Radio daily (Feb-Mar 1937)

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Thursday. March 18, 1937 RADIO DAILY 5 WITH THE WOMEN * By ADELE ALLERHAND — OHEILA BARRETT, the gal who draws caricatures with her face, pow wowing with Paramount Pix .... One of the few femme arrangers, Ona Welsh of the "Kit Kat," functions in that capacity for the "Three Peppers" program .... WNEW femininity all atwitter on account of Chief Announcer Ted Webbe has renounced upper lip hirsute adornment. . . . 39 (count 'em) femmes will guest-record for the new Rubinoff "Musical Moments Revue". . . Patti Pickens, Benay Venuta. Gogo Delys, Willie Morris and Tess Gardella are a mere 5 of them .... Kay Weber posing for beaufy and fashion pix for Peggy Sweet, Fashion and Beauty Editor of the Chi Herald Examiner. . . . Eve Love, publicity damsel, formerly with NBC, back in town today after Washington confab with Maestro Whiteman, en route to New York from the Biscayne Kennel Club and Florida dog days. ▼ T A new commercial for spring, with a fur company and an automobile concern both agog, is being rumored for "The Rhapsody in Blue's" chief exponent ... .Chapeaux take to the air over KWTO, with two ultra Springfield, Mo., shops publicizing what's on women's minds. . . .Both the Roxy Hat Shops and Hatland say that results from radio versus newspaper advertising are in the ratio of 10 to 1 in favor of the airwaves.... Another femme problem dating from the paleolithic period receives consideration when Patricia Barclay plays the frau in "How to Keep Your Husband Civilized" March 22 over the NBC-WJZ Network Nellie Revell will interview two thespian luminaries when Ethel Barrymore and Bee Lillie appear as her guests March 30 and April 6, respectively. T T First proposal dramatized on the Fanny May Baldridge-Newell Davis WMCA "True Marriage Proposals" broadcast Friday is that of little Lynn Mary Oldham's (she's one of radio's pet youngsters) mater .... Judy Canova's visiting iirewoman is her own "Aunt Sweet" from down Dixie-way .... The NBC crowd think she's a lamb and she bestowed on them all the order of the "real Cracker" .... The Van Wirt, Ohio, steno who gave rules for bosses on Phillips Lord's "We, the People" last Sabbath got a chuckle from the man higher up instead of the bird, as was fearfully anticipated. mm in feview "INTERBORO SPELLING BEE" Sustaining WOR-Mutual, Mondays, 8:30-9 p.m. ANOTHER SPELLING CONTEST BUT WITH A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT AUDIENCE ANGLE. Bob Emery as the spelling master has started an Inter-Boro Spelling Bee on Mutual with Brooklyn the first stop. Program is the same as all the other programs on the air, but has a new touch in that the studio audience acts as a jury in passing upon words that stymie the spellers. If a contestant admits he has never heard of the word a vote is taken of the audience on how many can spell the word. If a large number answer in the affiirmative the word stays. Another rule that should be included in all spelling bees is a limit on the number of times a word should be repeated which no one can spell. By the process of elimination someone is bound to guess the correct spelling. Next week program will be from the Bronx. "PEGGY TUDOR" Oneida WOR-Mutual, Wednesday, 11:4512 noon. ENJOYABLE TRANSCRIPTION OF NICELY SUITED MUSIC AND VOCAL NUMBERS. This WBS transcription series in behalf of Oneida silverware makes its debut with a program that is very appropriate. The orchestra and vocal numbers have been fittingly selected. Peggy Tudor, who does the talks on silver, telling how to arrange the knives, forks and spoons on the table, has a cheery voice. As a hookup with the air series, announcement is made of booklets given away by dealers. John Mclntyre is the announcer. "MIDNIGHT IN MANHATTAN" Sustaining WOR-Mutual, March 16, midnight to 12:30 a.m. Much heralded special events program got up by WOR's staff for airing over the coast to coast Mutual netNBC Airing Harvard Play Boston— NBC on March 23 will broadcast a quarter-hour program from the Harvard Hasty Pudding Club play, "Come Across." Broadcast will be handled by Arthur Feldman, WBZ news and special events director, and will be on the NBCBlue, 11:15-11:30 p.m. work turned out to be a flop. Announcers were not supplied with any statistics regarding the particular assignment, that they were covering and they asked the same questions of every person interviewed. Spots visited, with the exception to the Sixth Ave. subway excavation and Police Patrol Boat, can be seen in hundreds of other cities. What city does not have a fire house, all-night diner, a produce market, a telephone exchange, and a morning newspaper? Program should have lined up only those spots which are found only in a few other cities better still if found only in New York. An eye-witness account of what went on in night court that night should have been a part of the program. Other points which could have been substituted for the other assignments are a talk with a subway motorman, a cruise through the Bowery or Ghetto, Wall St., the unloading of a freighter in the harbor, a Harlem Taxi dance hall, and a talk with a sentry on Governor's Island. Joe Tobin, Howard Barnes, Dave Driscoll, Jerry Lawrence, Jeff Sparks, and Ed Fitzgerald covered the town. SELLING THE STATIC N Friendly Letters Herb Hollister, manager of KANS, Wichita, Kas., sends out a friendly letter, discoursing chattily about the station and also about conditions in the area. The crop situation and the state of business are always important topics to anyone in the middlewest and to sponsors interested in that territory. Hollister touches on these subjects, and also on other items of business and human interest involving KANS. It's a nice, indirect way of acquiring good will. Film Trailer Exploitation Unique in promotion stunts for radio programs is the idea conceived by Orville Foster who is featured over KSO, Des Moines, as The Day Dreamer in a daily quarter-hour of organ music, poetry and friendly patter. Foster has made a 2 -reel film history of his Day Dreamer show, picturing the many personal gifts listeners have sent him, stacks of mail, mail reports, clippings from newspapers and magazines and other data. The 16-millimeter film has been placed at the disposal of IBS salesmen who can feature it on a small projector lugged to the clients office. JOHN EBERSON STUDIO ARCHITECT □ ACOUSTIC CONSULTANT 1560 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY