Radio daily (Jan-Mar 1938)

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1 Friday, January 21, 1938 GLE/T-ING MIRIAM HOPKINS, on Kate Smith show, Jan. 27 (CBS. 8 p.m.).j HANNAH KLEIN and PAULA GILBERT, pianists, on Sealtest program, Jan. 30 (NBC-Red, 10 p.m.). EZIO PINZA and JOSE ITURBI. on “Magic Key of RCA,” Jan. 30 (NBC-Blue, 2 p.m.). JAN PEERCE, on “Radio City Music Hall on the Air,” Mischa Violin conducting, Jan. 30 (NBC-Blue, 12:45 I p.m.). PAT O'BRIEN and HUGH DANIELS, RKO fashion advisor, on “Seein’ Stars” program. Jan. 23 (NBC-Blue, 7:30 p.m.) . MRS. ALOIS HAVRILLA, on Glenna Strickland’s “Kitchen Kapers,” Jan. 26 (WNEW, 11 a.m.). BERNIE FLIEGEL, City College basketball captain, on Jocko Maxwell’s sports program, tomorrow (WLTH, 6 p.m.). PAUL LUKAS, interviewed by Adam Miller on "Theater Guide,” tomorrow (WINS, 11:15 a.m.). JACK BREGMAN, song publisher, on Gene Ford’s “New York Town,” tonight (WHN, 9 p.m.). ELIZABETH RETHBERG, on Ford Sunday Evening Hour, Jan. 30 (CBS, 9 p.m.). F.T.C. CASES Following are among stipulations to cease and desist from certain unfair representations in sale of products approved by Federal Trade Commission in the past month: Kellogg Co., All Bran; Consolidated Drug Trade Products, McCoy’s Cod Liver Oil Extract Tablets, Calcocide; Earl E. May Seed Co., directed to discontinue representing that it owns or operates lands or properties on which the nursery stock sold is grown, unless and until such is a fact. WOPI, Bristol, Term. Station has inaugurated a new program consisting of 15 minutes of songs by the Hickory Tree Quartet of the artist staff. Larry and His Souvenirs is fast becoming a favorite of the people of Bristol. Show features “old time” tunes and special requests are welcomed. Greetings from Radio Daily January 21 Georgie Burns Dinty Doyle Vic Erwin A1 Rice Ed Fitzgerald January 22 James Melton Vivien Ruth Felix B. Dyckhoff January 23 Edward Harris Rosa Ponselle Earl Waldo RADIO DAILY: • • • Kay Kyser's "College of Musical Knowledge" (which was the remote sustainer we raved about) has been sold to Lucky Strike and replaces "Melody Puzzles" over MBS on Feb. 1.... Grace Moore replaces Lawrence Tibbett on the Chesterfield-Kostelanetz series March 30 for 13 weeks ... ."People's Choice" returns to the usual 8-8:30 Sunday spot next Sunday with Harry Conn's "Earaches" moving back to the follow-up spot. ...Mrs. Elaine Steine Carrington, who scripts "Pepper Young's Family," broke her shoulder the other day and is now dictating scripts to a steno. Edward G. Robinson, who changed from gangster roles in the movies to City Editor on the radio, will portray Rackefbuster Tom Dewey in a Columbia picture. The inside on his eastern trek is — to confer with Dewey!.... George Jessel has been renewed by all his sponsors on the MBShow as of Feb. 7. . . .Haven MacQuarrie was the first to be invited for the Waldorf affair. .. Roman Bohnen, vet actor with the Group Theater, joins the "Big Sister" cast .... William Farmer and his band go into a Park Ave. hotel within two weeks with a network wire .... NBC is trying to get sponsorinterest in "Philo Vance" for $2,500 . ... Zeula James, sec'y to Douglas Coulter at CBS, will marry Eugene J. Guenard, a teeth-yanker at the Little Church Around the Corner. She was once with N. W. Ayer & Son .... At the Casa Manana opening some one inquired where Abe Lyman's band was — learning that it was up in the second balcony — the inquisitive one replied: "That isn't Lyman — that's Muzak." d • • To break us of a treacherous idiosyncrasy, our boss kept us late after school last nite to write “Hilltop House is sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive-Peet” 500 times! ... In using the expression “ Two Markets to Market” as the slogan for his WOPI in Bristol, General Manager W. A. Wilson gives in the four words the sales story of the station which is located on the border-line of two markets — Tennessee— and Virginia. .. .Milton Brandi, who plays records on WISN, ( Milwaukee ) “Early Risers Club” broadcast, plays a record entitled “Echoes of the Past” and recently he requested some old records via the show. The other day he received a package of 400 old recordings— some made more than 20 years ago! • • • Howard Hughes, the record-breaking flyer, is talking to NBC for the use of a technician on a contemplated "round-the-world" hop so as to make daily airings from the air. . . NBC will use the "Passion Play" in five installments as a sustainer during Holy Week .... Georges Enesco's last shot of the season as conductor of the N. Y. Philharmonic via CBS is Jan. 30, when baton again falls to John Barbirolli. . . .Milton Berle's dad is very ill — and Milt won't leave the bedside unless he's forced to make a "Hollywood Hotel" appearance next week.... Jack Rosenberg, prez of AFM's 802, had ten teeth yanked from his mouth. . . . A new band was hired 'or this week's "Manhattan Merry-Go-Round" .... Gogo DeLys finishes her stay with CBS. ..Walter Cassel has been signed by CBS.. . (Leon &-) Eddie Davis returns to the place Ionite after a week's confinement to the bed due to a sprained ankle sustained last Sunday nite doing "Romeo and Juliet". ... Irving (Lazy Dan) Kaufman goes into the Atlantis Hotel in Florida next month .... Ted Husing and Betty ("The Women") Lawford plan going south Feb. 5. • • • KFRO, Longview, Tex., recently demonstrated the abil ity of radio to bring news to its audience while it happens. The station received a flash of a well explosion about 12 miles away in the town of Kilgore. Pronto Manager Harold Johnson rushed to the scene of the fire with equipment and within twenty minutes KFRO was on the air direct from the scene of the disastrous fire with an eye-witness description. Because it was difficult to put the fire out on the oil well, KOCA, Kilgore, installed a remote line 300 feet from the burning well and fed the description to KGKB, Tyler, and KFRO, Longview. DOL BRISETTE is directing the new staff orchestra which made its debut this week over WTAG, Worcester. Crew will be heard daily at 12:30 noon. Harold Stern and his orchestra, set by CRA, opened Wednesday at the Hotel St. George, Brooklyn. Eddy Rogers and his orchestra, who recently closed at the Rainbow Grill atop Radio City, have been booked by Consolidated to play the Beverly Hills Country Club, Newport, Ky., starting Feb. 4. Will have an NBC wire. Lee Grant has signed Martin Brook to vocalize with his orchestra on WMCA’s daily “Grandstand and Bandstand” commercial. Brook is featuring Grant’s special arrangements of “Nursery Rhyme Jam.” Jack Sherr and his orchestra, who recently closed at the White Mansions, Pittsburgh, opens for CRA at the Rice Hotel in Houston for four weeks starting Jan. 28. Sherr was featured for ten months at the Hotel St. Moritz, New York, and was a recent subject of Ripley’s “Believe It or Not” cartoon because of his versatility. The new, enlarged WBAL ( Baltimore) Orchestra, directed by Bob lula, will be heard every evening except Sunday in a program of light concert and popular music, called “Around the Dinner Table.” Lou Weiss features his own piano composition “candle lights” on the program of the Rose Room Orchestra over WICC, Bridgeport, tomorrow at 8 p.m. Bunny Berigan is now on an extended road tour of the South, completing recently his tour of New England and the Middle West. He is scheduled to make a series of appearances in leading theaters, dance palaces and colleges through Feb. 12. Sammy Kaye resumes his practice of popularizing fraternity songs Saturday when he dedicates Pi Kappa Alpha’s number, “The Dream Girl of Pi K A,” over Mutual during his “Swing and Sway” program at 5-6 p.m. FOR RENT SUITE OF OFFICES IN RKO BLDG. Completely Equipped — Sound Proof Studio — Microphones — Turntables and complete unit. Furniture for sale as a whole or in part. Can be seen TODAY and Saturday between 12 and 2 p.m. or call Circle 6-3720 for appointment, Apt. 11-D SUITE 908