Radio daily (Feb-Mar 1937)

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Monday, March 8, 1937 RADIO DAILY: 5 WITH THE WCMCN * By ADELE ALLERHAND THE "most beautiful girls in the world" helped Molly Steinberg open WABC way back in 1926 She's the Tuesday femme commentator .... onetime Earl Carroll publicity gal .... says she's started more stage stars airward than any other two people. . . .Helen Menken, Mady Christians and Frieda Inescort were all aired under the Steinberg aegis in 1933 ior the first time .... Photographing a chef is all gravy .... When Rosellen Callahan and a photographer "shot" George Rector among the pots and pans he insisted that the food be real, not prop the eggs au beurre noir sizzled for the camera .... then fed the cameraman .... he's looking for more kitchens to conquer. . . . Elizabeth Lennox, now of "Broadway Varieties," to be feted by the McDowell Club ... .They're giving her a reception. .. .Elaine Melchior, thesoian kin of Met-warbler Lauritz Melchior, staging a radio comeback via "Tell Us Your Story" ... .Ruth Barth, lady scribe of "March of Time" 'ame, is "maying" (in March) somevhere upstate ... .Meri Bell readying ler swing for a femme golf tournanent....her palms are blistered.... B. 'House Beautiful's" "Bride's House" Ed vill be the subject of the Kathryn 8 Cravens March 19 broadcast she'll J ay things about decoration in the ,3r. lew manner .... June Aulick, who igh ielps further radio destinies in CBS !0ts mblicity, has acquired a tartan.... Ihe's a Frazer on the distaff side and he lassie wears the clan's plaid.... hen The gals come in for Ted Malone's exlusive attention the week of Monday le 15th. . . .He'll read and discuss poetry y femme bards Helen Welshimer, Adelide Love, Rosa Zagnoni Marononi, Aud;y Wurdermann, Pulitzer prize winner >r 1935, and Dorothy Aldis What, no dna St. Vincent Millay? Gogo Delys is icker-bound at an early date .... "Music i Gotham's" Ethel Peyser to interview Lngela Diller, prexy of the Diller Quaille lusic School, over WQXR on Monday .... anine tragedy — Virginia Rea's ChinIhin being cut dead by the Tallulah ankhead pooch .... after what seemed be the beginning of a beuatiful and oggy friendship .... Anent the burning uestion of femme musicians versus male ilent .... Ina Ray Hutton, lady director ! an all-gal ork, believes that television 'ill solve the problem .... According to la, the lads may be able to swing a iperior saxophone .... But how do they >ok while they're doing it? • • • Gordon and Revel, ace songwriters who clicked via the Broadway route, definitely refused to sign a pix contract unless permitted to give Bobby Crawford (who made the "way" easier) three songs per year. . . . This was agreed to by all parties .... Ray Block signed for Mills records .... San Felice cigars the other day auditioned Smith and Dale also .... Fridays is the only day Mark Warnow hasn't a commercial .... Gabriel Heatter didn't get a NEW sponsor in the past week. He only has five now! .... Bernice Judis' help-mate at WNEW, Janet Ross, will be Mrs. in two weeks. . . . .NBC's retiring vaude booker, Rubey Cowan, who goes to Paramount Pix, threw a party for his pals at the Cafe Loy ale Saturday .... Eton Boys going into pictures .... Do Ri Me, Del Casino and R. Block's band, auditioned on the cigar show too. • • • Radio Row turned out in full force for the New Yorker opening the other night .... Introduced for bows were: Glen Gray, Ruby Newman, Gogo Delys, Gordon Jenkins, Jack Miller, Morton Bowe, Grade Barrie (without Dick Stabile because he opened at the Wm. Penn in Pitts, the same night) , Mike Reilly in bandages, Henry Dunn, Al Shayne, Russ Morgan, Ken Roberts, Rita Johnson, Phil Baker, Guy Lombardo, Ozzie Nelson, Harriet Hilliard, Nick Lucas, Buddy Clark, Martha Mears, Joe Rines, Pinky Tomlin and naturally Abe Lyman. . . .Gordon and Revel had the song publishers, pluggers and artists clamoring for more of their music ... .They did their medley of it and forgot some after the "millionth" ... ."What happens to the pictures taken at opening nights?" asked Mack after being posed. • • • Jack Randolph was thrown off the air yesterday because he got too popular with the radio fans!. . . .and was giving Jerry Cooper a run for his money! ... .Inside story is that "Randolph" is the transcription name of Jerry. In a poll now running. Cooper is only a few votes ahead of his "voice" .... Ralph Kirbery was forced down in Florida, N. Y., the other night and had to be driven in via a buggy .... Rubinoff , signed to a picture contract, will depart for the coast in April .... Countess Olga Albani flies from her Chi. home every week for the Ford show .... Arthur Hayes, CBS radio sales, is back at his desk after a threeweek siege with the flu. . . . Walter Winchell's return to Radio City's studios undetermined, sez his secretary. • • • Two kids saw Mary Lewis leave a Philly theatre. "That's the famous diva," said one To which the other replied, "You mean she's as good as Eleanor Holm" This actually happened Lee Posner, press agent and commentator on the recent WHN "Little Old New York" airings, turned actor and heads a colored unit.... Russek's are looking for a transcription show One day they're renting, the next buying and finally building a home. That is the fix the Lester Lees are in now Conn, is the site Bettie Glenn suffering from a lip-infection Alois Havrilla on the sick list NBC's television man, Tim Sullivan's dad, Pat, ailing Wayne Randall's secretary at NBC, Leonard Braddock, out with the grippe A sponsor now paying a certain fellow $50 per airing, goes around telling people that the lad is surely worth $300 "Madame Butterfly" is spotted at the Met in New York tonite while Grace Moore and Cary Grant do the same opera on the Lux show from the Coast. * STATION * * PLASHES ^ INSTALLATION of Parking Meters on Norfolk's Main Drag, Granby Street, beside causing much local commotion, stepped up and threatened some business on WTAR. Church Street, Norfolk's other and older shopping center where there are no meters, has come aboard the ether waves with a Church Street Campaign, while Granby Street merchants threaten with cancellations if business tumbles because of the meters. Gadgets are in on a 90-day trial with apparently not too great chances for permanency judging by strength of present opposition. KOIL of Central States Broadcasting, Omaha, has placed its order for a new 5,000 watt RCA transmitter, according to Technical Director Harry Harvey. So advanced is the transmitter's design that its serial number is 1. L. L. Coryell & Son, an oil firm in Lincoln, Neb., has applied to the FCC for the right to erect a superpowered station just outside the city limits. WIBU, Poynette, Wis., has opened a studio in Beaver Dam, Wis., with Bruce Beichl, formerly of KGNB, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, as manager, and Alfred Zemlo as chief technician. WRJN, Racine, Wis., is electrically transcribing its "Opinions of the Passerby" broadcast when originally staged at 1 p.m. and then rebroadcasting the recording at 7:30 p.m. to permit those appearing on the program to hear themselves. Numbering among the technical improvements being made at WTAR, Norfolk, at the same time the new transmitter building is under way are division of master control room into subsidized studio controls and complete ribbon microphone installation throughout. New speech input amplifying equipment has been installed at the present transmitter, prior to its being moved to Glen Rock. Compiled Coronation Data Blevins Davis of the Drama Department of Yale University compiled the factual matter for the "Coronation Preview" presentation, which was aired over NBC-Blue network yesterday from 8 to 9 p.m. Davis is considered one of the outstanding American authorities on English Coronations. Warren nnil Duliin's Two Kniixl hits Summer Night How Could You • • • Geo But You're Swell REMICK MUSIC CORP. RCA BldB.. New York Cltj