Radio daily (Jan-Mar 1938)

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2 Friday, January 21, 1938 Vol. 3. No. 15 Fri., Jan. 21. 1938 Price 5 Cts. JOHN W. ALICOATE : : : Publisher DON CARLE GILLETTE : : : Editor RADIO DAILY: MARVIN KIRSCH : Business Manager Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Radio Daily Corp. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau. Treasurer and General Manager; Chester B. Bahn, Vice-President; Charles A. Alicoate, Secretary; M. H. Shapiro. Associate Editor Terms (Post free) United States outside of Greater New York, one year, $5 ; foreign, year, $10. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to RADIO DAILY. 1501 Broadway. New York, N. Y. Phone Wisconsin 7-6356, 7-6337, 7-6338. Cable address: Filmday. New York. Hollywood, Calif. — Ralph Wilk. 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. Entered as second class matter April 5. 1937, at the postoffice at New York, N. Y. under the act of March 3, 1879. FINANCIAL ( Thursday , Jan. 20) NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANCE Am Tel. & Tel High 14634 Low 145 1/2 Close H6I/4 Net Ch» 3,8 CBS A 21 V8 2H/4 2U/2 — V* CBS B 21 21 21 Crosley Radio 10 10 10 + "i/4 Gen. Elecfric 433/4 43 '/, 435-s Vs RCA Common 67g 65/g 63/4 + 1 8 RCA First Pfd 49' 2 49 491/2 4 ’/8 Stewart Warner Westinghouse Zenith Radio 11 10'/2 11 + 3 IO6I/2 104' 4 106 + 2 16 155/s 16 OVER THE COUNTER Stromberg Carlson Bid 61/4 Asked 71/4 KDYL Adds Equipment Salt Lake City — John M. Baldwin, KDYL chief engineer, has just completed installation of duplicate control room, with auxiliary 78 and 33 1/3 r.p.m. turntables. Other innovations include intricate system of studio control lights and relays, another Western Electric 23A Speech Input System, and high-fidelity audition equipment. Complete call system throughout station’s departmental offices, centralized in g.m.’s headquarters, has also been completed under Mr. Baldwin’s direction. 4 Foreign Languages In New WABY Series Gilman Breaks Ground For NBC Coast Studios Albany — WABY is airing a Monday evening series of foreign language programs. with Polish, German, Italian and Jewish features scheduled. Talks in each language are followed by music appealing to the respective groups. ( Continued from Page 1) Center. Plot is at the corner of Vine St. and Sunset Blvd., at one time occupied by the old Famous Players-Lasky studios. Several radio stars participated in the ceremonies. Broadcasts from Normandie WOR Mutual is arranging two broadcasts to originate from the Normandie while on its cruise to South America. The first will be the day after it leaves on Feb. 6, and the second will be another short wave under the direction of WOR engineers from the harbor of Rio de Janeiro on Feb. 16. The occasion will be tied up with a dinner in honor of the President of Brazil. Jack Arthur, WOR-Mutual emcee, will be on hand, as well as two engineers. Night before the Normandie sails, Dave Driscoll will interview the purchasing agent and visit the ship’s stores. Warnow Orchestra Increased Mark Warnow’s orchestra on the Heinz "Magazine of the Air” program aired Sundays at 5 p.m. over CBS has been increased to 28 musicians, against 15 formerly. Lyn Murray’s chorus of 12 men and eight girls also appears with the aggregation. Channing Pollock is the program’s commentator. Maxon Inc. is the agency. Alfred W. Hanson Dead London— Alfred Walter Hanson, BBC producer, was found dead in his home Tuesday night. Liberty Stories on WHN Dramatized short stories from Liberty will be presented over WHN starting Monday at 6:15-6:30 p.m. Program also will be heard Wednesdays and Fridays. "American Portraits" on NBC A new series titled “American Portraits”, dealing with noted Americans, will be presented over NBCRed network Saturdays at 9:30-10 p.m. starting Feb. 5. Material will be prepared by Raymond D. Scudder of NBC continuity staff from “Dictionary of American Biography”. Miro Joins Sisson Staff Henri Miro, arranger and conductor who has appeared throughout Europe and South America with leading operatic and symphonic organizations, has joined the staff of “Canada 1938” as supervisor of the arranging department. Miro heads a staff of four veteran musical arrangers and is himself directly responsible for the choral specialties featured by choir, octette and trio on this Friday evening program, of which Ken Sisson is musical director. Baking Firm on WJAS Pittsburgh — Baur Bros. Baking Co., a subsidiary of Ward Baking, will start a new spot announcement campaign Jan. 24 on WJAS. Firm will use 22 one-minute transcriptions weekly. Gene Furgason & Co. are the station’s rep. Technicians Prefer Charges Chicago — Associated Broadcast Technicians, composed of engineers of CBS owned and operated stations, has preferred charges against WFBM, Indianapolis, and Don Searle, business manager of Central States Broadcasting System operating KOIL, KFAB and KFOR, before the National Labor Relations Board charging intimidation of employes. Announcement was made by J. F. Novy, secretary, who is associated with WBBM-CBS. Fred Lange, WEEI, Boston, is president of ABT. Stuart Doyle Laid Up Stuart F. Doyle, chairman of board of Commonwealth Broadcasting Network, is confined to his suite at the Waldorf-Astoria by pneumonia. Doyle, here on business, was scheduled to leave for the coast Saturday on the first leg of his trip back to Australia. Colored Amateurs on WIL St. Louis — Claude Collins, one of the outstanding local entertainers, will emcee and produce the first allcolored amateur air show ever broadcast in this area. The “Simon Pure” opus is to be aired from the stage of one of the local colored theaters and will be sponsored by Goldberg Furniture Co. — its first venture in radio. F.D.R. Ball Program on Mutual Mutual tonight will devote the 8-8:30 p.m. spot to the President’s Birthday Ball. Helen Hayes, Joan Bennett, Mischa Auer. Ella Logan and Milton Douglas will be on the show. Program will originate from WGN, Chicago. 3 New UP Vice-Presidents Three United Press executives, Clem J. Randau, general business manager, Edwin Moss Williams, sales manager, and Earl J. Johnson, head of the news department, have been elected vice-presidents by the board of directors. MARTIN BLOCK’S “Make-Believe Ballroom” A WNEW FEATURE 1250 Kc 9:15 TO 11 A M. 5:30 TO 7 P. M Stump Them and Win The “Stump Me Boys” program, featuring Elmer Krebs, musical director, and Woods Dreyfus, singing announcer, has started a new series over WISN. Team invites listeners to send in song titles in an attempt to stump them. Those who succeed in doing so, receive merchandise prizes from the sponsor, Kellogg Seed Co. Ripley's New P. A. William Dunn, ex-American Airlines, is now handling publicity for Robert Ripley. Dunn is handling radio along with the other Ripley enterprises. LOUDSPEAKER cominG and GOinc HARRY C. WILDER, president of WSYR. WNBX and WJTN, is in New York. E. ELLSWORTH BISHOP, general manager of WCH, Newport News, is in town. KEITH KIGGENS of NBC station relations department leaves New York today on a periodic tour of southwest stations. NEIL SKINNER, associate of Jean Paul King, left for Hollywood yesterday to line up movie stars for the Provincetown Playhouse this summer. TAYLOR BUCKLEY, radio and concert baritone. has returned from Miami where he gave a concert at the Miami-Biltmore. KEN SISSON arrived last night from Canada by plane. HERBERT V. AKERBERG, CBS vice-president in charge of station relations, is in Miami for a short vacation. JOHN PATT, vice-president and general manager of WGAR. Cleveland, is a New York visitor. SAM COOK, WFBL, Syracuse, executive, arrived in town last night for a few days. He is en route to Florida. LUTHER HILL, manager of KRNT, Des Moines, is another radio executive doing the town. HARRY BUTCHER, CBS Washington vicepresident and Paul Porter are in New York for a few days. Preview for Latin Officials Atlas Radio Corp. is arranging a special preview of its “Ports of Call” to be played before representatives of Latin American republics. The meeting, in line with the observance of Pan-American Day on April 14, will be held in Washington under the sponsorship of the producers and distributors of this feature. Basic idea of the program series is to build goodwill for the foreign countries which are the subjects of each broadcast. Plug Selective Broadcasting World Broadcasting System has issued a handy booklet on “Selective Broadcasting”, by Norton Cotterill, vice-president of WBS. condensed from a recent advertising trade magazine article. The discussion deals with the new possibilities open to stations’ advertisers, agencies and as a result of high-quality electrical transcriptions. . . . Did you Uhow that & uaid cuidilion is Hucssauf to qualify foi acUnittOHCCtodhcSchoolof