Radio daily (Feb-Mar 1937)

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4 RADIO DAILY: Wednesday, February 24. 1937 NBC and Mutual chains put their mikes in at Santa Anita for a coast to coast airing of Santa Anita Derby on Monday and the Handicap next Saturday, but Columbia cancelled its arrangements last minute. Bryan Field, Mutual turf ace, and Clem McCarthy of NBC's Eastern staff, here to cover. Chase & Sanborn has taken up its option for a second 13 weeks of Haven MacQuarrie's "Want to Be An Actor?" program. Condition of renewal is that the program must come off from KFWB, local station on which the program originated, and which has continued to carry it on week days since it was signed to go nationwide on NBC. Switchover of National Biscuit's Twin Stars show from NBC to CBS has been put over from March 28 to April 4 to give Buddy Rogers time to finish his British picture contract, get home to direct and make fun on the gala switchover program. Ad Club having NBC day Thursday, with Don Gilman, v. p. in charge of Western Division, as speaker; Irvin Cobb, Marion Talley, Don Wilson, Tommy Harris, Frank Hodek and ork and Syd Dixon, sales chief for Los Angeles. Fox Case, public relations and special events for CBS, appointed to the advertising committee of the All Year Club. Gus Edwards' Schooldays of the Air program start postponed a week to March 1, on KFWB, to give more time to polish up scripts. So Sunset Oil's Curtain Calls program initiated KFWB's new radio theater with its first weekly audience show. Edwards, sponsored by Gaffer's and Sattler (stoves) follows March 1, and Eddie Peabody's participation show goes in as a regular feature on March 9. Cal. Sanitary Co. has signed a new twice a week contract to go on KFAC with "Lives of the Great," transcriptions. February 24 Greetings from Radio Daily to May Singhi Breen Jack Ingersoll • • • Al Shayne signed to Matty Rosen after leaving Sally's WHN show March 28 ... . Next sponsor may be I. J. Fox. a competitive firm .... Mark Warnow set for Lucky Strikes after three weeks of dabbling .... Seems that they wanted him to relinquish his sustainer. "Blue Velvet", which he refused. . . .Thought it over and then signed him for 13 weeks. . . . Get Howard Barlow to tell you his "flood" story .... Grace Wonders telling propositioners Ralph's too busy .... Bobby Sanford's wife now handling a unit while he attends to N. Y. affairs .... Oscar Shaw very, very busy constructing his $65,000 estate in Great Neck .... Jerry Cooper, up from a grippe attack, stood in front of Lindy's the other night .... Abner Silver appears on Paul Ash's airing tonite, playing his new song, "The Mood That I'm In", a hit.... Abner wants Fred Astaire to o.k. the use of the dancer's name in the lyric of a song he has set with a publisher .... Song also has "Ginger Rogers" who consented. • # • (Baby) Rose Marie's dad, Frank Curley, has been arrested in 19 cities for displaying his daughter on the stage ... .28 times in Cleveland alone ... .Marie begins 12 records for Brunswick today ... .George Jessel's protege, Harry Spears, will get CBS air. . . . .Roland Young appears on Radie Harris' show Friday. . . .WMCA's prexy, Donald Flamm, is the creator of Harry Hershfield's "laying an egg" idea. . . .Deal for WMCA moving above Lindy's fell through . . . .Reason for the NBC wire being yanked from the Hickory House is that during an airing a firecracker was set off.... Bobby Gilbert on Fred Allen's show tonite is Ed Wolfe's brother ... ."King of the Night Club Announcers" Bill Melia, now running the Areola Club in Jersey ... .Louenna Rudd (wife of Announcer Paul Gregory) is on Professional Parade next Wednesday ... .Send Congrats to Bettie Glenn who starts her ninth year in radio this week. • • • George Redman is now writing the "Showboat" program.... "Donald Duck" comes from Hollywood and will appear on Saturday's Joe Cook airing .... Tom Luckenbill of the Thompson agency scouting talent for the air in Chi .... Marguerite Howard, who did the Ford airings with Ferde Grofe's band, now at the French Casino in Miami. . . .Mary Lewis will broadcast from Philly Thursday via NBC .... Bernie Foyer booked Joseph Nathan Kane, another "Believe-It-Not" idea, for the Shell show Mar. 6 . . . . Songwriters' Guild of America hold their dinner tomorrow at the Piccadilly. . . .Margaret Speaks is back from Hollywood to resume her alternate spot on the NBC Firestone program. . . .Warbler firmly believes that she is not for picture life and will stick to radio .... Mary Jane Walsh has been booked for a guest appearance on the Vallee show a week from tomorrow, date set by F. E. Kesler .... Young Miss Walsh is hailed as a find in the characterization field and will come in for a buildup .... Josef Cherniavsky will guest-star the 12-year-old Arnold Eidus, violinist, whom he ran across at house party . . . .maestro believes the lad has unusual possibilities. • • • Frances Hunt is signing a three-year contract with Lester Lee and is scheduled to do a "Langford" on the screen. . . .She doesn't know it but "Taps" has donated the use of his home as a wedding present to Lou Bring and her ... .They'll be married in two weeks Tess Gardella, who won a $115,000 verdict for "Aunt Jemima", has to await the other side's appeal in April. .. .She's doing five transcriptions for Norge . . . .NBCasters were told to plan and build programs in their spare moments. . . . WILLARD FARNUM back to microphone acting here at NBC after a Florida vacation reporting a gain of 18 pounds. More additions to the "Mary Marlin" cast in the persons of Ann Stone, Arthur Kohl, Michael Romano, Chicago attorney who acts for the fun of it and Robert Barron. Ju ne Meredith was a previous addition. "Mountain Music" is the title of the Paramount pix that the Hoosier Hot Shots will appear in along with Bob Burns and Martha Raye. The boys will be back in Chicago in time to appear on the Saturday night Barn Dance program of March 13. Charlie Agnew takes his band into Casino Parisienne today and will be aired over NBC nightly. Such versatility as singer, public speaker, producer, performer, script writer, hymn writer, piano, guitar and harmonica exponent are among the things NBC list for Gene Arnold. Backstage Wife marks its second year on the NBC net on Thursday. Bill Thompson, funny-man, guest appearances on the Tea Time at Morrell's on Friday. Eddie and Fannie Cavanaugh are excited over an interview they are going to do with June and Cherry Preisser, dancing starlets of the Follies. Benny Re-Signed Jack Benny has signed a new exclusive three-year contract with General Foods (Jell-o) his current sponsors. Present contract terminates in June and Benny will begin broadcasting under the new contract when he returns to the air next fall. Mary Livingstone has also been signed for the same length of time. Young & Rubicam is the agency. Program will continue to be heard Sundays over the NBC-Red network. WOR, Newark, claims the biggest letter-to-station response ever attained by a single station in a year. It reports a total of over 1.750,000 pieces of mail in 1936.