Radio daily (Feb-Mar 1937)

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Monday, March 8, 1937 RADIO DAILY: 3 mw Account* Renewals NBC F. W. Fitch Co., Des Moines (Fitch shampoo) through L. W. Ramsey Co., Davenport, STARTS "Fitch Romances" on 5 NBC-Red stations (WEAF, WCAE, WMAQ, WTAM, WWJ), Saturdays, 11:45 a.m., to 12 noon, on March 13. Procter & Gamble Co., Cincinnati (soap products) through Compton Advertising, Inc., New York, STARTS "Vic & Sade" on 2 NBC-Red stations (WEAF, WMAQ), Wednesdays, 7:458 p.m., on March 10. Packer Tar Soap, Inc., New York (Tar soap) through Stack-Globe Advertising Agency, New York, RENEWS "Thatcher Colt Mysteries" for 26 weeks on 31 NBC-Red stations, Sundays, 2:30-3 p.m., effective April 4. Procter & Gamble Co., Cincinnati (Ivory flakes) through Compton Advertising, Inc., New York, STARTED "Vic & Sade" on basic NBC-Blue network, Wednesdays, 10-10: 15 p.m., on March 3. General Foods Corp., New York (Grape-Nut flakes) through Young & Rubicam, Inc., New York, STARTS Burns & Allen on 69 NBC-Red stations, Mondays, 8-8:30 p.m., on April 12. S. C. Johnson & Son, Racine, Wis. (Johnson's floor wax products) through Needham, Louis & Brorby, Inc., Chicago, RENEWS "Fibber McGee and Molly" on 58 NBC-Red stations, Mondays, 9-9:30 p.m., effective April 12. CBS Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild, Detroit, through Arthur Kudner, Inc., New York, STARTS "Guild Award" on 51 CBS stations, 7:30-7:45 p.m., for four-time run, March 10, 12, 17, 19. STATIONS OP AMERICA Highlights in the Development of Outstanding 17. S. Radio Stations: No. 8 of a Series UIBIG — Greensboro, N. C. 1000 Watts — 1440 K.C. EDnEV RIDGE, managing Director W8IG, located within fifty miles of the world's richest tobacco markets, is owned and operated by the North Carolina Broadcasting Co. Established in 1926, WBIG is the only radio station in Greensboro, and services an estimated 1,126,000 population. Its broadcasting day begins at 6:30 a. m. and continues through to 11:30 p. m. THE station is an affiliated station of the Columbia Broadcasting System. The facilities of the World Broadcasting System are also placed at its advertisers' disposal. The primary and secondary coverage of WBIG includes 25 counties, located in both North and South Carolina, and an estimated listening audience of 598,300. A sweeping modernization of equipment was recently completed with new high fidelity transmitters, latest type vertical radiator antenna and high fidelity speech input equipment being installed. * * * DURING the past presidential campaign, WBIG broadcast more political talks than any station in North Carolina, originating a number of state wide hook-ups. In three major disasters of the past year, viz: Floods of March, 1936; Tornado disaster of April, 1936 and the recent floods of December and January, WBIG collected, and turned over to the Red Cross $22,000, in addition to clothes and food collected and sent to the local chapters. * * * WBIG's list of satisfied sponsors is a credit to any broadcast station. Following are a few: Coca Cola Civic Club, thrice-weekly musical show, has just renewed for its fifth year; New Method Laundry, Hillbilly music, renewed for fifth year; Rustin Furniture Co., renewed for fifth year; Carolina Baking Co. renewed for third year; B. C. Remedy Co., sports, eighteen months, renewed for 1937; Chevrolet Motor Cars, transcriptions, 34 months. Ralph Powers, formerly with WHN, New York, has joined the announcing staff of WFBR, Baltimore, succeeding Bill Herson, who has gone with WKBW, Buffalo. Powers is handling several programs, including the early morning hour and some of the news broadcasts. 4 Ace Air Comics In Summer Recess (Continued from Page 1) discussion has been held regarding a summer series, ditto Ed Wynn. At present it looks as though Burns & Allen, and Ken Murray will be the only comedians on the air in July. Ken Murray takes over the CBS Campbell tomato juice program, Wednesdays 8-8:30 p.m., now held by Burns & Allen, on March 31 and Burns & Allen switch to their new sponsor General Foods (Grape-Nut flakes) on April 12, 8-8:30 p.m., over a coast-to-coast network of 69 NBCRed network stations. A repeat for Pacific Coast listeners will be heard at 9:30 p.m. Ray Noble and his orchestra will be the musical support for the series. Bill Stuhler, radio director of Young & Rubicam, General Foods agency for Grape-Nuts, is now in Hollywood, preparing the program's debut. General Foods has taken the spot now held by S. C. Johnson (Johnson's floor wax products) for its Fibber, McGee & Molly show. But on and after April 12, the show will be heard at 9-9:30 p.m. each Monday on the NBC-Red. With the shift in time the network has been extended out to West Coast with the repeat broadcast for the Red mountain and Red Pacific groups being heard at 12 midnight to 12:30 a.m. Talent to take the place of the comedians that will be off the air during the summer has not been selected as yet. All the sponsors will retain their choice network periods, Webs' February Biz Leaps Over Last Year (Continued from Page 1) cent differential, February average was higher than that of January in point of gross revenue. Mutual Broadcasting System billings for February totaled $192,088. Of this sum the basic did $154,344 and supplementary $47,744. 4,000,000 Replies Claimed in Contest "The O'Neills" program on the NBC-Red and Blue, sponsored by Procter & Gamble is said to have polled 4,000,000 entries in the recent Pontiac contest which closed Feb. 27. Contest was also promoted in magazines. Compton Advertising, Inc., here, handling the account, would not comment on the report. Sid Schwartz Laid Ip Sid Schwartz, WNEW publicity director, is laid up at home by the grippe. hence they must build a show but will most likely reduce the talent budget for the summer. Cantor. Baker, Benny and Allen all intend to make movies during the warm months, but Allen is the only one still on the fence. He wants to see the story first before he commits himself. AGENCIES EDWARD L. WERTHEIM, associated for the past twelve years with Sterling Advertising Agency, Inc., has formed his own company under the name of Edward L. Wertheim Advertising Agency. Offices are located at 151 West 40th street. His son, E. L. Wertheim, Jr., will be associated with firm as an account executive. ROLAND TRENCHARD, former general manager of New Jersey Broadcasting Corporation has joined A. W. Lewin & Co., Inc., Newark, as an account executive. DANIEL STARCH research organization has put out Tested Copy, monthly publication for advertisers and agencies. ARTHUR BANDMAN is the account executive of the Artwil Advertising Co. who will handle the radio and newspaper campaign planned by Allied Independent Stores, an association of about 500 retail food stores. GEORGE COUPER is joining the* Advertising Service Co., Chicago, which is planning radio campaigns for several accounts. MARY RUTH BARRY has been appointed by Kenyon & Eckhardt, Inc., as assistant director of the agency's publicity department headed by Sam G. Wingfield. Miss Barry was formerly with Benton & Bowles, Inc., and the Scripps-Howard Newspapers. ARTHUR PRYOR, JR., radio director of Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn, arrived back in town after an extended business and pleasure trip through the South. WILLIAM STUHLER, Young & Rubicam radio director, is on the West Coast for several weeks. W. L. Y. DAVIS has joined Marschalk & Pratt Inc. as director of marketing and research. He was formerly general manager of the Wehrly Co. and general manager of Market Research Corp. of America, and prior to that director of marketing and research for G. M. Basford Co. ★ PRIVACY plus expert recording are guaranteed you when your Electrical Transcriptions are produced in our Studios. CNITKI) ARTISTS and GAUMONT BRITISH and manj others use this (among sen Ice, RADIO & FILM METHODS 101 Park Ave. New York CAledonia 5-7530 Larry Trexler, member of WNOX (Knoxville) announcing staff, has been named news commentator and will handle all WNOX news broadcasts. Station has just taken on United Press News Service. News will be aired six times daily, with important flashes to be broadcast immediately. t