Radio daily (Feb-Mar 1937)

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Tuesday. March 9, 1937 RADIO DAILY 5 WITH THE * WOMEN * By ADELE ALLERHAND — TEMME "Lord High Everything Else" of radio. . . .That should be Helen Leighton's ollicial title .... Like the "Mikado's" "Poo Bah" she has multiple functions. . . . Creates, builds, writes and acts in her own programs .... In the current one, commentates on "Women in the News" over W M C A for Philadelphia Dairy Products .... She's been sponsored by Pebeco, Feigenspan Beer and Hire's Root Beer. .. .Expects soon to air a program for a real estate company .... Has been in the business since 1929 and thinks she owes her success to fact that people like her cheery voice and a manner without condescension Believes that when femme announcers fall short it's due to lack of training not inherent inferiority .... Also due to the one-time negative attitude of sponsors and agencies, until the more enterprising lasses broke through .... Is sure that the more decorative sex will come into its own with television Significant fact About 50 per cent of her fan mail is from men .... although the program is aimed at a femme audience .... Marian Joyce will go "floor show" in Philly at the Walton, then return to New York, the St. George Hotel and the Merry -Go-Round Bar after three weeks.... The gal was with WNEW for over a year and a half . . . .Ruth Terry, Irving Berlin's protegee, going screenie with MGM . . . . Maestro Emil Coleman's wife, injured in automobile accident en route to Miami, recuperating from rather serious bruises in the play-town. .. . Virginia Verrill will do a flood benefit Saturday eve at the Washington Heights Y.M.H.A Elizabeth Love rehearsing opposite Chester Stratton in the new Brock Pemberton opus. . . .First songbird to appear on 12 minute broadcast. . . .Ann Nadler of WINS "Maytime" The Henry Street Settlement to salute its founder Lillian Wald on her 70th birthday via WHN tonight .... with scribe Fannie Hurst and Irving Aronson, one of the settlement boys, present to do her honor Charles Le Maire presents Margery Wilson, another charm school prexy. on Thursday. . . .Charm via mail order is what the lady sells. B \l 14 PEC/CNALITIE/ • No. 1 1 in the Series of Who's Who in the Industry • JOHN FRANCIS ROYAL, v. p. in charge of programs: born on the Fourth of July. 1886. Tall, grey-eyed, he is a dominating figure; con sidered a great showman. He presents 70-odd shows a day. and o» his order oceans and continents are bridged, time distance and difficulty ignored. Phone bills at NBC drive the efficiency expert nuts; Royal makes 700 or more a day — and they aren't many "locals" in the number. All program troubles are referred to him — and he replaces canceled shows at a moment's notice. Was newspaperman after being night office boy for the Boston Post, reporter at 18, assistant city editor at 24. First contact with radio as a reporter — the S.S. Republic sinking — when wireless saved the passengers. Did publicity for the Boston Opera Company. Was press agent for B. F. Keith; manager of a Cincinnati theater, shifted to the Cleveland Hipp in 1916. Entered radio in 1929 when general manager for Keith. He supplied vaude talent to small station and was hired as director and general manager for WTAM. Two years later he came to NBC as program director; made vice-president. Provides Hysterics Efficiency Man for Gen. Mills Coast Series Los Angeles — General Mills (Bisquick) has signed for a new type 15minute program of news, fashions, interviews, Monday through Fridays, ll:45-noon, starting March 15, on NBC's Pacific Coast red network. Deal was set by Syd Dixon, NBC sales chief here, through Baggatey Horton & Hoyt agency, Chicago, and E. E. Sylvestre of Wesco's, representing the agency on the Coast. Will use a new mobile unit which NBC is making especially in a 23-foot trailer. First broadcast will come through mobile unit at 20th Century-Fox lot. Lawrence Mencken Resigns Lawrence Mencken, WMCA script writer, has resigned. "Through the Stage Door," program with which he was associated, will be continued. Scher Joins WKY Harold Scher, formerly of radio station CB68, Valparaiso, Chile, is now located at WKY, Oklahoma. Scher is a member of the sales department and does some production. British Radio Congress London — National Federation of Radio Mfrs. will hold its second annual congress of colonial broadcasting in Paris, May 15-18. Paris Radio-Tel. Fair Paris— The Radio and Television Fair will be held here, May 15-31, in conjunction with the Foire de Paris on the grounds of the International Exposition. The 14th annual salon of the Syndicat Professionel des Industries Radioelectriques takes place at Palais Neo-Parnasse, May 14-30. McCall Joins NBC Francis R. McCall, formerly of the Chicago Tribune New York editorial staff, has joined the NBC news and special events department in Radio City. New Business for WHN Following commercials added to WHN yesterday: Eastern Nu-Enamel Co. 54 100-word announcements a week for 6 months. Neff-Rogow, Inc., has the account. Chevrolet, Monday — Wednesday — Friday, 6:15-6:30 p.m., Rubinoff and his violin. Program is composed of ETs and will run 13 weeks. Campbell-Ewald Co. is the agency. Carlson Answers Suit New Orleans — A plea of no cause for action was filed by Charles Carlson, owner of WJBW, in civil district court in the suit entered against him by Southern Broadcasting Co., which terms itself lessor of the station. Receptions for Dealers Greensboro, N. C. — The Commercial Department of WBIG, Greensboro, N. C, has been holding weekly receptions for dealers in this area. Texaco, Phillip Morris, Carolina Baking and other sponsors were among those represented. * STATIC N a * E LASHES w STATION Manager Reginald B. Martin, KFAB-KFOR, Lincoln, took all the salesmen, Program Director Lyle DeMoss; Continuity Chief Gunnar Back; and Special Eventer Jack Hansen to Kansas City for a two-day cruise of the Kaycee stations to pick up a few pointers. WHK, Cleveland, for the fifth consecutive season has signed to carry the Cleveland Indians' home baseball games. New General Motors move in April to NBC's Blue in the 8 p.m. one hour spot will put this concert series over WGAR, Cleveland. Currently WGAR is carrying the Father Charles E. Coughlin series of talks by Mutual in one-half hour of this spot. Station hopes some arrangement can be made that it will be able to carry both features. Formal opening of the new studios of WOWO and WGL, Fort Wayne, Ind., in the Westinghouse Bldg., is set for May 1, according to W. Ward Dorrell, general manager. A host of radio talent is expected for the dedicatory broadcast. WHK and WJAY, Cleveland, have signed for the new Jesse L. Kaufman service which will bring a radio act out of New York to Cleveland once every eight weeks. Tony Senna and Mary Clifford, song and patter, arrive March 15. WGAR, Cleveland, which is basically NBC Blue, begins carrying Mutual dance bands such as Kay Kyser and Benny Goodman in late spots. Rackin Joins WHN Martin Rackin has joined the WHN Publicity department. He will cover the station's studios and handle special features for out-of-town newspapers. Rackin was formerly with Meyer Davis and George D. Lottman. Se iter, Carver & Livingston Publishers, inc. I shall be glad to subscribe myself and to recommend the book to my friends in the Theatre. RICHARD ALDRICH The Blue Book reaches every executive of Radio. Stage and Screen Tell them who you are. 425 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK Telephone: CAI. 5-4854 /