Radio daily (Feb-Mar 1937)

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Tuesday, March 9, 1937 RADIO DAILY 3 iiti AGENCIES FORMATION of the MacVeagh, Kerman & Michelson, Inc., advertising agency with offices in the International Building at Rockefeller Center, has been announced. Officers are Charles MacVeagh, president, Frederick R. Kerman, vice-president and treasurer and Peter Michelson, vice-president and secretary. ARTHUR R. MacDONALD, former advertising executive, has formed the advertising agency of Arthur R. MacDonald, Inc., Chicago. Offices are located in the Carbide and Carbon Building. PAUL SMITH, formerly with Kenyon & Eckhardt, has joined the Arthur Kudner Inc. advertising agency. VANDEN COMPANY INC., Chicago advertising agency, has been appointed by the E. H. Scott Radio Laboratories Inc., Chicago, to direct its advertising. CECIL UNDERWOOD of Ruthrauff & Ryan's radio production staff is now handling the Al Jolson-Rinso show on the coast. William Bacher, who had been producing it, is concentrating on his Campbell-Hollywood Hotel program. "Court" Hearing Starts The $250,000 suit for damages and an injunction to restrain defendants from using the name "Good Will Court," brought by Judge Nathan Sweedler against WMCA, A. L. Alexander, J. Walter Thompson agency, NBC and Standard Brands, went on trial yesterday before Justice Meier Steinbrink in Brooklyn Supreme Court. Witnesses for the defense who took the stand were Donald Flamm, president of WMCA, Alexander and John Reber of the Thompson agency. Case was adjourned until 4 p.m. today to allow the plaintiffs to bring another witness, Municipal Court Judge Robinson. ' Lenox R. Lohr to Speak On "Cheerio" Anniversary (Combined from Page 1) 11 W with Cheerio will be Russ Gilbert, e= his wife Lovina, Geraldine Riegger, Harrison Isles and Pat Kelly, all of _ , whom have been with the broadcast \. since it started. Hooking Up With Parties A new program, "Parties Around Town," has been attracting lots of \{ attention to WGH, Newport News, Va. In fact, the station has been so swamped with requests for more of the show that "Parties Around Town" lis being presented as a nightly feaIttire between 9:30 and 11. Listeners | of Tidewater, Va., are invited to i phone WGH and tell them all about I who is giving a party and request a number or two. The Voice of the 0 nParties is Jack Braxton, new Program Director of WGH. All Carrying Roosevelt Talk The President's "fireside chat" tonight will be heard over the combined NBC. CBS. Mutual and Inter City networks at 10-30 11 p.m. WHN. WNEW, WINS, and numerous other independent stations will also tie-in with the networks to carry the broadcast. NBC is feeding the Inter-City network, with CBS piping the talk to WINS and WNEW. Mutual is picking up the talk through the facilities of WOL, Washington. Programs that had to be cancelled to clear the time for this broadcast are the Procter & Gamble-Jimmy Fidler debut program on the NBC-Red and a Mid -West program for the Phillips Petroleum Co. on CBS. CBS Is Improving Short Wave Service In order to improve the short wave service below the equator, Columbia Broadcasting System has changed several wave lengths on which their nigh frequency station, W2XE, Wayne, N. J., is heard. The new schedule is as follows (EST): 7:30 a.m.-12 noon, 21520 kc, 13.94 meters; 12 noon-1 p.m., 17760 kc, 16.89 meters; 1-6 p.m., i5270 kc, 19.646 meters; 6-7 p.m., 15270 kc, 19.646 meters; 7-10 p.m., 11830 kc, 25.36 meters; 10-11 p.m., 3120 kc, 49.02 meters. From 7:30 a.m. -6 p.m. a directional antenna is jn Europe. Then from 6-11 p.m. the antenna is focused' on South America. At present new high powered transmitters are being installed at Wayne, but the construction will be over in April. Until then there will be one program a week broadcast especially to Latin America. Six New Commercials At WMAS, Springfield Springfield, Mass. — Six new commercial accounts have been added by WMAS. They are: International Motor Car Co., five minutes Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 5:45 p.m., broadcasting a column of lost and found articles that are advertised free of charge. A 15-minute transcription variety show featuring Ken Niles, Martha Raye and the Radio Rogues, presented by Carters Shoe Store, Sundays at 12:30 p.m. Joseph & Co., clothiers, song contest, "What's the Name of That Song," five minutes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 5:50 p.m. Standard Milling Co., seven oneminute flashes during the week. Springfield National Bank, spot flash in the middle of the WMAS Transradio News broadcast, nightly except Saturdays and Sundays. Chevrolet, one minute flash broadcast each evening. Crocker Gets Expo Post Dallas — Jimmy Crocker, last year in charge of the public address system for the Gulf Radio's Texas Centennial station, has been announced as director of radio for the Greater Texas and Pan-American Exposition to be held here beginning June 12. Crocker was formerly at KWKH, Shreveport, and WOAI and KTSA, San Antonio. Recording Equipment Is Installed by WMT Universal Professional recording equipment was recently installed at WMT, Cedar Rapids-Waterloo, member of the Iowa web. Charles Quentin, technical supervisor, has transcribed all important events since the first of the year. Doug Grant, program director, is now planning a series of re-broadcasts of outstanding events heard over the station during the year. Program to be aired sometime in the near future. WMT has also purchased portable reproducing equipment for the use of the sales staff. Idea is to take programs to the prospective time buyers for auditions rather than have them come to the station. First 50-Word Spot Is Signed by WOR The first sponsor to sign with WOR for the new 50-word live commercial announcements is the Dutchland Farms. Beginning March 16 there will be two spots a week, Tuesday and Thursday. Ingalls Advertising Co., Boston, has the account. Marquardt Heads WCFL Chicago — Maynard Marquardt, one of the youngest men in this country to become general manager of a radio station, has assumed that role with station WCFL here following the death last week of Edward N. Nockels, former station head and secretary of the American Federation of Labor. Marquardt was previously chief technician of the labor outlet. Rambeau News Letter Chicago — William G. Rambeau Co., radio reps, has started a news letter service entitled "Rambeau Radio News," which is sent to 2,000 advertisers and advertising agencies, publicizing the open spots that are available on Rambeau represented stations. Sheet gives the vital facts and the cost of the program being offered. First release plugged the news flashes on WIRE. RADIO EVENTS, INC. AN INDEPENDENT PRODUCING GROUP SERVING ADVERTISING AGENCIES 535 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. cfam 4ctofi/ 1» fi>u>c&cc£um GUEJT-ING JOSEF HOFMAN, noted pianist, will appear in the General Motors broadcast Sunday evening from Carnegie Hall, over the NBC-Red, 1011 p.m. ELIZABETH RETHBERG, Met soprano, appears on the Ford hour, with FRITZ REINER as conductor of the symphony orchestra and chorus, over CBS from Detroit, 9-10 p.m. CONNIE BOSWELL and SHEILA BARRETT, imitator, guests on Ben Bernie's farewell program from the Coast. MARLENE DIETRICH and HERBERT MARSHALL have been signed to play leads in Lux Radio Theater's "Desire," March 15. SHEILA BARRETT will be on the Ben Bernie-American Can program from Miami on March 23, over NBCBlue at 9 p.m. Signed through the Herman Bernie office. HELEN MENCKEN and MARGALO GILMORE will do a scene from "Mary of Scotland" on the SATE SMITH A&P Bandwagon program March 18, over CBS, 8-9 p.m. V. H. CARTMELL, editor-in-chief of the Garden City Publishing Co., will be on Mrs. Ida Bailey Allen's WHN Homemakers of the Air program on Thursday morning. PACING RESULTS I \ IN \