Radio daily (Feb-Mar 1937)

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RADIO DAILY: THE Rapid Ad program, conducted by Bob Enoch, is now observing its fourth anniversary at KWK, St. Louis. The program is, as its name implies, a rapid ad service to the local advertisers and smaller merchants. During its span of four years, some 40,000 separate announcements have been broadcast. A similar program, also under the direction of Enoch, is conducted by WWVA in Wheeling, W. Va. "Silver Serenade" is a new program to be heard jrom KDKA, Pittsburgh, at 9 a.m. each Thursday starting March 11. Peggy Tudor, an authority on household etiquette, will be featured in this transcribed series of particular interest to women. Leola Frazier, vocalist, makes her first appearance today from KDKA, Pittsburgh. She and Buddy Biller will feature the Strollers Matinee at 1:45 p.m. Bette Smiley and Charles Grayson will be the vocalists on the Strollers program at the same time Thursday. Gene and Glenn, who returned last week to Des Moines after several weeks up in Minnesota, started an additional series over WHO yesterday, sponsored by Domestic Products Co., 4:30-4:45 p.m., on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. They also are heard Monday through Saturday, 8 p.m., over WHO and CBW affiliates for Kellogg. Gould-Morris Electric Co. of Raleigh has chosen WPTF to broadcast its "Morning Interlude" each Tuesday and Thursday morning at 11:15. At the annual cooking school and home making institute sponsored in Joplin, Mo., by the Joplin Globe and News Herald, WMBH broadcast two quarter-hour periods daily from the booth of the Inter-State Grocer Company. These periods were handled by Bruce Quisenberry, interviewing reporter, who questioned various women attending the school. Frank DeCatur White, cooking authority and instructor at the school, also spoke briefly on the two periods. The Junket program, "Voice of Jerusalem," has been renewed for 13 weeks, effective Thursday. Agency is Advertisers' Broadcasting. "Honor the Law," series of police stories, is being sponsored by Dunhill Clothing Co. over WSPR, Springfield, Mass., Fridays at 5:45 p.m. • • • Alter last night's show. Jack Pearl was oiierred 39 more weeks for the sponsor on returning from a 13-week vacation which begins June 25 ....During the 13week absence. Tommy Dorsey and his boys will present an all-musical show for the sponsor. . . .They sign today. . . .Kate Smith and her "Bandwagon" were signed for A. & P. until Sept. 1, 1938... She goes to Lake Placid during July and August, leaving Henny Youngman to fill her spot .... Latest word is that Henny will plug another A. & P. product when Kate returns to her spot .... Allen Prescott is working out arrangements with his sponsor for a "trailer-studio" in which he'll tour the country .... Larry Menkin of WMCA leaves Friday for WLW, where he'll write and direct shows. • • • Cliff Hall moves above the Tavern this week. .. .Radio Row's mouthpiece, David J. Wolper, is celebrating his 10th year of practice ... .Phillips & Nizer are moving into larger quarters on the 25th floor of the Paramount ... .Comedian Milton Douglas does a repeat Thursday ... .George Griffin and Mildred Monson are from Texas and find this interesting data for conversation ... ."Famous Shots with Famous Golfers" being prepared via transcriptions for a men's fashion firm. . . .Dalton Boys, Gloria Rondell and Harry Dupree are about set to begin a 15-minute musicale for a mascara firm via Mutual. . . .NBC's Jack Fraser broke down on Saturday and doctors ordered immediate rest which accounts for sudden departure ....Sudden changes caused Irene Beasley to remain at the Paradise . . . .Everett Marshall is at the Fox Theater in Philly. • • • That beautiful girl with Donald Flamm in Lindy's yesterday was one of the Pearl twins, who in real life is Mrs. Milton Flamm, Donald's sister-in-law. . . .Manny Denby, editor of the "High School Reporter", is over his appendectomy and back at work .... Bill Swanson, Boston society ork leader now in town, is one of Hub City's most prosperous attorneys. . . . Vincent Travers will be feted by the Crescendo Club in Philly on the 24th .... The bit of the telephone operator on "We, the People" Sunday was tops in thrills and production .... Nick Kenny will present the Hotel Edison Amateur show for the employees tomorrow. • • • Lillian Weiss leaves Artists Syndicate for Miles Ingalls at the French Casino. . . .Ted Husing doing the late spots with Mark Hellinger and Gladys Glad.... CBS will air the Inter-City Golden Gloves on the 24th.... San Felice cigars after auditioning almost everyone finally selected Frank Menke, who compiles the sports year book .... The Roth Agency has formed a Radio Writers' Protective Association which will serve scripters as a registration bureau for ideas. .. .Charles Margolies, ace trumpeteer of the top-notch air shows, has been secretly rehearsing his own band for the past year composed of perfect musicians. He will introduce a weird type of instrumentation shortly ... .Vick Knight will script Philip Merivale's spot when the latter does a Vallee shot, which means that Knight will do work for a competitor to the Smith show, the program he just completed 26 weeks with. • • • May Singhi Breen and Peter DeRose will be heard twice tomorrow (Peter's birthday), once on their own show and also as guestars on the Cheerio program. . . .Ted Hammerstein plays host to 200 orphans this week. J^UDY VALLEE and his boys ha a five-day return engagement at been week-ending in Miami wi Macfadden Beach. Deauville on Miai Tito Guizar, Latin tenor and guita ist, has begun a three-weeks' e gagement at the Roney Plaza, Miai Beach. Jeno Bartal, Piccadilly Hotel at WHN maestro, is soloing on tl cello with his ork for the first tin in several years. He used to be or| of Hungary's foremost symphon musicians. Joe Venuti and his band, no playing one-night stands in Text are California-bound late this mont to play on the Bing Crosby prograi i Duke Ellington will conduct tl Saturday Night Swing Club in , "jam session" of Ellington compos tions in his first airing since his ri: turn from the West Coast. Saturda 7-7:30 p.m. Caspar Reardon, swir harpist will play Ellington's "In , Sentimental Mood." Will Hudson and Eddie De Lang whose band is on tour, collaboratt with Alex Hyde in turning out "M Heart's in a Violin" and "I Plec GuVty," both of which have bee ptaced with Mills Music. Maestros Tom Christian, D t Courtney and Jack Pettis have ju signed with Rockwell-O'Keefe. College Inn, San Diego, Cal., wi' henceforth have all its orchestn furnished by Rockwell O'Keef They've just signed an exclusive cot tract. The three Hoffs, Carl, Bart an Sunny, auditioned for Warner shor the other a.m. The Four Moderneers, now touriv the East on vaude dates, have signe to record for Mills. They were one part of the V8s on the Ford Warin Hour. Coleman Sachs, Birmingham or leader, has just been married t Betty DeLapp. They're honeymoor ing in New Orleans. A new volume of song favorite published by Remick, featuring twelve songs in their original forn and with Eddy Duchin arrangemem will go on sale April 1. Howard Lanin of WFIL-Mutu; batoning a band at Benny the Bum in Philly. The spot has a WFI wire.