Radio daily (Feb-Mar 1937)

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Out of the West From WHBF ROCK ISLAND, ILL. "We desire to subscribe to two copies of Radio Daily, and please have them addressed to the writer and Mr. Ivan Streed, production manager. I have been following your publication with a great deal of interest, and I am sure it will prove very valuable to the industry." J. W. POTTER. From WHB KANSAS CITY, MO. "Thanks for entering my subscription for Radio Daily. Copies are beginning to arrive and I look forward eagerly to their daily receipt. Your organization is publishing a very newsy sheet!** DONALD DWIGHT DAVIS. From KOL SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. "You have taken your information, presented it in an extremely interesting and readable manner and have published it in just the right size for convenience. In brief, and from one who has to read every source of radio information, — congratulations !** CONSTANCE STEVENSON. From Mertens & Price, Inc. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. "Your daily is a real asset to the industry, and we get the full value of a years subscription from every issue.** GEORGE LOGAN PRICE • The foregoing are just a few of the many unsolicited expressions that are pouring in to Radio Daily. Sign and mail this coupon Today Charter Subscription Price $5.00 (Foreign $10.00) RADIO DAILY 1501 Broadway, N. Y. C. Gentlemen: — Please enter my subscription to RADIO DAILY for one year. Name Title Company Address □ BILL ME □ Check Enclosed.