Radio daily (Feb-Mar 1937)

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RADIO DAILY: Tuesday, February 23, 1937 Vol. 1, No. 10 Tues., Feb. 23, 1937 Price 5 Cts. JOHN W. ALICOATE : : Publisher DON CARLE GILLETTE Editor MARVIN KIRSCH : : Business Manager Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Radio Daily Corp. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Treasurer and General Manager; Chester B. Bahn, Vice-President; Charles A. Alicoate, Secretary; M. H. Shapiro, Associate Editor; John B. English, Advertising Manager. Terms (Post free) United States outside of Greater New York, one year, $5; foreign, year, $10. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to RADIO DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Wisconsin 7-6336, 7-6337, 7-6338, 7-6339. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, Calif— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. Copyright, 1937, by Radio Daily Corp. All rights reserved. Hotel Owners Ottering Free Space for Stations (Continued from Page 1) dormant top floors free of charge to radio stations or to any group interested in starting new station. Inn-keepers believe that the donation of space free to broadcasting stations will amply repay them in publicity. Tony Martin Staying Tony Martin, currently heard Wednesday nights on the Campbell Soup Co. show over a CBS coast-to-coast network, will remain on that series when Burns and Allen switch to new General Foods (Grape Nuts) program after the March 31 broadcast. Martin will share billing with Ken Murray, who replaces team, for four weeks, then drops Wednesday spot to take over Fred MacMurray's chores on the Campbell Hollywood Hotel show heard Friday nights on a CBS hook-up. F. Wallace Armstrong, Philadelphia, is agency for Campbell Soup with Young and Rubicam handling new General Foods show which will be aired over NBC net. E FINANCIAL (Saturday, Feb. 20) Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Tel. & Tel. 1777/8 177 1771/s — 3/4 Crosley Radio 26 26 26 Gen. Electric 61 Va 603/a 605/s — "% North American . . . 31 5/8 31 31% — Vs RCA Common ■ ... . 123/8 12 121/4 — Vs RCA First Pfd 78% 78i/2 78% 1 RCA $5 Pfd. B Stewart Warner . 191/2 191/4 191/4 ' ' Va Zenith Radio 39 38% 381/2 — % NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE Hazeltine Corp. 17% 17% 177/8 Majestic 5'/8 5 5 '/a + 'A Nat. Union Radio m 31/8 31/4 Va PAUL F. GODLEY Consultiny Radio FJnf/itieer Montclair, X. J. "25 years of Professional Backyrouvxl" One-Hour Variety Bill Goes on KSO Daily Des Moines — "Everything Stops for Tea" is a new KSO variety show on a full hour afternoons Sunday through Friday. Produced by Fred Howard, the show features one of the most impressive groups of talent ever heard on the station. It has been built for cooperative sponsorship, with an eye toward summer shopping visitors, facilities already being arranged for a large sudio audience. Talent on the show includes Wilbur Chandler, Marion and Eddie, Eileen Grennell, Lansing Benet, Ruth McAllister, Fred Howard and Nat Vincent, Dick Teela and Gwynie Neil, May-Floyd Sinex, Orville Foster, Bill Baldwin and Eddie Truman, Ieta Tomato, Lord Algy and Lord Dillsbury-Frothingwell. Art Smith and Wayne Ackley are masters of ceremonies. Night Club Contracts Affect Bands in N. O. New Orleans — New night club contracts which are in the nature of trade agreements between the musicians' union here and the employer, will not be used to curtail remote control broadcasting as it has been permitted in the past, offices of the union state. Rumor sprang up that the agreements would be the instrument of suppressing broadcasts from the night clubs, but union heads insisted that broadcasts during the period of regular work would be permitted as long as they advertised the place of employment only and did not violate continuous playing rules. If the name of an advertiser other than the place of business, such as liquor or beer firms paying part of the line charges is mentioned, the broadcast becomes a commercial to be paid accordingly. Kelly-Smith Ad Agency Opens Office in Detroit Kelly-Smith Advertising agency is opening new offices in Detroit on March 1. Will be located in the New Center Building, with Robert B. Rains, formerly of Cities Service Oil Co., in charge. Agency handles WSGN, Birmingham, Ala., WROK, Rockford. 111., and WSJS, WinstonSalem, N. C. Luther Reid Promoted Luther Reid of the CBS publicity staff takes over the New Editor assignment today, succeeding Donald A. Higgins who becomes CBS publicity director. Hollister (Holly) Noble takes over Reid's post on the publicity desk. Noble has been a member of the press department for the past five years. . Would Ban Liquor Ads . Olympia, Wash.— A bill has been introduced into the State Legislature and now being considered by the house public morals committee, which would ban liquor advertising on the radio. Trade Commission Acts On Television Institute American Television Institute, Inc., Chicago, is charged, in a complaint issued by the Federal Trade Commission, with unfair competition in the sale of courses in radio and television. U. A. Sanabria, president; R. B. Fullerton, vice-president, and A. H. Zamotany, treasurer, are also included in complaint. Alleging violation of Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act. the charges allow the respondent 20 days in which to file an answer. Second NBC-Fan Series A second series of programs to acquaint the public with the National Broadcasting Co. gets under way on Saturday. Programs will be aired 7:45-8 p. m. over NBC-Red network and will feature personal visits to the Master Control Board, explanations of operation of the two NBC chains, NBC's handling of short wave programs, sound effects and the actual building of a radio show. The first program will be aired from a studio control room, where an announcer will explain the mysteries of that room to a visitor touring Radio City. WPTF Public Forums Raleigh — Station WPTF will set aside a half hour every Saturday to be devoted to the average person. New series, to be aired 7:30-8 p. m., will be known as "The Public Forum," and will be conducted by Rev. John Barkley. Program will attempt to have average citizens express their viewpoints on current topics of the day. Cozzi and Stopak Renewed Mario Cozzi's singing and Joseph Stopak's conducting on Friday evenings have satisfied their sponsor to the extent that the two have been renewed for the next 13 weeks. Program is sponsored by Allegheny Steel Co. and is heard weekly at 7: 15 on Fridays over the WJZ-Blue network. News Oddities Series Raleigh. N. C— With bulletins supplied by United Press, WPTF will soon present a new feature known as "Oddities in the News," during which the week's most unique news reports will be assembled and presented, and appropriate dramatizations of outstanding bulletins will be prepared. Jesters Pack 'Em In Chicago — King's Jesters making debut here in Blue Fountain Room of Hotel La Salle set an all time high for hostelry's room business, exceeding even record mark of New Year's Eve for the spot. > TONIGHT'S BEST BET: (J Col. Jay C. Flippen's Amateur Hour From 7 to 8 p.m. cominc and Gome BUDDY ROGERS, who is enroute to London to appear in a picture, returns to Hollywood April 4 to resume broadcasting on the National Biscuit program. ANN GILLES, publicity director of WJSV. Washington, D. C, is in town for a combination business and pleasure trip. JACOB ROSENBERG, Local 802 head, and other officials arrived in Miami yesterday, to attend executive board meet of the AFM. JOHN LAGERMAN of CBS Publicity and his wife, the former Hilda Cole, one-time NBC employee and press agent for Fred Waring, are motoring to Mexico. He's taking his Leica and will make some pictures for "Life." FRED WEBER, general manager of the Mutual system, leaves New York today on a southern trip. LOUISE MASSEY and her Westerners are filling three days of engagements in Boston, requiring them to commute between that city and New York by plane in order to sing on their two commercials here. CLARENCE COSBY, general manager of KWK. St. Louis, returns to that city today. Spent a week in New York. MILTON DOUGLAS will return to New York from Chicago in time to guest star on Rudy Vallee's program on March 4. FRANK BLACK flew to Chi via United Airlines. JOHN BATES. WOR program dept. flies to Windy City today on the Sky Lounge. WALTER BATCH ELOR, artist's representative, left for Hollywood. Has Fred Allen's and Buddy Ebsen's contracts with him. MR. and MRS. FRANK BUCK back at the Warwick from Texas. WILLIAM WEISMAN, WMCA vice prez. and attorney, back from week-end at Atlantic City. MARY SMALL back from Lakewood. MICKY ALPERT back from Boston. GEORGE JESSEL expected back from Miami this week. LENOX R. LOHR, NBC president, is expected back at Radio City today, after an extensive trip throughout the Mid-West and Pacific Coast. PEGGY STONE, CBS stations relations, spent the week-end at the Ambassador, Atlantic City. MAURICE GAFFNEY, CBS trade news head, and Mrs. Gaffney spent the week-end sailing around the Atlantic ocean via the S. S. Manhattan. JOHN LAGERMANN, CBS publicity department, left town over the week-end on a delayed honeymoon. Destination Mexico City. Will be gone for six weeks. MBS Salute to KWK Mutual Broadcasting System will give a send-off to KWK, St. Louis, on March 17. commemorating the outlet's 10th anniversary. Program will originate in Chicago studios. WHN DIAL 1010 AFFILIATED with M-G-M A LOEW S The Tavern RADIO'S RENDEZVOUS MAKE THIS YOUR LUNCHEON — DINNER — SUPPER CLUB 158 W. 48th St. 'Toots" Shor