Radio daily (Feb-Mar 1937)

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2 RADIO DAILY Tuesday, March 23. 1937 Vol. 1, No. 30 Tues., Mar. 23, 1937 Price 5 Cts. JOHN W. ALICOATE : : : Publisher DON CARLE GILLETTE : : : Editor MARVIN KIRSCH : : Business Manager Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Radio Daily Corp. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Treasurer and General Manager; Chester B. Bahn, Vice-President; Charles A. Alicoate, Secretary; M. H. Shapiro, Associate Editor; John B. English, Advertising Manager. Terms (Post free) United States outside of Greater New York, one year, $5; foreign, year, $10. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to RADIO DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Wisconsin 7-6336, 7-6337, 7-6338, 7-6339. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, Calif.— Ralph Wilk and Verne Bailey, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. Copyright, 1937, by Radio Daily Corp. All rights reserved. FINANCIAL' (Monday. Mar. 22) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET High Low Close Am. Tel. f> Tel 171 1 68 '/2 168'/2 Crosley Radio 24 V4 23 Vi 23 Vi Gen. Electric 555/8 54 y4 54 Vi North American 28 26% 26V4 RCA Common llVi 11 Vs "Vs RCA First Pfd 775/8 76 Vi 76 Vi RCA $5 Pfd. B (75 Bid) Stewart Warner 18% 18% 18% Zenith Radio 35% 34% 34% NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE Hazeltine Corp Majestic 4'/8 4 4 Nat. Union Radio . . 2% 2'/8 25/8 OVER THE COUNTER Bid CBS A 563/4 CBS B 56i/2 Stromberg Carlson 16 Net Chg. — 23/4 — 1 — V/2 — 1% — % — 1% — Vi — 15/8 — '/8 — Vb Asked 583/4 58V2 17 Coach-and-4 Broadcast As WOR Easter Novelty The first coach-and-four to hit Fifth Avenue in 20 years will make its appearance Easter Sunday, carrying Cobina Wright, Jerome Zerbe Jr., and Bruce and Louis Kaiser, sons of Mrs. Louis Kaiser of Bethel, Conn., owner of the coach. There will be a WOR-Mutual broadcast at 12:1512:30 with all the guests participating. Harold Levey Leaving NBC Harold Levey, composer-conductor, will leave NBC shortly to devote more time to his composing. He has completed a romantic radio operetta and will soon finish another operetta which is planned for early fall production on Broadway. Levey has been with NBC for almost three years. NETWORK SOX, FAVORITES Following is an accurate list of performances for the week endijig March 20, covering songs played from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. on CBS and two NBC networks. Only compositions played 15 times or more are included. This listing is a regular Tuesday feature in RADIO DAILY. Selection Publisher Times Played I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm (Irving Berlin, Inc.) 29 When My Dreamboat Comes Home (M. Witmark & Sons) 29 Boo Hoo (Shapiro, Bernstein, Inc.) 28 Good Night My Love (Robbins Music Corp.) 25 Too Marvelous for Words (Harms, Inc.) 25 This Year's Kisses (Irving Berlin, Inc.) 23 On a Little Bamboo Bridge (Joe Morris Music Co.) 22 I Can't Lose That Longing for You (Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble). . 20 Little Old Lady (Chappell & Co.) 20 May I Have the Next Romance With You (Leo Feist, Inc.) 20 What Will I Tell My Heart (Crawford Music Corp.) 20 Swing High. Swing Low (Famous Music Corp.) 19 My Last Affair (Chappell & Co.) 18 When the Poppies Bloom Again (Shapiro, Bernstein, Inc.) 18 Where Are You (Leo Feist, Inc.) 18 Gee, But You're Swell (Remick Music Corp.) 17 Slumming on Park Avenue (Irving Berlin, Inc.) 17 Moonlight and Shadows (Popular Melodies) 16 Serenade in the Night OMills Music, Inc.) 16 Sweet Is the Word for You (Famous Music Corp.) 16 You're Laughing at Me (Irving Berlin. Inc.) 15 Brewery Will Sponsor Ball Games Over KGBX Springfield, Mo. — One of the biggest contracts in history of KGBX was signed Saturday when arrangements were completed for Peerless Brewing Co. of Washington, Mo., to sponsor play-by-play broadcasts of Springfield's Western Association (Class C) games during the 1937 season. Peerless will introduce Cardinal Beer in this area through the broadcasts. Practically all broadcasts will be carried at night, inasmuch as night baseball is played in the Western Association, with only some of the Sunday games in the afternoon. KGBX will pick up all baseball broadcasts which do not conflict with NBC obligations. It is believed time can be cleared for more than 100 games of the 150-game schedule. Lee George, veteran KWTO-KGBX sportscaster, will again be at the microphone this season. Koessler loins WROK Rockford, 111. — Walter Koessler has been appointed sales manager for WROK. He comes from Janesville, Wis., where he filled a similar position with WCLO since 1935. Koessler was named to his post by Lloyd C. Thomas, president and general manager of Rockford Broadcasters Inc. 50 for Langlois-Wentworth Langlois and Wentworth have released the first 50 programs of their new continuity service to all stations using the Lang-Worth planned program service. The new service has been designed to give the widest possible range of programs available for commercial sponsorship. WMBG in NBC Group Starting on June 27 Richmond — WMBG will be available to NBC advertisers as a member of the NBC southeastern group on June 27. Rate has been set at $120. WRVA switches to CBS on the same date. Rate will be $200. Present CBS rate for WMBG is $125 and $160 for WRVA on the NBC card. Services for Beghtol Lincoln — Funeral services were held yesterday for A. L. Beghtol, one of the founders of KFAB in December, 1924, and president of the station's board from 1930 until his retirement in 1936. He died here late last week. Begthol had not been active in the company since 50 per cent interest in it, as well as KFOR, Lincoln, and KOIL, Omaha, was acquired by the Lincoln Star and Nebraska State Journal early in 1936. His daughter Jessie Gretchen Lee, is a continuity writer for KFAB. "Melody Kitchen" on WDNC Durham, N. C. — "Melody Kitchen," sponsored by Durham Public Service Co., opened its third annual series on WDNC yesterday, 8:30-9 p.m. Popular feature again presents the Friendly Quartet, assisted by local talent. Mary Dixon has charge of the program. if o says Sponsoring the W H N Amateur Hour Phillips received 72,900 requests for their product from only two broadcasts! lAfUflkl DIAL 1010 M-C-M • LOEWS <-i J (35A cominc and GoinG HARRY O NEIL of Consolidated Drug Co., one of the largest time-buyers on local stations throughout the country, is in New York from Chicago for a few days. ED CRANEY. owner of KGIR, Butte, Mont is in New York for a short stay. CORNELIA OTIS SKINNER goes to Bryn Mawr College, near Philadelphia, tomorrow, presenting a group of short monologues of the modern school. OTIS SKINNER will accompany his daughter. MR. and MRS. JAMES WRIGHT BROWN arrive today on the Santa Lucia from a southern cruise. Brown is owner and editor of "Editor and Publisher". TED COLLINS returns today from Lake Placid. HENNY YOUNGMAN and IRVING PAUL LAZAR leave Thursday for Baltimore where Henny will play a vaudeville engagement at the Hipp. LLOYD EGNER, manager NBC transcription department, returns to his desk today after his Chicago trip. PAUL WHITE, CBS director of special events, and JOHN D. FITZGERALD, his assistant, are both on the road. White arrived in Chicago last night from New York via plane, and Fitzgerald entrained for Washington last night. BOB HOTZ, former radio director for Blackett Sample & Hummert, has left for Chicago, to spend ten days. Radio Editor Has "Ghost" Pittsburgh — Darrell V. Martin, whose widely read column in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is always "plugging" the local talent, has annexed for himself a ghost in the form of Sid Dickler, popular band leader, with talents other than musical. Dickler, who writes for the Musicians Journal and The Metronome, has collaborated with Martin in presenting a new series of daily features, "Local 60 on Parade." The series, only two weeks old, is expected to run over 300. Martin's "ghost" gives daily personal sketches of the musicians in Local 60, who for many years have been totally unknown as far as the public is concerned. It is good reading matter for the big Martin following and in turn is a fine builder-upper and good-will for the radio ed and the band leader, to say nothing about "upping" the circulation of the morning publication. Pearl Show on WICC Bridgeport — WICC has joined the NBC-Blue network carrying the Jack Pearl program, Fridays 10 p.m. The Tavern RADIO'S RENDEZVOUS MAKE THIS YOUR LUNCHEON — DINNER — SUPPER CLUB 158 W. 48th St. "Toots" Shor RADIO EVENTS, INC. AN INDEPENDENT PRODUCING GROUP SERVING ADVERTISING AGENCIES 535 Fifth Avenue, New York, N . Y. '-'flum? siclifl/ Mr Mfidlioticn k * 1