Radio daily (Feb-Mar 1937)

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6 RADIO DAILY Friday, February 26, 1937 17 LUD GLUSKIN, west coast musical director for CBS, wants a good looking young tenor who wants to go places in radio, and will start auditions this week to find him. Must be less than 25 years old, good looking, besides having a voice. Burns and Allen will do two successive guest appearances on Hollywood hotel, first Friday, next the week following. Abe Correnson has been made commercial manager for KMTR, and Tex Rickard moved up a notch to general managership of the station. Hugh Brundage, from KEHE, has joined the KHJ Don Lee Mutual announcing staff. Carroll O'Meara is writing an original satirical drama for KHJ, "Devil Grass in Paradise". Doug Douglass, dean of Southern California's newscasters, this week celebrates his tenth year of airing the news. He began on old KHJ when it was the L. A. Times station; now gives it on KRKD. Lucia Laska, stooge, and Norman Nielsen, singer, have been added to the permanent cast of Gilmore Oil's revival of Gilmore Circus. KMTR starts a new program idea Sunday afternoon which it hopes to hand over to a sponsor if it clicks, called Hollywood Bureau of Missing Persons, offering time to relatives who want to get track of missing movie struck persons thought to have landed hereabouts. Eddie Cantor wrote words and music for "Garbo Loves Taylor", which he will introduce Sunday, when he promises Bob Parrish positively will sing. Eddie Peabody, who already has one audience show a week in the new KFWB radio theater, is expected to add a second one, taking over the time that has been used by Mac Quarrie's "Want to be an Actor", which now becomes exclusively Chase & Sanborn's coast-tocoaster. Mischa Auer, Universal player, will be Bing Crosby's guest on the Kraft program March 4 — immediately after which Auer will taxi to the Academy dinner at the Ambassador hotel — where it is expected he will receive the award as best supporting player for 1936. CNC MINUTE INTERVIEW JOHN F. ROYAL "My only form of relaxation la the playing oi handball It la thla game which permit* me to think the ball Is that so-and-ao I had an argument with In the morning and I hare a grand time knocking. U all over the place." CBS ANNOUNCED CCMMITMENT/ Assignments listed herewith include important current commercials originating in New York and Hollywood, plus a few from other points. Agency men working on shows such as Harry Von Zell on Young & Rubicam's Gulf Oil program with Phil Baker, and Tiny Ruffner on the Benton & Bowles "Palmolive Beauty Box Theater," are not included. ANDRE BARUCH: "News of Youth" — (Ward Baking Co.) "Kate Smith's Band Wagon" — (A. & P.) "Tomorrow's News Today" — (Liberty Mag.) "Your Hit Parade" — (Am. Tobacco Co.) HUGH CONRAD; "Rubinoff and His Violin" — (Chevrolet Motor Co.) "March of Time" — (Time Inc.) * * * PAUL DOUGLAS: "Alexander Woollcott — Town Crier" — Granger — (Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.) "Chesterfield Presents"— (Liggett & Myers) on Friday night show only. "Children's Hour" — (Horn & Hardart) RALPH EDWARDS: Horace Heidt Alemite show — (Stewart-Warner) George Rector — food talk — (Phillips Packing Co., Inc.) "The Wife Saver— Allen Prescott— (Manhattan Soap Co.) "Major Bowes Amateur Hour" — (Chrysler Corp.) * * * DAN SEYMOUR: "Gillette Community Sing" — (Gillette Safety Razor Co.) * * * KEN NYLES "Hollywood Hotel" — (Campbell Soup Co.) Burns & Allen — (Campbell Soup Co.) * * * PAUL RICKENBACKER: Al Jolson show — Rinso-Lifebuoy soap — (Lever Bros. & Co.) JACKSON WHEELER: Joe Penner — Coco Malt Davis Co.) (R. B. MELVILLE RUICK: "The Lux Radio Theater" — Lux toilet soap — (Lever Bros. Co.) * * * JIMMY WALLINGTON: "Texaco Fire Chief" — Eddie Cantor — (The Texas Co.) * * » BILL GOODWIN: "Jack Oakie's College" — Camels — (R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.) * * * PHIL STEWART: "Lady Esther Serenade" — Wayne King— (Lady Esther Co.) * * * TRUMAN BRADLEY: "Ford Sunday Eve. Hour"— (Ford Motor Co.) + * * DAVID ROSS: Chesterfield cigarette program — Wednesday — (Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.) * * * FRANK GALLOP: Dr. Allen Roy Dafoe— (Lehn & Fink, lysol) "The Pet Milky Way"— (Pet Milks Sales Corp.) * * * JOHN REED KING (Free-lance) : "Magazine of the Air" — (H. J. Heinz Co.) Fels Naphtha Soap program — Jack Berch— (Fels & Co.) * * * JEAN PAUL KING (Free-lance): "Gang Busters" — Palmolive shaving cream — (Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co.) "Myrt and Marge" — Supersuds — (Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co.) * * * ART MILLET: "Gold Medal Feature Hour" — (General Mills, Inc.) "Rich Man's Darling" — (Affiliated Products) "Nash Speedshow" — Lopez-Gibbons — (Nash-Kelvinator Corp.) * * » HAL MOORE: "Pick & Pat"— (U. S. Tobacco Co.) "Home Maker's Exchange" — (National Ice Advertising, Inc.) * * * WILLIAM PERRY: "The Gumps" — Pebeco — (Lehn & Fink) * * * WILLIAM RANDALL: "Cook's Travelogue" — (Thos. Cook & Son, Ltd.) * * * JOHN ALLAN WOLFE: "Jack and Loretta" — Kirkman soap — (Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co.) * * * KENNETH ROBERTS: "Between the Bookends" — Hind's Honey & Almond Cream — (Lehn & Fink) "Johnnie Presents" — (Phillip Morris & Co., Ltd.) "News Thru a Woman's Eyes" — (Pontiac Motor Co.) DEL SHARBUTT: "Broadway Varieties" — Bi-So-Dol — (The Bisodol Co.) Guy Lombardo — Bond bread — (General Baking Co.) "Ma and Pa" — (Atlantic Refining Co.) "Cavalcade of America" — (E. I. Du Pont De Nemours) * * * FRED UTTAL: "Big Sister" — Rinso — (Lever Bros. Co.) "Aunt Jennie's Real Life Stories"-— Spry — (Lever Bros. Co.) CAB CALLOWAY and the Cotton Clubbers have been booked by Mills Artists, Inc. for a 12-week theatre route, starting with RKO Memorial, Boston, on March 18, and winding up at the Orpheum, Minneapolis. June 18. Duke Ellington and his boys, eastcoast-bound from California to rehearse for the new Cotton Club Show, will play an all-Ellington Swing Festival for the Saturday Night Swinq Club over WABC and the CBS network, March 13, at 6:45 p.m. Dick Stabile, Ben Bernie alumnus, and ork will be "airwaved" from the Italian dining room and the Chatterbox of the Wm. Penn in Philly, over WCAE, effective March. 4. New Haven's maestro Eddie Weaver, heard with his band over WICC Tuesday and Friday evenings, will "etherize" a program of organ melodies Friday evenings, 8:45-9 p.m. direct from the Taft Grill, effective this Friday. Guiseppe Bamboschek, for years Met conductor, owns one of three existing scores of opera composed by Jean Jacques Rousseau in 1752. He intends to produce it via radio at an early date. Don Ferdi and his band take the ether from the Ross Room of the Stratford Hotel, Bridgeport, via WICC over the nationwide NBC Blue Network tonight in the first of a new series of evening dance broadcasts 12:30 to 1:00 a.m. JOHN S. YOUNG: "Hammerstein Music Hall" — Kolynos — (Kolynos Sales Co.) * * * Ted Husing and Bob Trout, special announcers, are currently unassigned to commercials; working out of special events department. Most spectacular gains in regional network advertising last year occurred in the retail field, which jumped twelve-fold; beverages, up 255 per cent, and toilet goods, up 169 per cent. The clothing, confectionery, household equipment and tobacco divisions declined.