales manager of Brennan-Cole Corp., has joined the staff of Roesler Howard, Inc., New York office, as contact man. Hollinshead was for a number of years circulation manager of "Association Men," a member of the firm of Stuart & Hollinshead Inc., direct mail specialists, and entered radio with the American Broadcasting Co. on the sales staff of WMCA. He is a brother of M. A. Hollinshead, vice-president of Campbell-Ewald Co. Signed by Rockwell-O'Keefe Bill Hogan, formerly at the Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, has just signed with Rockwell-O'Keefe. The same agency has just signed Enric Madriguera and Mai Hallett and bands. Wilmington, Del. — Suit brought by Philadelphia Storage Battery, a Philco affiliate, asking an injunction to prevent RCA from terminating an agreement giving license to P.S.B. to use basic patents of the radio industry, was argued before Chancellor Josiah O. Walcott yesterday. RCA in a counter-suit claims it has the right to terminate the agreement because, it alleges, it is not being paid proper royalty. RCA claims it is due royalties on the price at which Philco sells radios, not the price at which the latter's subsidiary sells to Philco. A decision in favor of RCA would greatly affect business of Philco. The hearing will continue today. Borden With Uncle Don Borden's Ice Cream has signed to sponsor the Uncle Don broadcast on Friday night over WOR. Show is heard from 6 to 6:30 p. m. daily and new sponsor brings total of bankrollers to three. Ice Cream will be given spot announcements on the other week-day shows. Pedlar & Rand, Inc., is the agency. cominc and come WILLIAM HOPPES, WBS station relations manager, has left New York on a twoweek trip through the South visiting World clients. MRS. LOUIS K. SIDNEY, wife of the managing director of WHN, flew to the coast yesterday. JACK ADAMS of the J. P. Muller agency, returns to New York from Detroit. RALPH WONDERS leaves for Florida this afternoon. A. L. CORMIER, general manager of WIP of the Inter-City net, is in New York for a few days. DR. JOSEPH E. MADDY, director of NBC band instrumental lessons, leaves New York for a lecture tour. Sponsoring Auditions Springfield, Mass. — The Wales Clothing Store will inaugurate a new style of commercial program over WSPR beginning the 28th. Auditions will go over the air as a regular broadcast. Wayne H. Latham, program director, will listen to each person and accept or reject them as sustaining shows. Programs will be on every Sunday from 5:30 to 6 p. m. Expanding Programs in East Royal Lace Paper Works, New York (paper doilies), is currently testing spot programs on five large Eastern stations and will shortly add eight more stations to the schedule. It is expected that the list will be expanded to a larger number of stations before summer. Lawrence Gumbinner Advertising Agency, New York, has the account. NBC Books Dog Derby The special events division of NBC has booked a broadcast of the running of the International Dog Sled Derby, covering some 90 miles of rough roads and breaking a hard trail, which will be heard over the NBC-Red network Feb. 20, 9-9:15 a. m. The competition is emblematic of the Continental Championship for which the Holt Renfrew trophy is the award. Program will be announced by J. A. DuPont and fed to NBC through the Canadian Radio Corp. Renews "Fireside Recital" American Radiator Co., New York (heating equipment), through Blaker Advertising Agency, Inc., New York, has signed a 13-week renewal for its "Fireside Recital" program on 21 NBC-Red network stations, Sundays, 7:30-7:45 p.m., effective March 14. Lanny Ross Concert Lanny Ross gave a concert in Carnegie Hall last night before an appreciative audience of more than 2.000. Ross*s renditions consisted of French, Italian, German and English numbers. Coughlin Over WMCA Father Coughlin's Sunday afternoon address via the Mutual net, will come through WMCA in New York. Seems that WOR is unable to clear time. Hudson Coal Cancelling Hudson Coal Co., Scranton, Pa., cancels its Sunday "Beneath the Surface" programs effective March 28. Program heard currently over NBCRed network of 11 stations, 2-2:30 p. m., and features Landt Trio and Col. Jim Healy commentator. Sidney's Son Stricken George Sidney, son of Louis K., WHN managing director, was striken with appendicitis out on the west coast the other day. Mrs. L. K. flew out to her boy's bedside, while Mr. Sidney kept close contact with her via short wave to the plane. JjZCrScU/,. TONIGHT'S BEST BET Col. Jay C Flippen's AIRFINDS 6 to 6:30 P.M. DIAL 1010 AFFILIATED with M-C-M & LOEW S REEVES STUDIO RADIO TRANSCRIPTIONS Noiseless Film and Wax Recording • ALL WORK GUARANTEED 1600 Broadway MEd 3-1270 New York