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Tuesday, March 30, 1937
Joan Blaine south by plane with mother for a month's stay in Miami, instead of Palm Springs as originally planned. Will return to New York for new show — already signed for— handled by Bill Murray of William Morris N. Y. office.
Lum and Abner definitely set for Hollywood broadcasts in the future. Pair in Chicago for agency and sponsor conference setting everything for subsequent airings in quick time of four hours. Lord & Thomas handling.
Franklyn MacCormack, Jack Fulton and Karlton Kelsey poetic and musical show to take Friday night shot of Mortimer Gooch over for Wrigley when Gooch show leaves air on April 2.
Carroll Dickerson and his well known ork from the Cotton Club have taken to the air nightly over station WCFL at 10:30 p.m. CST.
Truman Bradley had his Easter dinner in Detroit with Mr. & Mrs. Cullen Landis. Landis was a movie celeb of the silent era.
Hugh Studebaker spent his holiday in Kansas City with his mother.
Bill Amsdell of the CBS drama "Sunbrite Junior Nurse Corps" signed with script sponsors to accompany Junior Nurses, Lucy Gillman and Helena Ray, to west coast this summer where girls' radio org will hold initial convention. ,
Dolores Gillen, feminine interest of Bob Elson's street interviews over WGN, signed for the movies by Joe Rubenstein, Warner Bros. talent scout.
Col. Roscoe Turner off on a flying trip to Burbank for Easter and back at NBC studios on Monday in time for his air show.
Gene Arnold and His Minstrel Troupe do a repeat guest appearance on the Alka-Seltzer National Barn Dance on Saturday.
Smiling Ed McConnell has purchased a nine-room house on a 30acre plot in Elk Lake, Mich. — and a new motorboat to go with it.
"Virginia Lee and Sunbeam" radio drama of a Southern girl and a Negro mammy, featured in the past on WLS here, returns to the air over that station next Monday.
Patricia (Bachelor's Children) Dunlap back in Chi by plane after week in Hollywood.
Ruth (Girl Alone) Bailey was all set for a trip to Bermuda this week but forced to stay here when written in script of "Bachelor's Children" — in a broadcast part that had her taking a trip to Bermuda!
Margot Rebeil is WGN's latest star soprano soloist.
Rowena Williams, who first gained fame as winner of the CBS audition for Dick Powell's "Hollywood Hotel," will be presented as featured soloist with the Northerners octet over WGN today.
LOUIS H. FROHMAN will join the Wales Advertising Co., Inc., as executive vice-president April 1. Frohman was formerly connected with the Frank Presbrey Co.
GLEN SHEARS, for the past ten years associated with Henri, Hurst & MacDonald Advertising Agency, Chicago, has joined the Chicago staff of Lord and Thomas.
BUCK GUNN, assistant head of J. Walter Thompson's radio department, has J. Morse Ely of the social register as assistant.
Fleischmann Disks
For Latin-America
Alsop Radio Recording Inc. has completed a series of 15-minute musical and dramatic transcriptions for Fleischmann's Yeast Co. for LatinAmerica. These foreign language transcriptions feature dramatizations of the lives of the great composers. Transcriptions for Fintex Clothes of Cleveland, Saskasal Salts of Saskatchewan, Candycod, Peter Pan Salmon, Pioneer Minced Clams, Walkover Shoes, Little Duchess Bluing and Kalms have also been cut.
A series of ten one-minute dramatic announcements for I. J. Fox of Boston, and another series of 180 one-minute dramatizations for the Samuel Stores have also been recorded by Alsop. The Dudley Lock Co. is in process of having a series of 5 minute dramatic and musical transcriptions cut by Alsop.
More Sets for Chinese Schools
To supplement the 2000 radio sets now installed in the schools of China the Ministry of Education has ordered the distribution of an additional 5000 receivers to schools, according to a report to the Commerce Department from the American Commercial Attache, Shanghai. The Central Broadcasting Station at Nanking has been instructed to furnish daily broadcasts on educational and scientific subjects, the report states.
Philly Record Takes Show
Philadelphia — The Philadelphia Record, morning sheet, is making use for the first time its swap deals with WIP to provide a live talent program. Paper takes over the "Philadelphia Parade of Events," half-hour dramatization of local news following a "March of Time" pattern. Program has been heard sustaining over WIP on Saturdays for the past two months, a product of Edward Wallace, station's production director.
Health Series Changes Time
"Your Health" series, aired as a sustaining show over the NBC-Blue network Tuesdays, 5-5:30 p.m., will move to a 4-4:30 p.m. spot on March 30, and will continue to be heard at that hour in the future. Program is presented by the American Medical Association.
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